
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

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Chapter 15: Bank Robbery

In the heart of New York City, the sun was shining down on the bustling streets. People hurried from place to place, lost in their own thoughts, and focused on their daily tasks. Some walked with purpose, and others strolled leisurely, enjoying the sun's warmth on their skin.

As the city hummed with activity, traffic and chatter filled the air. Taxis honked their horns impatiently, and the city's bustle never seemed to give up. But even during the chaos, the city had a certain energy and vibrancy that was hard to ignore.

However, as people went about their day, a group of masked individuals quietly slipped into a nearby bank. They were armed and dangerous, and their intentions were clear: to rob the bank and make off with as much money as possible.

"Remember, get in and get out as quickly as possible."

One of the men, who seemed to be the leader, whispered quietly to the group as everyone nodded in response.

As they got close to the security check, they started rushing in. One of the securities was quite old. He seemed to notice what was about to happen as he threw away his gun and quickly raised his hand.

"Oh shit, here we go again."

The robbers were ruthless, smashing their way through the bank, shouting orders at the customers and staff.

"Hands up! Gather in the middle! This is an order!"

The robbers herded the terrified customers and staff into the center of the bank, pointing their guns at anyone who dared to resist. A few even shot their guns up to the ceiling to warn everyone in the bank that no compliance means death.

"Hands over your wallet, necklaces, bracelets, and watches!"

They demanded that everyone give up their valuables and wallets and threatened to use violence if they didn't comply.

"Jake, Logan, go get the money!"

As the robbers gathered the valuables from the bank's customers and staff, the leader ordered two of his team to get their way into the vault, determined to get their hands on the bank's most valuable assets.

Just as things seemed their darkest for the customers and staff, a mysterious figure in black relaxingly walked towards the robbers.

"Yoo, what the hell are you guys doing? Robbing a bank in broad daylight?"

Seeing the mysterious figure walking toward the robbers leisurely, they were startled as some pointed their guns at him immediately.

"Stand down! Or I'll shoot!"

The mysterious figure just snorted, "Ah, come on, don't be like that. I don't want violence..." As the figure walked by the older security, he raised his eyebrows.

"Yoo, Uncle John, what the hell are you doing there?"


Uncle John, being called by the mysterious figure like that, was, of course, speechless.

"That's The Ghost! We're safe!"

Meanwhile, amidst the crowd, some people recognized the mysterious figure and exclaimed loudly. Realizing who had come, happiness and relief started to spread among them.

The mysterious figure, who turned out to be Alex, stopped walking as he crouched down, facing Uncle John, "Uncle, what are you doing down here, pretending to be scared?"

"Come on, kid, and I just wanna relax. My job is tough!"

Uncle John complained exhaustedly, which made Alex just shake his head amusedly. Thinking that robbery has become someone's time to relax is definitely something uncommon.

"Still, I've been wondering, though, why does this bank always gets robbed at least once a month?"

Hearing the question, Uncle John couldn't help but twitch his mouth speechlessly. He also began to consider changing his job if this kept going on seriously.

But considering the fact that each time robbery happened, and reparation also ensued, he'd have his full salary even when he was doing nothing, he still ultimately chose to stay.

"Alright, time to clean up some dirt..."

Alex said as he stood up.

Seeing how even the older security guard, who was the first to surrender his gun after seeing them be so relaxed, not only that, the identity of the masked man who turned out to be the infamous The Ghost, the leader, was flustered, "Shoot! Everyone shoot!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bullets did hit, but it seemed like it hit a metal plate, as it didn't even affect Alex in the slightest. Alex dashed toward the nearest robbers to him and skillfully knocked them out with a single punch.

The leader frantically shouted at his remaining men to open fire on the Ghost, hoping to take him down before he could stop them from getting away with the loot.

As the robbers continued to fire, the crowd of people inside the bank screamed and ducked for cover. The sound of gunfire echoed through the building, and the chaos only seemed to intensify.

But even as they fired their guns, the Ghost seemed to move with incredible speed and agility, effortlessly taking down the remaining robbers.

As the last of the robbers fell, Alex took a deep breath as this was both annoying, amusing, and tiring in some way.

"...Well, good job kid!"

Someone suddenly patted his shoulder, which turned out to be Uncle John.

"...Uncle, I bet you were the first one to raise your hands, no?"

"No, of course not. I showed a good example to my juniors in the security team." Uncle John grinned as he shamelessly told lies with a straight face. "Still, I see you have a new suit, huh?"

"Umm, sorry to interrupt, but can I take a picture with you?"

The Ghost turned around to face the girl and saw the excitement and admiration in her eyes. Seeing this, Uncle John bid his farewell.

"...Alright, kids. I'm going to go back to work."

Not because he didn't want to get in the way but because he knew things would get messy if he stayed there.

"Sure," Alex said, Ignoring the lazy old security, giving her a small smile.

The girl quickly took out her phone and posed beside the Ghost, throwing up a peace sign. The Ghost, without any hesitation, made a love sign.

"Thank you so much!" the girl exclaimed as she looked at the photo on her phone. "My friends are never going to believe this!"

The Ghost chuckled softly. "Glad I could make your day," he said.

As the girl walked away, still giddy with excitement, the Ghost couldn't help but feel a slight sense of satisfaction.

However, the girl being the example, more people were coming in his direction. He became slightly flustered as he vanished, leaving a stunned and grateful crowd behind.


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