
Marvel; Werewolf System

i got shot, woke up in marvel, if thats not too much already, am a shield agent but thankfully i had my own advantage in this power filled world... the Werewolf system... time to be a fucking beast! Ok... I do not own marvel, but my ocs, the cover art is something I found cool and I do not have any claim over it. I'm a new writer/author and just so you know, I do not tolerate meaningless hate or hateful comments, you like my fic, you don't, that's your choice but do not waste your time typing hateful comments or meaningless reviews, I love when am given constructive criticism, as it helps better my skills as a writer, and I would like to hear your ideas, might or might not add to the story but would love to hear your opinions. Also don't think just because you don't like what I do with the Mc, you have the authority to tell me you don't like it or I should change it... well it won't work, like I have read some comments on other authors works, that has comments saying they don't like the mcs name or the mcs romance partner and stuff like that, pls don't bring that demanding to this fic, like I said up top, I like criticism and suggestive ideas, not demanding ones

arekuruutento · Movies
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43 Chs

Captain Marvel

The sound of people walking around a room could be heard, as the unconscious body of Leo could be seen laying on an hospital looking bed, his hand currently connected to a device that extended towards a machine.

The sound of doors opening could be heard, as Bucky walks into the room, popcorn in hand.

"Still not awake?" Bucky asked, looking at Leo's unconscious body.

"Taking your sweet time..." Bucky sighed, walking towards a chair, and sitting on it.

"Too sweet" Bucky complained, putting the popcorn down, but as he was about to stand up, a subtle grunt could be heard from Leo's direction.

Bucky quickly looked towards Leo, only to see Leo's finger twitch.

"Finally" Bucky smiled, as he walked out of the room, mounting his normal demenour.


'Hey system, what's the situation' Leo asked the system, as he began to regain consciousness.

[The host is now fully in control of his body] The system answered.

'Any problem?' Leo asked, as he let out a subtle grunt, twitching his hand right after.

[Except for minor changes in the hosts body, and some exhaustion, there are no problems with the host] The system explained.

"What about the whole complete shifting thing?" Leo asked again, as he opened his golden eyes.

[Since the host body wasn't ready for a forceful complete shifting, and couldn't let out all the built up primal instict, the host couldn't sustain the shifting, and passed out of exhaustion] The system explained.

'So I still need to let out the Insticnt stuff' Leo thought, as he began to sit up straight.

[The system suggest, that the host finds a strong trigger, and unleash all their rage on the trigger] The system suggested.

'By trigger, what do you mean?' Leo questioned, as he tried to get up from the bed, but with little difficulty.

[A trigger that can make you unleash your true power, someone or something that you won't mind chasing all around the world, until it's destruction or their death] The system finished, as Leo lied back on the bed.

'I see...' Leo thought, getting off the bed, after resting for a few more minutes.

Seeing nobody around, he walks towards a room, that had restroom on the door.

'Hey system... why are my eyes still golden?' Leo asked, as he looked at his reflection.

[That is one of the improvements, the momentary transformation triggered] The system answered.

'One of em huh' thinking this, Leo explored his body and found the rest of his bodys improvements.


A few days have passed, and Leo had found out a few things, thanks to Talos, although Leo almost sent his head flying, his instincts were still in full gear.

Talos introduced Leo to norex and two other Skrulls, although Leo wasn't fully trustworthy, this was needed to solidify their relationship.

And through Talos's and furys help, Leo was able to find the location of captain marvels potential location.


It was currently sunrise and Leo was currently driving Buckys bike towards his location.

'Captain Marvel... still unbelievable how, I've spent two to three years in this world' Leo thought, as he smiled.

A few hours later, Leo arrived at California and headed towards a now destroyed blockbuster video store, which was now restricted by SHIELD agents.

"Situation?" Leo asked an agent, whom quickly saluted, after Leo took of his shades.

"Suspect is said to be heading towards the closest form of communication" the agent answered.

"Thanks, I'll handle the suspect, you guys keep doing what you're doing" Leo replied, and walked away, after the agent saluted again, and continued on his work.

After walking a bit, Leo sensed something and in a quick second, he sped away, leaving a blur in his stead.


A minute later, Leo appeared on a roof and looked down and towards a phone booth across the street, talking to someone.

"Found yah" Leo smiled, as he sped down the building, and quickly arriving behind her.

"Yo" Leo called, making her cut connection to whom she was talking to.

"Hello" she replied, staring at Leo with a questioning look.

"Sorry to interrupt and all, but I would like to ask you for a meal, and you know... talk" convincing people wasn't his strong point, for sure.

"Well... I wouldn't mind, but I'm handling something right now" she replied, trying to shoe Leo away.

"I'm pretty sure your commander can wait...Vers" Leo said, making her look at him with suprise.

"I'll tell you how I know this, if you have lunch with me" Leo quickly suggested, making Carol pause her action.

"And I'm not a Skrull" Leo said, moving her fist away from his hand.

"You tell me everything" she suddenly said, making Leo smile.

"I know a nice restaurant around here, you might like it" Leo suggested, as he led the way.


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