
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

First 3 Months

-3 months later-

Peter did not look frail and skinny anymore. He had more fat, more muscles and was bit taller than before. He now looked confident. Peter also practiced the basic combat technique daily. Ofcourse he did not use them to bully others but due to the subtle influence of those memories, he would not back down from showing any bully what he was made of.

Previously, Peter would not stand up to his bullies and would rather accept the bullying. This was due to the 'self-righteous' drama that was ingrained in the Parker bloodline. But those memories showed him that this crap would not work on those who did not believe in it. Surprisingly none of the bullies believed in it.

Now influenced by the memories of Luke, Peter had changed both psychologically and physically.

During these months Peter particularly bonded with his Uncle Ben, taking on his knack for bad jokes and silly pranks, and found a love for action films just like his uncle. One night Peter went to buy some ice cream for his aunt and uncle. On the way home there was a black out, and while Peter was scared, he was brave enough to not cry and hide thinking that the future held much darker times than this. Later Uncle Ben found him sitting on a bench near the park.

The Parker trio also went to watch New York Mets play. Peter quickly found a love for baseball and got into the game. When the Mets lost the game, Uncle Ben told him that losing is part of life. He also spent time helping Aunt May with her gardening.

Slowly but steadily Peter was starting to show his athleticism while also being considered a small genius. During the winter holidays, he increased his exercise routine and ate more. He also requested for an encyclopedia as a Christmas gift. Although his aunt and uncle were surprised because of the changes, they still did not think much of it.

In terms of schooling, Peter was depressed. He already knew much more than a kindergarten student could ever know. He could not get any of the 'advanced' books and the only books he read were story books.

The children's encyclopedia will barely save the situation. Even an adult would not know everything that is written inside a children's encyclopedia, forget about the normal ones. During this time, his teachers at the kindergarten convinced May to help Peter apply for Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence test or the WPPSI test. Peter scored 150 in all the tests, becoming one of the smartest 5 year old in America.

He also applied for the Oscorp Young Scholars Program with his WPPSI score, and was easily accepted providing him with a full scholarship, access to summer camps, lab visits, lectures, books, learning resources etc. The scholarship grant will help him pay for his school fees and expenses every year till he graduates high school. Ofcourse he cannot fail or be held back for any reason or the scholarship will be revoked.

Peter decided that for the next 9 months, he would follow the same schedule with increased physical activities. He also decided that he would finish the children's encyclopedia in the first 3 months and would work on to somehow access some other books from the Oscorp Young Scholars Library and Alumni network. Although he could read some books without any costs, he preferred to buy second hand versions from the resource center and the other participants of the program.

All this overwhelmed his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. They felt extremely proud of him and were happy for him. Although they did not show it, they were in debt, so this early scholarship really took some expenses off the table.

"Peter, you little genius, why is the smartest 5 year old hiding from his beautiful Aunt", teased Aunt May.

Peter bickered, "Aunt Mayyyyyy....sigh...I don't want eat those burnt pancakes, Uncle help me hide fast." He ran to his Uncle's side and hid behind him.

Ben joked, "Peter, your aunt took the meaning of warm food to the next level, although she made it with love, she forgot to add the other ingredients." Both uncle and nephew laughed earning themselves an earful from a 'supposedly angry' May.

The kindergarten also hosted a banner with Peter's photo saying that he was their student and one of the smartest child in America. He was so embarrassed from this that he could not go out for 3 days after which his Uncle convinced by telling him, " that the greatest power one could possess was their intelligence and courage." He was intelligent so why should he lack the courage. Influenced by both his uncle and the memories he received, his confidence soared.

Due to all this, Peter also became famous in the neighborhood. He made many friends, but much to his friends' dismay, their parents would always use him as an example.

Looking back to the memories about him being weak, frail, unpopular and bullied, Peter was happy these days with this small success. After 3 months, he had more muscle, was a little bit taller, popular and less bullied.

Yes, Carl King still tried to bully Parker only to get punched in the gut, that too quite literally. When he tried to complain, everyone called him a liar as no one expected the genius little Parker to do that.

From then on Carl never bullied Parker again but hated him with all his heart. He blamed Peter for everything he thought he suffered. He became jealous of his intelligence and his strength while developing an inferiority complex.

Carl King was the first bully in the life of Peter according to Marvel. He also tormented him later and caused a rift between his friends. He was the one who supported Falsh Thompson in bullying Parker

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