
marvel super venom

Yang Han woke up and found that he had traveled to the Marvel world and turned into venom. He discovered that it was still an enhanced version of venom. It was able to absorb the genes of any superpower, become its own power, and live in symbiosis with humans, and he could give humans a superhuman appearance—the power of.

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Marvel Super Venom Chapter 22

This made Benner blush and ashamed. Without saying a word, he reached out and slapped himself. What was he thinking?

Jennifer is his cousin. Now she's in danger, but she's cowering here. She's afraid of this and that. What if she goes to America?!

Can rose to catch him? It's just another encirclement and suppression, and it's not that it hasn't been pursued? Is it important to live a safe life with Jennifer's safety?!

With this in mind, Benner returned to Natasha again, bowed, and said, "thank you for bringing me the news. I need to pack up and go to the United States immediately. I can't let Jennifer get hurt in any case."

Natasha blinked and figured it out so quickly? It's a little tricky.

Natasha put the following N kinds of advice in her stomach. Although she was a little funny, she still wiped a handful of tears and pretended to be surprised and said, "really? That's great. "

"You're right. Jennifer is my closest sister. I can't watch her in danger. I want to save her!" Bruce Benner nodded.

"It's the day now. If we want to leave, we need to wait until the night. If we leave here during the day, I suspect that we will be found by us spies and attract US troops. So we will meet around 9 pm and then leave here by car. After returning to Los Angeles, I hope you can stay away from me. I don't want to bring you and Jennifer into trouble." Bruce Benner, turn around and walk towards his house.

"Is this guy so gullible?" Natasha blinked, her eyes twinkling with cunning brilliance, looking at Benner's back. Although she was a little sorry for Benner, over the years, she had abandoned her extra compassion.

"He's smart, but when it comes to his family or loved ones, it makes people lose their heads." venom said lightly.

Natasha took a surprising look at venom and said, "do you know so much about human beings? I even wonder if you're an alien

"What? Can't aliens learn from the earth? I've seen a lot of human feelings. There are many species in the universe. The earth is the most beautiful and harmonious planet I've ever seen. " venom praised that he came from another Earth anyway. It's nothing for mother earth to praise, isn't it?

Altman, the footpot chicken, still regards the earth as his second hometown. Why can't he? Isn't there Huaxia here? Altman can still go back, but he can't go back. He just takes China here as his hometown.

There is no regret to enter China in this life, and there is a flower grower in the afterlife.

Natasha was surprised to hear that the consciousness of alien creatures is so high now?

Natasha has heard that the military has a special department dealing with aliens, like a department nicknamed man in black, dealing with alien creatures.

"But what's the preparation for copying hawk's genes?" Natasha did not tangle with venom knowledge of the earth and asked directly.

"No, you can copy it with an appendage, but I remember that besides you, it seems that the military also came. If I want to copy it, it will take a period of stable time. " venom said.

"I see." Natasha's eyes were full of excitement. Even if she tried her best to hide, she could not suppress her excitement.

Natasha was eager to think that she was about to gain the terrible power of Hulk.

Even she didn't realize that if she further relied on venom to gain strength, she would be more and more inseparable from venom. Only their own strength is really strong, never with the help of external forces, or take a shortcut.

Having said that, when it's people's turn to choose, they often choose the shortcut.


About seven in the evening.

Unlike the prosperous big cities in Brazil, the lights in the residential area near the factory are dim early, and the local residents who have been working hard for a day basically go to sleep.

At this time, several mysterious vehicles were parked in an alley in the residential area.

One of them is a bulletproof camouflage car with bright lights and spacious space. It is equipped with various scientific and technological instruments and several split screens.

General Ross issued a command to the walkie talkie: "all elite soldiers, take the paralyzed guns and sneak into the target residents!"

After receiving the order, the doors of the other cars were opened immediately, and nearly ten elite soldiers, fully armed, skillfully lowered their bodies, quickly stepped into the streets and alleys.

They are worthy of being the elites among the elites. Under the cover of the night, no one found their shadow and trace.

Bronsky rushed to the front, night and narrow streets, and can not affect its flexible skills, quickly arrived at the downstairs of the destination housing.


The big black dog tied downstairs was startled. As soon as he made the first call, bronsky responded by aiming and shooting. The bullet of the paralyzing gun hit the big black dog's neck accurately, causing him to crawl on the ground without a sound.

With a wave of his hand, bronsky's teammates immediately followed him and quickly went up the stairs to the third floor.


Install a small bomb on the door of the target single room. After detonating, in the debris of the wood, bronsky burst into the room with a gun and fired several shots at the bed of the single room!

If all goes well, this is the end of the action.

Bronsky picked his eyebrows and was acutely aware that something was wrong. He stepped forward to lift the bed quilt and found that the pillow was under it.

"The target has escaped!" Bronsky whispered.


This is a command from general Ross on the other end of the walkie-talkie.

Elite soldiers immediately follow the trail to chase downstairs, and soon found a young man with curly hair, wearing red clothes and carrying a schoolbag, running to the end of the alley!

As if aware of the consequences of their anger, the curly-haired youth's escape direction happens to be a closed and unmanned factory!

"The action of the military is really fast!" Natasha emerged from the dark corner, looked at the soldiers, and said rather displeased.

They had all joined up and were ready to leave. Unexpectedly, these military men came over.

Bruce Benner asked her to leave here first, and he would follow her later. But Natasha, who knew Bruce Benner was the Hulk for a long time, didn't really leave?

"Nonsense, these people in the military want to copy the super warrior like a hawk just for the gene of a hawk. Can they not move fast?" venomtone is also a little uncomfortable. The military is preparing to seize food from the tiger's mouth" Follow up? " Natasha asked.

"Of course, if necessary, we have to teach the military a lesson, don't we?"