
Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard

Novel Summary Rhodes traveled to the Marvel universe and became the son of a duke in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He thought he could be a dominator, but he was led to Asgard, the fairy palace, and became the servant of Hela, the goddess of death. It’s a miserable thing to be a slave for a lifetime, but fortunately, he got the genes of Superman Silver. As long as you bask in the sun, you can continue to grow stronger, and no matter what dangers you encounter, you can quickly evolve corresponding abilities. Silver Superman is so powerful, so unreasonable. He became the king of Asgard, the overlord of the universe. “Thanos? This little guy, I can kill him with one breath!” Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion).

anandnainala · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 17

Early the next morning, Rhodes and Sig rode the Pegasus with the help of the villagers.

"Master Shenbing, you can choose any woman in the village, please stay for a while longer."

"I've already killed the evil spirits that harassed you, why do you want to keep me?" Rhodes was puzzled.

The villagers bowed their heads one by one, only a yellow-haired man looked at Rhodes kneeling on the ground and smiled flatteringly.

"If the village can be guarded by Lord Shenbing, people from other villages or evil things in the forest will not dare to invade it."

Rhodes shook his head, disappointed by the servility of human beings, clamped the Pegasus under him, and then disappeared into the sky.

In the sky, Rhodes clicked on the crystal screen on his arm, and then a 3D map of Egypt appeared in front of him in the form of holographic projection.

Although Rhodes himself could see the holy city of Egypt, Thinis in the distance.

But if you just pointed in one direction, Tianma would be a little confused.

After showing him the map and adding some explanations, the psychic Tianma immediately understood and accelerated towards Tinis.

Before reaching the Holy City, Rhodes saw a group of people lined up in a long queue above the desert outside the city.

They actually stopped at three steps on the yellow sand, and then solemnly kowtowed in the direction of the holy city.

Rhodes patted Tianma, "Go down, let's see what these people are doing?"

Pegasus lowered its flying altitude and slowly came to the ground.

In the desert, a light green barrier appeared out of thin air on the horse's hoof of Pegasus, supporting it on the yellow sand, preventing it from sinking due to quicksand.

With the support of the barrier, it supported Rhodes and Sig to gradually approach these weird people.

"oh oh!"

When everyone saw the Pegasus falling, they immediately kowtowed to Rhodes and Sig, and worshiped.

"Apostle of the great Lord Apocalypse, please accept our humble respect. We regard our creator, Apocalypse, as the only god, and praise his existence."

Their cheeks were dry due to lack of water, like the yellow sand on the soles of their feet, but their eyes were shining brightly, emitting a frenzied light, making people look at each other and couldn't help but twitch the corners of their eyes because of their madness.

Rhodes recalled that when he just entered the village gate yesterday, the villagers actually regarded him as the apostle of the apocalypse. Could it be that the apocalypse is so influential in this country?

"What do you think of Apocalypse?" Rhodes asked.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that the apostles sent by the apocalypse were asking questions to test their loyalty.

"We regard Lord Tianqi as a god, as our Lord, and his will is our will."

Rhodes couldn't help but wonder what Apocalypse did to make these people so devout.

"Then what can you do for Apocalypse? Can you die for him?" Rhodes asked casually, without any direction.

A few people with crazy eyes jumped out of the crowd immediately, and they shouted, "For Lord Tianqi! Praise Lord Tianqi!"

Then he pulled out the blade and wiped it on his neck, ending his life.

The blood flowed on the yellow sand, and after drying up, it turned into black.

The rest kowtowed to the ground and kowtowed repeatedly to the suicide to express their respect.

Both Rhodes and Sig could not help but twitch their eyes, what kind of belief is this? This is simply cult-like thought control.

Sig patted Rhodes on the shoulder, "Let's go, these people are already crazy, that person called Apocalypse doesn't look simple, we have to be careful."

Rhodes nodded. He only knew that Apocalypse was powerful. Even if Odin fought him, it would be difficult to know the result.

But I didn't expect Tianqi to be able to achieve such thought control.

He left with Pegasus, and then went to the holy city.

In order not to attract people's attention, Rhodes asked Pegasus to wait outside the city until he called out before coming, and then walked into the holy city with Sig.

The streets were full of crazy people like those pilgrims just now. They knelt down and kowtowed after walking a few steps, admiring the Egyptian royal palace on the high ground in the distance as the holiest holy object.

Among the people who came and went, what they talked about was Tianqi.

Chapter 30: Dedicated to Lord Apocalypse

Rhodes and Sig covered themselves with a white hooded robe.

If you still use Asgard's armor to show people in the city, it will be a bit conspicuous.

On the street, not only human beings come and go, but also superpowers transformed by the apocalypse. They wear gorgeous armor and are responsible for guarding the law and order.

Ordinary people immediately lower their heads when they meet them, and walk around the road, each and every one of them is terrified.

Regarding this, the reformers smiled playfully, stomped their feet forward on purpose, and roared loudly, scaring a few ordinary people who were walking with their heads bowed, causing them to stagger and run away.

"Hahahaha!" The reformers burst out laughing when they saw their funny escape.

Rhodes and Sig just pulled the brim of their hats to cover their eyes, then left the street in a low-key manner and walked towards the tavern on the side of the road.

Inside the tavern, it was very deserted.

Only two people were resting in the tavern, and they were all reformers wearing gorgeous armor.

A dark-skinned young girl in the tavern brought wheat-flavored wine to them.

"Several power users, your wine." She knelt down in front of the table humbly, raising the wine above her head.

"Cut! Why don't you go out and pay homage to Lord Tianqi? Today is the day he calls for grace." A monkey-faced reformer spat, looking at the woman with disgust in his eyes.

"Yes...I'm sorry!" The woman put her body on the ground, "Father is seriously ill and bedridden, and I am the only one who can help in the shop."

The monkey-faced man suddenly grabbed the woman's hair and pulled her up.

The woman clutched her hair roots, stood on tiptoe, and lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

"I think you just don't want to sacrifice yourself for Lord Tianqi!"

"Forget it! Gwen." A bookish-looking modified man next to him patted the monkey-faced modified man on the back of his hand and asked him to let go of the woman's hair.

"Although Mrs. Tianqi wants to have a young and vigorous body, not all young people will go, not least of which is her." He said kindly, smiling at the woman.


When the woman heard that she didn't need to sacrifice herself to Tianqi, she bowed to him very gratefully.


"Thank you, my lord~"


"Hmph! Liste!" Gervin snorted coldly, then glanced at the woman regretfully, then sat on the seat and did not speak.


Lister helped the woman up, looking around her body like a snake. Every time he saw the woman's bare skin, his eyes widened slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"My lord?" The woman felt that her wrist was being tightly grasped by Lister, and it was already painful, and his eyes became more and more obscene, giving people a sense of disgust of being looked at.


"Since you have no chance to dedicate your life to Lord Apocalypse, you should dedicate your life to our apostles of Lord Apocalypse." Lister held the woman's jaw with one hand, and then slammed her head against the table.




A trail of blood was left on the woman's forehead, she was in a daze, and golden flowers were everywhere in front of her eyes.


She limp limply.


Lister smiled mysteriously at Gervin.

Gervin curled his lips in disgust, "Screw you."

"Hahaha, Gwen, don't be a hypocrite. You despise me on the surface, but you also do bad things behind your back."

A lewd smile flashed across Gwen's face, "What do you know? Those women are also suffering when they live, and I gave them a good time."

The two laughed badly together.


A cold light pierced, and then drew two silver arcs in the air.

In front of Gwen and Lister, a person suddenly stood between them.

They looked up, and Rhodes frowned at the two of them, and with a flick of the spear in his hand, a bloodstain was thrown on the ground.

They looked at the bloodstains on the ground and at the bloodstains on Rhode's spear, wondering where the blood came from.

Gervin was about to raise his finger to Rhodes, and when he asked him what he was going to do, he suddenly found that his hands were unconscious.

Then a sharp pain swept over his arm, a circle of blood was printed on his wrist, and then his hands fell directly to the ground.

"Ah? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Gervin screamed, and blood spewed out from the broken wrist.

Lister was taken aback for a moment, and then wanted to throw the woman in his arms out, and then punched Rhode to death.

He has been strengthened by the apocalypse in strength, and it is easy to crush a mortal with ease.

But he was stunned for a moment, and then looked down at his hands. For some reason, he wanted to make a fist, but his hands didn't feel it.

At this time, a sore spot suddenly came from the root of his arm, and he looked at his shoulder in horror, a bloodstain slowly appeared, and then his body was separated from his two arms.

"How is this possible! How fast it takes to make the incision so smooth that the body doesn't even realize it!"

Lista took a step back, her arms hung down, only her hands were still resting on the woman's body.

Rhode raised his spear and crossed his arms, then flew out, pulling the woman into his arms.

He touched the wound on the woman's forehead and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, but he just passed out and did not die yet.

Gervin's body suddenly became red hot, and flames ignited in the fracture.

The flame burned the fresh flesh and blood, causing the fracture where the blood spewed to be instantly covered with scorched rotting flesh, and blood scabs formed accordingly, which stopped the blood loss.

He stretched out a severed arm, and lit a flame at the base of Lista's arms, stopping the bleeding from his wound.

Chapter 31: Apocalypse noticed the superhuman physique

Rhodes raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that these mass-produced reformers were actually quite capable.

The two lost their hands, but their fighting spirit remained undiminished, ready to fight Rhodes to the death.

Gervin raised his arms in front of his body, and without his palms, he only had two bare poles waving in front of him.

"Hmph! Even though we were attacked by you, the vitality and strength of our apostles have been strengthened. The mere loss of two limbs is not worth mentioning. Killing you is as easy as killing a dog!"

After finishing speaking, he punched Rhodes directly with the front end of the fracture.

Rhodes expression did not change, but simply raised the gun head, and the latter hit it by itself, and then pierced his heart with his own strength.

"Pfft!" Gervin spat out a mouthful of blood, but still stood upright, and then gathered flames in his mouth, trying to spray it towards Rhode's face.

Rhodes' eyes were fixed, and two red lights burst out from his eyes, and then two scorching straight lines shot out, piercing through Gwen's head and igniting his body.

Gervin was killed by the heat sight, his body hanging on the spear gradually blackened with charcoal.

Seeing this scene, Lister was so frightened that he sat down on the spot. Without his arms, he could only lie on the ground and wriggle like a bug, and fled towards the door.

"Forgive me, my lord! I didn't know that my lord was the senior apostle of Lord Tianqi! Please spare me!" he begged.

Rhodes retracted the spear and gently placed the woman on the table.

At this time the woman woke up, and after seeing the situation in front of her, she snuggled her body tightly into Rhodes' body.

"Help me! I don't want to die!" she sobbed.