
Chapter 57: Back Home

General P.o.V.

Law opened a portal to his home in New York planning to surprise both Gambit and Emma.

As soon as the portal was created and Law stepped inside his home, he was bombarded by explosive cards which were thrown at him by Gambit.

Law created a shield from Eldrich energy in front of him. He saw Gambit ready with his bo staff and Emma in her diamond form ready for combat.

"Looks like you are cheery as ever, Gambit. Nice to see you too Emma." Law said with a smile.

As soon as they knew that the one who came from portal was Law, both Gambit and Emma hugged him.

"Was that orange shield and the teleportation magic?" Emma asked curious

"It was magic." Law said to which Emma and Gambit asked a same question "Can we learn it?"

Law replied after thinking for a while. "If you have a talent for it, You can learn it. Even bald people can learn it, so it should not be difficult for you two either. Though Emma might have more talent to learn magic due to her higher mental attributed resulted from her x-gene. I believe one needs a higher mental state to learn magic. It's just a speculation though so don't worry Gambit."

Hearing this both of their eyes lit up. Who does not want to learn magic?

"So when do we start boss?" Gambit asked

"Not anytime soon. I have to ask a girl for a date tomorrow." Law said

---The Next day----

Law has retrieved the memories from his gigai. The only thing of note from his school memories was he was going to graduate next month.

As for the supervillains and superheroes, Green Goblin as made his appearance. Norman Osborne was the green goblin and not Harry Osborne. Which made Law a little relieved as Harry was one of his only friends and he did not want to kill his friend. Anyways, the green goblin crimes were stopped by spider man. Thankfully, green goblin couldn't find spiderman's identity and thus Gwen was also safe.

Erik aka Magneto was still busy looking for hydra bases and destroying them. He sometimes received help from Charles. There were not many mutants rescued as unlike in the movies where there were millions of mutants, there were less than 10000 mutants.

The rate of new mutants appearing was also going down. Law believed this was a good thing as the higher number or mutants would lead to more chaos and destruction. The existence of mutants was still hidden from the general public which was another good thing.

Law was happy seeing Erik became a pain in the ass for Hydra. Law could wipe out the entire Hydra but there were just too many of their bases and people spread all throughout the world. Heck even his neighbor could be an Hydra and he would not know about it.

Thankfully, he had Emma an omega ranked telepath on his side who can tell who is a hydra spy or not. In fact Law had tasked her to read memories of all people she comes in contact with during the hours she work for her company. Though it was rude but it was not meant to be used against her close ones.

Emma has managed to find some hydra agents who are shareholders of some influential companies. Naturally, Law send the info to Erik who has a grudge against Hydra.

Stryker and his gang have not given up on finding death surgeon. They still issued false missions for him.

Avengers were not formed yet. SHIELD was also trying to get in touch with him. Nick Fury has even posted a mission for him. Law was pretty sure the mission was not posted from Hydra agents in SHIELD.

Law did not know whether he should accept the mission from Fury or not.

As for his mercenary work, during his absence Gambit completed a few missions in Law's stead.

Right now, Law was looking in the mirror at himself as he asked Gambit and Emma for the nth time 'how does he look?'

"Jeez, You look better than most Gods out there brother. Stop asking it so many times." Emma said irritated

"You would have looked better without those tattoos. You look more like a gangster boss with them. It would have been better if they were a normal tattoo like a name or a butterfly or an animal but your tattoos are weird." Gambit said honestly

'Hey! I did not get those tattoos made on my body. They were already there when I got the body.' Law thought

"You don't have to worry. Gwen would instantly say yes for the date. Even if she does not, I can always change her memories to make her fall in love you. How dare she reject my dear little brother. Hmph" Emma said as Law felt a chill down his spine

'Is this what a tsundere is? I have not even asked Emma yet and she has already made plans for her if she rejects me. I wonder whether I should be happy about her concern for me or angry that she is going to mess with the mind of my crush. Girls are really scary and confusing.' Law thought

"Alright guys I am off. Wish me luck!" Law said

"Good luck" Emma said

"Good luck mon ami, I hope you get laid today" Gambit said with a wink


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