
Marvel The Genetic Overlord

In a stunning twist of fate, Christopher's arrival in the Marvel universe wasn't just a mere coincidence—it was a game-changer. Armed with the ability to extract genes, he became an unstoppable force, leaving a trail of broken heroes and shattered villains in his wake.

Midnight_Wonder · Movies
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56 Chs

Dr. Zola

The Captain America plan was among the highest-level secrets of the United States, yet within S.H.I.E.L.D.'s domain, access to such classified information seemed unrestricted.

In no time, Natasha sent Christopher the address via text, even including a thoughtful map location for his convenience.

Christopher activated the navigation on his mobile phone, securing it to the front of his heavy-duty motorcycle before embarking on his journey, following the precise directions provided.

As they left the bustling city behind, the landscape gradually transitioned into secluded country roads, eventually leading them onto uncharted mountain paths.

Hours passed, and it wasn't until late afternoon that they stumbled upon a scene reminiscent of a plot from "Captain America 2."

Checking his mobile phone, Christopher noted the absence of any signal, confirming they had arrived at the designated location.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Christopher called out, his voice echoing in the desolate surroundings.

After a prolonged silence, Christopher concluded that they were indeed alone. With determination, he scaled the guardrail net and made his way inside.

Guided by his familiarity with the plot, Christopher headed straight for a warehouse upon entering the premises.

Encountering a hefty iron door secured by a formidable lock, Christopher attempted to force it open with sheer strength, but to no avail. Resorting to a nearby steel bar, he improvised a makeshift tool to pry open the lock, though the effort left the bar bent and the lock intact.

Faced with no other recourse, Christopher underwent a transformation into a towering Titan, towering at a staggering 5 meters in height.

However, a moment of realization struck as he glanced down, noticing that his clothing had been torn apart by the transformation.

"Fuck, I forgot to undress. Note to self: invent shrinkable clothing," Christopher muttered to himself.

Abandoning the lock-picking attempt, he opted instead to use his newfound Titan strength to push the door down effortlessly, illustrating the sheer magnitude of power at his disposal in this form.

Amidst the darkness of the warehouse, Christopher utilized his mobile phone to locate the power switch, illuminating the space instantly.

Navigating through the warehouse, he eventually stumbled upon an archives room, recognizing it as the setting for a pivotal scene from the movie.

With a firm grip on the wooden cabinet, Christopher pulled it aside, revealing an elevator with a coded lock.

Drawing upon his impeccable memory, Christopher recalled the password Natasha had scanned with her high-tech device in the film: 8539.

Entering the digits, he pressed the password prompt, and with a satisfying click, the lock disengaged.

The elevator doors opened, and without hesitation, Christopher stepped in. The doors closed automatically, and the elevator began its descent.


The elevator doors opened again.

What lay before him was a dimly lit space. Stepping out, Christopher hadn't covered much ground when suddenly, lights illuminated the area. Before him stood a massive antique computer.

Facing the colossal machine and rows of databases, Christopher couldn't help but marvel.


The antique computer whirred to life.

A string of green English words flashed on the monitor: "Whether to start the system."

Christopher reached out and confidently entered "yes."

The green light on the monitor flickered, and a green head materialized.

Then, a hoarse voice emanated from the loudspeaker, "Who are you?"

Observing that Dr. Zola failed to recognize him, Christopher deduced that Hydra hadn't allowed Dr. Zola to connect to the network.

"My name is Christopher, and I came to see you specifically," he declared.

"How do you know about my existence?" Dr. Zola inquired curiously.

"I am from Hydra, and the new leader sent me to find you," Christopher spun a nonsensical tale.

"Oh, what do you want with me?" Dr. Zola asked.

"To resurrect you," Christopher asserted, enunciating each word.

The green head on the monitor flickered, and Dr. Zola's excited voice resonated from the loudspeaker, "Can you really resurrect me?"

Christopher nodded confidently, "Yes."

"In 1972, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and science could no longer save me. Preserve my body. I transferred all the data from my brain into the computer—a 20-foot-long database now holds that information. You are standing in my brain. Despite my current vitality, I still yearn for the chance to reclaim life. What I never anticipated was that our organization would develop the technology to bring a person back to life. Honestly, I can't wait to have a human body," Dr. Zola expressed eagerly.

"Our organization has developed regenerative cradle technology, but your genes need to be extracted to create a body and brain that are most suitable for you. And I happen to have the superpower to extract genes, so the leader sent me to resurrect you," Christopher stated matter-of-factly.

"My body is stored beneath the computer. Be cautious not to damage the data cable when you retrieve it," Dr. Zola replied without hesitation, disclosing the location of his body.

"Understood," a wicked smile tugged at the corner of Christopher's lips.

As Christopher transformed into a Titan, he effortlessly lifted the floor, ensuring not to cause unnecessary destruction. Dr. Zola remained valuable to him, so Christopher refrained from harming him. Beneath the host, an intricate network of data cables awaited, densely packed yet of high quality, preventing a collision with Christopher's enlarged form. Guided by Dr. Zola's instructions, Christopher located the scientist's body—a lifelike form preserved in a transparent metal glass jar filled with liquid.

Christopher retrieved the jar and delicately placed it on the ground before flicking it with his finger.

Bang! The resilient glass shattered upon impact, revealing Dr. Zola's body. With determination, Christopher laid his hand upon the scientist and silently commanded the system, "Extract Dr. Zola's genes and fuse them with mine."

[Dr. Zola's gene extraction successful. Fusion in progress.]

[Congratulations to the host for integrating Dr. Zola's gene]

As the fusion commenced, an excruciating pain engulfed Christopher's mind, surpassing even the agony of his transformation. He writhed in torment, his cries echoing through the chamber.

"Are you alright?" Dr. Zola inquired anxiously, concerned for Christopher's well-being.

Minutes later, Christopher collapsed, drenched in sweat and gasping for air.

"I can endure this pain. But I never want to experience it again," Christopher uttered weakly, the agony nearly driving him to the brink of desperation.

"Did the gene extraction succeed?" Dr. Zola asked, his concern palpable.

Christopher nodded weakly, "Yes, but I need some time to recuperate."

"Of course, take all the time you need," Dr. Zola replied considerately.

Despite his robust recovery abilities as a Titan, it took Christopher half an hour to fully regain his strength.

Once restored, Christopher turned to Dr. Zola, determined. "Dr. Zola, I require your assistance now. Tell me how your brain connects to the computer."

"Why is this technology necessary? Can't you simply create a body and transfer me over?" Dr. Zola queried, perplexed by Christopher's request.


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