
Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

"Transmigration." Ah, such an interesting concept. Many dream about being reborn in a world filled with heroes and villains. But not me... Thrown into a world where Gods walk among mortals, I will do everything in my power to survive. Stealing, robbing, killing, manipulating? I will do them all. I will be the one to survive until the end. Heros, Villains, Eternals, Deviants, Gods, Demons... SCREW THEM ALL!!! This is my story and I will make sure that everyone gets that right! I am Marcellus, a mutant who started from the bottom. [Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog] [Disclaimer: Other than my MC and the OCs, I do not own anything used in this fanfiction.]

ToothlessS · Movies
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135 Chs

Give Vibranium... Take Martial Arts


James rushed towards the Akihira estate as fast as he could. He wanted nothing more than to hold his son in his arms.

He never had an ideal childhood and once his powers manifested… things got worse.

He swore that he will never let his children suffer from any of that… Yet he failed. His son was kidnapped and he couldn't do anything.

"Stop." One of the guards near the estate shouted.

"I don't have time for this. And trust me, Bub. You would never want to mess with an angry father."  His claws were still hidden. "Call the owner of the estate. I just want to see my son."

"Lord Akihira doesn't have time to deal with 'dakens' like you." The guard said, pointing his katana towards James.

James knew from his wife that 'Daken' meant 'Mongrel.' Quite an offensive term but he didn't mind it as long as he could see his son.

"Look, Bub. I don't have time for any of this. I just want my son. So call your bloody owner and we can act civil." James laughed at his own words. 

Civil? He butchered over a few dozen samurais while coming here and here he was… talking about being civil.

"Didn't you hear what our captain said? Daken like you should go back to the wild forest that you came from." One of the henchmen said which made James scowl.

"Listen up, Bub. This is the last time I will ask. Call your owner." But unfortunately, the henchmen didn't listen and kept on insulting him.

"Our lord is busy taking care of his son. Go away. 'If' he finds some time to spare. He will meet-  *Ack* *Ughh*"

James had enough of his trash talk. So without a second thought, he picked him up from the ground.

"I don't care who your master is or… what he is. But if you don't call him here… You will lose your head, Bub." His claws were about to come out when he heard a man's shout.

"What's going on in my property?!?"



China was interesting. That's all I can use to explain it. 

People tend to mind their own business most of the time and the others are quite... welcoming. 

But what attracted me the most was the festival that was going on. The cosplay show was funny.

But that's not what I was here for.




"You traveled this long to… learn Martial Arts?"

The person who asked this was not your everyday martial arts teacher. He was something far scarier and dangerous.

He is definitely not a good guy and definitely not someone I could mess around.

He is Zheng Zu… Yes, the same immortal Zheng Zu who is also known as Fu Manchu, the father of Shang-Chi.

"Indeed, Sir Zu. The entire reason for my visit here… is to learn from you." 

This guy is extremely dangerous. He has the intellect of three geniuses and the world's most beautiful women as his pawns… or that's what I know about him.

He killed his brother and obtained immortality through the sacrifice. But that's not what I am here for…

I can achieve longevity or the marvel's version of immortality once my projects are complete. But the reason I am here is because…

"I want to learn your martial arts, the art of disguise, and your medical skills." 

He raised an eyebrow. "Quite daring of you to walk into my territory and ask me to teach you those skills… without even giving me anything in return."

"Ah, no. I didn't come here empty-handed." I put my hand inside my backpack. "I asked you to teach me your skills... in exchange for this."

His eyes nearly popped out of his sockets when he looked at the metal in my hand… Vibranium. 

Yes, the same vibranium that Howard gave me… Well not give, but I stole it. Howard had a little bit of Vibranium left over after making the shield, and using my invisibility… I stole this piece.

Now many will consider me stupid for giving away such a precious metal just to learn some martial arts and medicine. But that's where the twist was…

His martial arts skill can put Iron Fist to shame. He is a master when it comes to the art of disguise. He can fool even the most famous tricksters with ease and his medical skills… Let's just say that he is a 'miracle' doctor. 

He learned to mix both modern and ancient Chinese medical skills to create his own version of it. He is so highly skilled that he can cure even cancer… without the use of lasers or any of those high tech devices.

And besides… I can at max create a dagger with that little vibranium. 

And if required… I can get a bit of vibranium from the Savage Lands.

"W-Where did you get this?" He was shocked. Vibranium was one of the rarest if not 'the' rarest metal for anyone in this world... Unless you are a Wakandan or… Klaw. 

"I received that from a friend. It was of no use of him so he gave it away." He looked at me like I was some weirdo. "*Sigh* He… didn't know how rare the metal is." Lies… I just 'borrowed' it. "Anyhow, we are not here to talk about that. Will you teach me?" That's all it matters.

"Only martial arts, disguise art and medical art… not magic right?" 

Magic was not something that I wanted to try at the moment… or anytime soon as a matter of fact. It will mess up most of my plans.

"Yes. Only those and no magic." 

He rubbed his chin. Zheng Zu was all about making a profit and nothing else. He doesn't care about 'anything' else. If necessary, he will even kill his own family. 

But he still followed two rules. 

One was to never go against his words… and the second was to never kill any guests unless they attack first.

That's one of the reasons that I walked into his territory without much care.

He looked at the vibranium in his hand and kept on rubbing it. "As long as you don't ask me to teach you magic and promise to never teach my arts to anyone else… I agree to teach you. If you do teach someone else… your head will be on my platter."

That was a fairly decent deal. His skills were definitely not something I was going to distribute. 

I need to learn these skills before I inject the serum made by Wolverine's DNA... because I want to reach peak human skills before breaking through those limits. 

I smiled. "Deal."


[A/N: The Vibranium piece was very small and he will be going to the Savage Lands in the future for Anti-Metal... So he doesn't care much about that small piece of vibranium.

And yea... This is Zheng Zu... the father of Shang-Chi. His martial arts alone can defeat Cap'n America, Wolverine, Sabertooth etc...

"RIP Chadwick Boseman."

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