
Chapter nine


It's lunch time at the office and I'm standing outside Shaylin's door office door, trying to work up the nerve knock. It's been six days since the strange woman appeared to me in my room and demanded that I give up my place as the crown prince. Dangerous as that woman seemed I have no plans on giving up my rightful place as the future king. Getting close to Shaylin helping her become less materialistic and more responsible is one way for me to get closer to my goal of becoming the future king.

I finally knock on her door and hear a muffled, "come in," from the inside of the office. I enter into the office and find see Shaylin standing behind her table ,looking like she's getting up to go somewhere.

" Hello, Mr Martin." She says as she slowly makes her way from behind her table, to the center of the room and directly in front of me. "Did you need something? I'm just on my way out to lunch."

" Yes, I was actually hoping that we could have lunch together today. If it's okay with you".

She raises both eyebrows at this seemingly surprised, which makes me wonder if I overdid the whole 'keeping it professional thing.'

"You want to have lunch with me? Why?," she asks as she stares at me with an uncertain look on her face.

I quickly try to think of an answer that won't make her suspicious of my motives.

"Well, it's because I'm new here and I haven't yet gotten to know my co-workers. I also don't know the places around here very well and I was also hoping that we could get to know each other over lunch."

" I would like to get to know more about you too," she says, flashing me a bright smile that makes me feel warm inside. "I'll take you to a place close by that I like and I think you'll like it too." She says as she starts to walk towards her door and beckons me to follow her.

The place she brings me to is a quiet and small place that's only three minutes from the office. We order our and collect our food ( sandwich and coke for me and salad and water for her) . We make our way to a table in the back and seat across from each other.

"I like to come here most days because the atmosphere here helps me decompress on days when I feel overwhelmed with work," she tells me as she starts eating her salad.

"I can see the appeal," I say as I take another look at the restaurant.

" So tell me about yourself, Mr Martin," she says looking at me from across the table.

"Please just call me Martin since we are getting to know each other. Mr. Martin sounds too formal." I say as I take a bite of my sandwich.

"Fine, tell me more about yourself, Martin and you can stop calling me miss too". She says as she takes a sip of her water.

" What would you like to know, Shaylin?"

"Just simple things about you," she says looking down at her plate, " like what kind of girls are you into?."

I ponder this question for a while and decide to just go with the honest truth and I hope that this will help me move forward with my plan.

"I'm interested in girls that are not materialistic and shallow. I like girls that are good hearted and are always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. I have a feeling that you fall into the first category, Shaylin." I say looking directly into her eyes.

She looks hurt for a moment and then annoyed by my statement.

Maybe I went too far?

No, I tell myself. This is the only way forward, I'll have to be brutally honest.

"So you've decided all this about me without even getting to know me?," she asks me with a defiant look in her eyes.

"I know that you're a spoiled daddy's girl, who's been given everything she's ever wanted since she was born and I know that everything you've accomplished so far is cause of your family."

"Just because my family's rich doesn't mean that I'm materialistic and spoiled," she says glaring at me. She's furious now. I could use this to my advantage.

"If that's the case, could you ever leave your parent's money and reputation to start afresh all on your own.?"

She doesn't respond and her expression turns from angry to thoughtful

Got her!

"My point exactly." I tell her as I finish my sandwich.

When we have both finished eating, we go back to the office and Shaylin is silent the whole way back. I wonder if I've hurt her feelings and pushed her too far. She mutters a quick goodbye to me in the lobby and walks in the direction of her office. I don't see her again for the rest of the day and I just hope that this plan I have works.

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