
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Flash Thompson & Increased Training

-September, 2004-

Peter and his friends had just started high school when they were joined by 2 new people. One was Mary Jane Watson, and surprisingly, the other was a guy named Flash Thompson.

Mary quickly integrated herself in the group. She was a cute redhead and all of his friends liked her. Initially, Flash felt awkward but quickly apologized to the group, telling them what had happened earlier. "That prick manipulated me to bully and antagonize you all. I apologize for it and have already beaten that boy." said Flash.

Peter was surprised but he had a hunch that this reversal was due to the fact that everyone knew Peter was a Junior MMA champion (Twice; Age groups 12-13 years, 13-14 year) and a Karate Black Belt. Flash, after learning this, thought that Peter might try to bully him instead.

He replied in a polite tone, "Don't worry Flash, we do not use our fists here. Everyone's a friend. The blonde one is Liz, the redhead is Mary Jane or MJ, this is Sally our gymnast. All of them are beautiful and single. Also do not forget to meet the boys."

The girls were happy with their introduction while the boys introduced themselves to Flash. They talked for a while and decided to go for a movie later. Peter and Flash also got along and promised to hit the gym together.

Peter was secretly happy that Flash would not bully him in the future. He knew there must be something/someone that must have led Thompson on the path of a bully. Now that they got along, Peter would slowly help Flash too. If Flash could not change through his influence, he would interfere and warn him directly.

Flash was added to their study group. All of the boys including Tommy and Charles were learning self defense already, Flash also promised to join them. Regarding Carl King, Peter told everyone to not bother about him as he did not attend the same high school now.


Peter was also happy that Izo has now increased his training. His master would now teach him for 1.30 hrs daily on week days and for 6 hrs on weekends. His training was also diversified to include real life combat situations, underground fighting rings, parkour, detection, identification, enhanced stealth, usage of radar sense, chi, precision strike etc.

For his training on weekends, Peter lied to his aunt and uncle that he will be attending a special Oscorp weekly camp. They easily accepted it as they did not want to hinder their nephew's future.

Peter also enrolled in swimming classes as it was one of the most accessible survival courses. He did not know how to swim, ofcourse he had the memories but he needed a space to practice with his own body.

Peter also decided to participate in various International Olympiads, quizzes, fairs, research projects and events. This year, he wanted to participate in the World Scholar's Cup and win a lot of medals. The real reason? Finals would be held in Switzerland and if he became a finalist, his trip would probably be sponsored by Oscorp and his school. He seriously wanted to go on another trip with his uncle and aunt without having them to worry about money.


-March 30, 2006-

Peter was more than 15 year old now. After more than 18 months of extended weekly training with Izo, he has grown tremendously. His skills have improved a lot.

Izo even complimented him," Hey little devil, you are now one of the best martial artists out there. Thank me that I picked you up 6 years ago. Get me an original beer for once, will you?"

His relationship with Izo has grown to a level that both considered each other family. Although both of them had their own secrets, they still loved each other and should the need arise, would do anything to protect each other.

Peter grinned at the compliment and replied," I already know that sensei, I also think your weird old bones might not be able to thrash me now. I think I can give you all your teachings back to you today. Hehe."


Peter was smacked once again. He literally swore that his old weird master had some kind of invisible hand that was ready to smack his head at a moment's notice. He was already thinking of ways to prevent this as he was smacked thousands of times during these 6 years.

Continuing his training, he shouted, "I am not even legal yet, get your own drinks you poor old master."

Even after all the training, Peter never lost his mischievous side. He had once pranked the old man into drinking a non-alcoholic bear only to be put to torture training. The only thing his master hated was fake alcohol and cheating while gambling. Peter also thought how his master would always talk about being free and wondered what his story was. He even asked him once.

Izo sensei told him not worry about it and enjoy life; to which Peter murmured, " You only sit and drink while watching me go through all the torture. You are the one enjoying it, old man. You and your weird fantasies."


Smacked again, Peter did not say anything else and went back to training.

Next day Peter asked if he should set his master on a date with his Science teacher as they were both old and had a knack for explosions.

The result? Different Day. Same *bonk*.