
Marvel: The Death Surgeon

A man died at the age of 26 due to cancer. He was filled with regret as he had not done anything substantial in his life. It was just boring. He wished he would get a chance to reincarnate and he did get a chance to reincarnate in the Marvel world. At first he was terrified but then he became excited as though about a thrilling life in the Marvel world. God gave him two template system of two characters from different worlds -Urahara Kisuke from bleach and Trafalgar Law from the world of one piece. This began the journey of Law Cromwell as the Death Surgeon in the Marvel universe. Disclaimer Everything belongs to marvel except my OC. Nothing is owned by me. It's just a fanfiction. If you can please support me on pat*reon. Link> http://pat*reon.com/Charizard6 No star in the link

Charizard6 · Movies
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87 Chs

Chapter 35: Mutant Gigais?

"Whose blood is this brother?" Emma asked curiously

"It's the blood of someone which would help me create the perfect artificial human." Law said as his eyes twinkled with excitement

The blood was of Darwin who had died under the hands of Shaw and his group. But unlike the movie where he was killed by such a ridiculous thing, he was killed by getting his neck decapitated by Azazel.

Law had asked Gambit to gather some samples of blood and tissues of Darwin and burn the rest of the body. Gambit had made sure to destroy all samples that they had already taken out. Darwin's genes were a treasure trove for researchers.

Who knows what would have happened if such genes got into hands of someone dangerous? Mystique genes led to the creation of sentinels but what would Darwin's geans lead to. That's what Law was doing.

Law had tried to create Gigias with Emma's and Gambit's powers but the clones were unable to use any of their powers. Infact, Law had to provide his own reiatsu for their Gigais.

Gigais were meant to host the soul of a shinigami so it made sense that they required soul energy to function. The other problem that Law that he got was that the Gigai couldn't use any other energy other then reiatsu or soul energy.

Law wanted to create something that even the people in the soul society couldn't do. His researcher side took over him to find a solution. He let his own Gigia attend the school instead of him and focused solely on his research.

No methods worked but he kept pondering about the issue and he finally got the solution to this problem.

The only solution he got was Darwin's mutant power of Adaptation.

Darwin's power offers continuous circumstantial evolution. He is able to adapt to any situation. His reactive mutation adjusts his capabilities to his environment. Examples of such manifestations include receiving functioning gills after being submerged in water, gaining night vision after being in the dark for several seconds, being able to survive without oxygen when in space, his skin becoming fireproof when it is exposed to flames etc.

He thought about making the Gigai with Darwin's genes and providing it with his own Reiatsu. The genes would evaluate that Reiatsu is required for its survival and would adapt to it and would most likely let the Gigai get his own reiatsu making it able to use reiatsu.

Now some of y'all might be wondering is their even reiatsu in marvel world. Then the answer is simple, yes their is reiatsu in this world. As reiatsu is basically soul energy and there are souls everywhere. There is even a soul stone.

Law believes once the Gigai would be able to use his own reiatsu it would continue to grow until it can use reiatsu like a shinigami.

He has not found a method to replicate the other mutant powers and give them to the Gigai.

He thought of using mystique's DNA which was used to make sentinels but this time they would be gigas and not made of metals. They would also have their own consciousness so they could think like a normal human.

But the problem was that the Gigai were not able to use any mutant power and functioned only because of his reiatsu so he didn't know if it would be different for mystique dna.

As Law was pondering about this issue, Emma asked him "When are you going to go to school brother? I know you are sending that clone to school instead of attending school yourself."

"I would go after a month or so." Law said without paying attention to her .

"BROTHER" Emma shouted

"What is it?" Law asked clearly suprised by how she shouted at him

"You have to go to school. You can't miss studies even if you are a genius. You would also miss the chance to have friends your age." Emma said in a parenting tone

"But.." Law tried to reason with her that his research was more important than making friends

"No buts young man. You are going to school tomorrow. Go to bed now!" Emma ordered

"Fineeee" Law reluctantly went to bed

As Law went to bed, he pondered about another thing. Why was not the ancient one here to meet him yet? Why was Asgard silent about it as Odin or Heimdal should have sensed his power? Why didn't any cosmic entity come and meet him? Why was not TVA hunting him down? He had read many fanfics and novels in his previous life and one of these things always happens.

The Ancient one should have sensed the ripples in the timeline. She should have already created a portal to his house but she has not met her yet.

Law had prepared the lines he would say when he met her to not draw any suspicion. He even wanted to learn magic from her. Yes, he already could do Hado and Bakudo which was most likely some sort of magic too. But just Eldritch magic was so cool and helpful. Especially creating portals and even using them as weapon.

Although he knew he would be able to create a garganta in the future as he advanced with Kisuke's template but he didn't know how that would function in the Marvel world.

He even planned to save ancient one's soul which was trapped in the dark dimension to gain her favor and a powerful ally. Who better to solve the problem of souls than someone with shinigami powers?

But it never happened. Ancient one never came to meet him. He surmised either she did not care about him or she did not find any change while using her time stone.

He believed it was the latter. As for who was protecting him from the prying eyes, the only answer he came up was one above all.

While thinking about all this, he fell asleep.


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