You might know me as the hairiest wizard in the whole wizarding world
of reading
Read books
H-How did you even know that wha??
I'm unsure if I could do that, considering it will significantly change the storyline I've completed, which I've been using as a guide to write this book.
Gosh hasn't filled him in on anything. All he's doing is coming up with theories and speculations. So, not yet. In the future tho, yes
That's why it makes sense that he's not as strong as Clark Kent, no? In Man of Steel, Clark was his 30s. He still needs to learn how to fly properly, he wasn't able to fly at first, no? I do read Kal-el's Abilities in the Man of Steel guide, and we did not get to see powers such as Frost Breath, Super Breath, superhuman healing, or perfect memory in the movie.
not yet
if harem is what you're looking for, unfortunately my guy, I don't write harem :)
He does, but not wide enough to cover the entire city yet
Yes, he does have super hearing, but I do nerf the range (and again, it will get wider as he grows older); I will get into that in the future chapter where he utilizes it. Y'know, logically speaking, for ordinary people, having super hearing wasn't that much of a blessing, it's even a curse. Like hearing all of those noises would get really overwhelming for most people, and I made the main character into this was also based on all of these factors, he was ordinary human back then on 'earth', suddenly got superpower, it's on his mentality, which later there will be character growth in terms of psychology as well especially when I throw in time travel into the mix. As for the flight, he will be able to, just not at his current age, and again, in Man of Steel, Clark was portrayed as an adult who would be around his late twenties or probably early thirties. I totally get your points, I really do. I'll take note of that for my future story, for this story, I've completed the storyline, so it would be quite hard for me to suddenly change the power hierarchy on this.
I think, I should address this point because I don't want the main character to be too overpowering, which would make the action scenes less exciting. Instead, I want the MC to gradually become stronger as he grows older. I came across an interesting theory that Superman gets stronger by absorbing sunlight, although it was challenged in the movie Man of Steel. Nevertheless, I decided to use this theory in my story for the sake of creating enjoyable action scenes.
I thought you were going to do the same comment you did in other chaps haha