
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Middle School & Challenges

During the past 4 years, except his training with Izo, Peter did a whole lot of other things.

He and his group of friends (Liz Allan, Seymour O'Reilly, Jason Ionello, Sally Avril, Sean "Tiny" McKeever, and Charlie Murphy) completed middle school. Peter was already popular and his shenanigans, witty nature and annoying jokes caught the attention of many students.

Peter also discovered that Liz has a little crush on him because he was good at both sports and studies. But he was not ready for a relationship before he was out of school. He knew having powers, and having a double life will put a strain on all his close relationships. He wanted to avoid these things atleast for now.

The young genius visited library daily. He also went to various Oscorp seminars and camps. Peter already knew everything he would learn at high school and more. He also completed internships at Oscorp and also won the Stark Industries Paradigm Change Challenge.

This was luck on his part, as he wanted to read research papers during his internship at Oscorp. But he found that to read them, he had to first find them in various books and then carry them home to read. This was a burden. From Luke's memories, he knew there was website in the future, that published verified research papers, categorized them and even notified the author whenever he was cited all for a minimum fee. This was one of the most popular websites and had papers from all the research institutes, colleges and labs.

He learned coding, and programming to create such a website in his world before anyone else. He used the last of his saved money to learn all this. It took him one year with his photographic memory and enhanced brain to become an expert in the area.

He then launched a website similar to 'akademia.edu' with the same name and mechanics. He even added a premium version for famous/verified researchers. The free version was mainly for students. Also, even the premium version only costed $0.99 a month or $9.99 a year.

He shared the website link and mechanics with the other Oscorp Scholars and in the alumni network. In 6 months, his website picked up pace and became one of the most popular sources of communication of academic ideas. His website revolutionized the research industry as people could read verified papers at 0 cost. The verification process was also easy, only professors and researchers could verify the papers submitted and any paper submitted would checked for plagiarism.

Oscorp was happy to help the website gain an audience, and in the next 6 months researchers and students around world started using it. This led him to apply for the Stark Industries Paradigm Change Challenge and he won. The fun thing was that the award was a check of $20000 dollars. It was deposited in Aunt May's bank account as Peter did not have a bank account yet.

This also led to the Parkers opening a joint account for Peter that he could operate after turning 18. They also transferred the money to this account.

During these years Peter also met Flash Thompson once. And boy, he is a bully. Under the influence of Carl King, he tried to bully Parker only to shunned by everyone else. Originally everyone would have feared and respected Flash due to his athleticism but now everything has changed. Everyone knew Peter was better than him in every aspect. So he was shunned when he tried to bully Peter. He later beat Carl due to this.

Peter did not meet Flash again in middle school as they went to different schools. He hoped he could have an influence on Flash in high school. He also befriended Tommy Monks and Charles Wiederman. Tommy was a free spirited boy who always asked Peter to confront his fear of heights. Charles was a bit different. When they joined Middle School, Charles was bullied by Carl King as he could not bully Peter.

Later Peter warned Carl that if he tried to bully anyone, Peter will himself take him to the ring for an MMA match. He also started talking with Charles.

Young Charles was impressed by Peter as he never used his power to bully/use others and was always working on himself. Inspired and being slowly influenced by him, Charles never thought of revenge but wanted to become powerful enough to help others.


Due to his website, Peter was already earning. Although he only earned a little more than $1000 per month after outsourcing the website related work, compensating authors/professors for verification, taxes and other expenses related to management of the website. He was still happy to see himself earning.

Days after his first earnings, the young entrepreneur bought a lot of gifts, clothes and accessories for his aunt and uncle, spending about $2000. He bought them from the stores that did not accepted returns. The fact that he knew that his aunt would go to return all this and him preventing her from doing that, earned him another hour of lecture.

May was particularly angry at him for spending a lot of money on non-essentials, he was able calm her down through his ill-timed jokes and innocent logic that he wanted to gift his uncle and aunt something from his first earning. After a serious talk and the promise that he won't spend recklessly again, Aunt May and Uncle Ben accepted all the gifts.


Last year he also met Mary Jane Watson who shifted with her aunt in the neighborhood. Her aunt Ana and his aunt May were already good friends. After a small introduction, they became friends. Mary even told him that she would attend Midtown High next year. They decided to keep in touch and attend the high school together.

Originally Charles would be bullied and his thoughts of revenge would lead him to become the villian molten man. Peter has already started to influence others in his timeline. Now there will be no villian by the name of molten man. Ofcourse the possibility of a hero molten man is still there!

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