
marvel super venom

Yang Han woke up and found that he had traveled to the Marvel world and turned into venom. He discovered that it was still an enhanced version of venom. It was able to absorb the genes of any superpower, become its own power, and live in symbiosis with humans, and he could give humans a superhuman appearance—the power of.

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Marvel Super Venom Chapter 21

only wanted to say something else, but he was interrupted by obadai again.

"By the way, who do you think asked the board to remove you. It's me, Tony. You need to be calm, you need to think. Before that, I won't let you contact the company. "

With that, obadai patted Tony on the shoulder and left without waiting for him to respond. Now he doesn't need Tony to respond.

Tony watches the background of obadai disappear in front of him. Tony smiles silently. Stark industries is always stark, not Stan.

Uncle obadai, you are now old enough to provide for the aged.

Tony got obadai's response and completely gave up on obadai. He went out of the ball and drove to his seaside villa. In his mind, he conceived the design of the second generation of mark armor.

He is not only a gifted inventor but also a gifted businessman.

A genius who can compare with the founders of various Super consortia, only his father Howard and Norman Osborne, the founder of Osborne group.

As soon as I got back to the house, I rushed into the underground laboratory, picked up the pen and paper, outlined the design of Mark 1, and started the research and design of Mark 2.

Sometimes, a disaster can really change a person. After Tony's return from the Middle East, Tony Stark, the former Playboy, died in the Middle East. Now the one who survives is iron man, Tony Stark!



It's not the first time that Natasha has set foot here. She has been to Brazil several times and has done a lot of tasks, but she still doesn't like the climate of Brazil. Moreover, the poisonous insects and beasts living in the tropical rainforest here are also troublesome things. You must be careful all the time. Otherwise, you don't know when you will encounter any poison, It's not fatal.

"How sure are you about the ability to copy this guy? I don't want to face an enraged and unrivaled enemy. This green monster can make me into a meat sauce with a slap. " Natasha, dressed in a white dress, walks on a concrete road in a small Brazilian city.

It turns out Bruce Banner is here.

"You just need to know where he lives. I'll find him in the evening, attach to him and copy his genes." venom said lightly.

"Of course, it's just to find a place to live. With my tracking ability, I can follow him to his home without being found by him. It's just that I have to finish my task. It's a little bit difficult. " Said Natasha, rather distressed.

Bruce Banner practiced jujitsu in Brazil. He lived a simple life and seldom communicated with others. After all, only he knew that there was another monster hidden in his body.

"Bruce Benner has a cousin, a criminal lawyer, who lives in Los Angeles. You can approach him in her name, trick him to Los Angeles, and then let the black marinated egg talk to Bruce Benner." venom said very calmly.

"Black marinated eggs?" Natasha looks strange. She knows that venom is talking about Nick Frey.

Although Nick Frey is black and bold, this black stewed egg is really special.

"What's the problem?" venom looks at Natasha and asks.

"No, I think it's very impressive," Natasha said with a smile. The information of the aegis bureau is very powerful. Bruce Banner thought he ran away from the army in Brazil, but in fact he basically lived in the awesome shield and the US military surveillance.

A terrible monster ran out. Although he is a man at the moment, he still can't ignore Hulk in his body. Let alone Bruce Benner, who is a dangerous person at the moment. Even the US military will spare no effort to chase Bruce Benner in order to copy a super soldier like Hulk.

Benner looked to the north from a distance, which was the direction of the United States.

Three years ago, he had a strange change because of gamma ray irradiation. There was a destructive creature in his body, hawk!

As long as his excessive anger, he will appear, replace him now.

And hawk's first appearance hurt his girlfriend Betty and his prospective father-in-law rose.

Moreover, he also knows that if he returns to the United States, the all pervasive U.S. military will definitely find him. Maybe his father-in-law will take the lead.

"Excuse me, are you Bruce Banner?" Benner looked up for the voice and looked at its owner.

A head of wine red hair is scattered on the shoulder, the white dress is fluttering slowly in the breeze, the handsome facial features are beautiful, and a pair of blue and charming eyes add a touch of charm to her.

"I am. What can I do for you?" Benner stayed for a while, but soon woke up, he is a very special person, although the woman in front of him is very beautiful, but he still won't betray Betty.

"I'm a friend of your cousin, Jennifer Susan Walters. As you know, she's a criminal lawyer, and her father is a police officer. There are numerous gangs in Los Angeles. She was threatened by gangs in this criminal case. She told me your identity and general address. I came to you without telling her. I just want you to help her with your identity." Natasha's face was worried, and her eyes were worried, happy, and frightened.

If venom didn't know that Natasha was a ghost, he would have believed it.

Mom, Oscar owes this woman a post-movie position.

venom has a lot of concerns, as expected! Women are all special. They are actors. They are born actors. Women who have lived so long and are still secret service professionals have already honed their talents as movie queens.

Benner was a little excited when he heard the news from his cousin, Jennifer, but he soon became gloomy and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I can't help you. Now I'm wanted by the U.S. military because of some unspoken circumstances. If I go to the United States, I may implicate Jennifer. Go back, I hope you can tell her, I'd rather make less money than touch those dangerous cases. "

Benner is also quite guilty. His parents died a long time ago, and he was adopted by Jennifer's father, that is, his uncle. He looks at her like his own sister. But now that she is in danger, he can't do anything. How can he not blame himself and feel guilty?

Natasha has no waves in her heart. Even if this guy is good at cheating, he will follow her without saying a word.

Natasha blinked, tears immediately flowed out, looked at Benner, voice full of disappointment, said: "Jennifer is my best friend, Jennifer told me, you are her proudest brother, did not expect that now Jennifer is about to encounter danger, you have to shirk, it's really disappointing, you really do not deserve to be Jennifer's brother!"

venom was able to feel the tears on Natasha's cheek and said with emotion: This is the essence of drama, that's right, tears come