
Marvel: The Death Surgeon

A man died at the age of 26 due to cancer. He was filled with regret as he had not done anything substantial in his life. It was just boring. He wished he would get a chance to reincarnate and he did get a chance to reincarnate in the Marvel world. At first he was terrified but then he became excited as though about a thrilling life in the Marvel world. God gave him two template system of two characters from different worlds -Urahara Kisuke from bleach and Trafalgar Law from the world of one piece. This began the journey of Law Cromwell as the Death Surgeon in the Marvel universe. Disclaimer Everything belongs to marvel except my OC. Nothing is owned by me. It's just a fanfiction. If you can please support me on pat*reon. Link> http://pat*reon.com/Charizard6 No star in the link

Charizard6 · Movies
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97 Chs

Chapter 29:First Job (2)

"Mr.Surgeon I don't have time for your banter. This is serious. My legs are becoming more of a burden every day. Please help me and I'm willing to pay you handsomely if you can heal me."

Law raised an eyebrow "Handsomely, you say? Now we're speaking my language, Charles But let's get one thing straight. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure as hell can buy chimichangas. Lots and lots of chimichangas. And maybe a girlfriend."

Charles was still doubtful whether this guy could help him or not. No he didn't doubt the guy's capabilities. He has seen him take down Shaw and his team of Mutants easily.

What he was concerned about whether he had healing powers or not. He has seen him teleport and uae telekinesis but they couldn't help them heal. He then thought about how he switched his and Raven's bodies and a chill passed down his spine.

Charles looked at law and wondered whether he should take help from someone else, maybe a renowned medical doctor or make a bet and take help from the weird guy. He fought an internal battle. His common sense told him that there is no way he would walk again but his heart wanted to trust the guy.

In the end he decided to take a bet on him.

He took a deep breath and said "Very well, Surgeon Name your price. I will consider it, as long as it is within reason."

"Reason? Oh, Charles, you wound me with your sense of practicality. But, hey, I'll humor you. Let's start with, oh, I don't know, a cool million. And that's just the down payment. We're gonna need a payment plan that rivals Tony Stark's wealth management strategy." Law said with greed in his eyes

Charles Xavier looked shocked at the price "A million? that's an exorbitant amount of money!"

Law retorted by saying "Hey, healing legs isn't cheap, Professor. Besides, I'm a rare commodity. You won't find another guy who can teleport anywhere, use a sword, and heal like a champ. So, pony up the dough, and we'll get you walkin' like a true mutant."

Charles sighed, contemplating the cost but he realizes the importance of regaining his mobility.

Charles said "Very well, Surgeon. You have yourself a deal. I will ensure the funds are made available to you."

"Now we're talkin', Just remember, when I heal your legs, you owe me big time. And not just in the monetary sense. We're talking Chimichanga Thursdays, exclusive access to the X-Mansion's cable subscription, and unlimited high fives. Deal?" Law said


Inwardly Law was Laughing 'One million for just fixing up his spine. It wouldn't take even a minute for me to heal him. I am really liking my job.'

"Alright let's get you on your feet." Law said

"Shouldn't we be going to a hospital? We don't have any medical equipment here." said Hank

"Hey, I am the doctor here. Just put him on a bed." Law said

Charles was regretting his choice already as he was put on a bed.

"So you need anything Mr. surgeon?" Hank asked Law who contemplated for a minute and then replied "Get me a chocolate ice cream. I am craving for ice cream besides it would increase the success of the operation."

Everyone was dumbfounded by it but they still compiled.

After Law ate his ice cream. He focused his attention on Charles. Just as he was about to begin Hank again asked him "Do you need any equipment like scissors?"

"No, my sword is enough." Law said pulling out Benihime from the cane.

Charles suddenly felt a chill seeing the sword "You won't use a sword right? Did you even sterilize it? Are you going to give me anesthesia?"

"Chill man, this is going to be over in a jiffy. You won't even realise what happened." Law said while pointing his sword at Charles

"I think we should take another doctor's opinion." Hank said

"Ugh you talk much." Law said as he opened a ROOM and teleported Hank 5 km away from them.

"Alright let's get it over with."

Charles was about to say something but before he could do anything Law slashed his sword cutting his spine and separating it from the rest of the body.

Law worked his magic and healed the spine and then put his body back in place.

Charles couldn't even get over the shock of his spine being cut and he couldn't even feel pain. Before he could say anything, he heard Law said "Done ,Operation Successful. Try walking Charles."

but you didn't do anything." Charles said suspiciously.

"Jeez, stop asking questions and just stand up and walk." Law said annoyed as he glared

Seeing this, Charles shut his mouth and tried to stand up. He successfully stood up. His eyes lit up in hope as he took his first step, then the next and another one.

His was in joy as he finally could feel his legs and he can walk again. He even had a tear in his eyes.

At the same time Hank hurriedly entered the room angrily as he immediately attacked Law without looking at his surroundings while shouting "HOW DARE YOU!"

Law was already aware of his presence with the help of observation haki as he pointed his finger at him.

"Bakudo #1: Sai"

This spell locked Hanks arms in place behind his back. Then he kicked him while saying

"Bad kitty"

"Hank I am fine. The operation was successful." Charles said walking up to Hank who after seeing him calmed down as he was astonished "HOW? It has not been a minute."

"Like I said I am the best doc out there. Now Charles send me my money on my bank account. I have more work to do so I will take my leave. And Good luck for your school of Gifted." saying this Law disappeared

"His powers are something else. How many powers does he even have?" Hank asked

"For the first time in my life, I don't know anything about a person Hank. I just hope we wouldn't have to face him as an enemy." Charles said


Author Notes

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Also Naruto fans can check out my other novel