
Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard

Novel Summary Rhodes traveled to the Marvel universe and became the son of a duke in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He thought he could be a dominator, but he was led to Asgard, the fairy palace, and became the servant of Hela, the goddess of death. It’s a miserable thing to be a slave for a lifetime, but fortunately, he got the genes of Superman Silver. As long as you bask in the sun, you can continue to grow stronger, and no matter what dangers you encounter, you can quickly evolve corresponding abilities. Silver Superman is so powerful, so unreasonable. He became the king of Asgard, the overlord of the universe. “Thanos? This little guy, I can kill him with one breath!” Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion).

anandnainala · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 18

Sig and Rhodes glanced at each other. The woman's fear must have something to do with the apocalypse just mentioned wanting a young man's body.

Rhodes didn't forcefully push the woman away, but let her hide in his arms.

He raised the gun to Lister's throat.

"Let me ask you, why do you think I am a senior apostle?"

As if he had received permission to live, Lister immediately smiled flatteringly, and generally twisted his body and knelt in front of Rhodes.

"I can tell my lord, just please don't kill me." He glanced at the charcoal on the ground, couldn't help but retract his eyes in fright, and looked at Rhodes even more obsequiously.

"You talk about it."

"My lord, you are able to skillfully use powerful abilities. This is something that only high-level apostles can do. We are just ordinary apostles who have strengthened our lives and bodies. We must do our best to be able to use abilities. And it costs lives."

"What does it mean to dedicate oneself to the apocalypse?"

Lista was stunned for a moment. He thought Rhodes was a high-level apostle, but now that he asks this question, could it be that he is not?

"Master Tianqi is old and his body is gradually dying. He wants a new vigorous body to continue his life, so many young people are anxious, but..."

Lister smiled faintly, "Master Tianqi's soul is too powerful, the body of ordinary people can't bear it at all, and many people died without success."

The delicate body of the woman in Rhodes' arms shook, and she moved her body closer to Rhodes.

"Is there anything else you think should be said?" Rhodes stared at Lista and asked.

Lista's eyes rolled around, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "Aren't you a high-ranking apostle?"


The spear pierced the air and pierced Lister's head, giving him a real pleasure.

In the distance, inside the royal palace of Egypt.

Tian Qi held his forehead with one hand, and purple light lingered in his eyes.

He didn't see what happened just now, but he could feel Rhode's existence through the transformed human body.

When they fought Rhodes, Apocalypse sensed everything in the dark.

"Almost a perfect body!" Tian Qi looked back and forth at the outline of a body in the picture in his eyes.

"I have devoured the bodies of so many power users, but only this body contains endless potential inside, it is simply a creation of heaven!"

The purple light in the eyes disappeared, and Tian Qi gently raised his fingers.

"Death! Come forward!"

On both sides under the high chair, there is a man with a black ghost sickle on his back. He is wearing a dark blue robe, covering a set of black armor below him. His eyes are hollow and black, like a skeleton, and he can't see the eyeballs anywhere. The presence.

"At your disposal, my master!" Death half-kneeled in front of Tianqi.

"Go to the place I directed you, test the person I assigned to you, don't kill him, and bring his body back alive."


Death clapped his hands, and a gray horse stepped forward from His Highness, and then rushed out of the palace carrying Death.

In the tavern, Rhodes burned two corpses with solar flames, everything was very low-key, leaving no traces.

The woman introduced herself as Nashata, the daughter of the owner of the shop. Her father was sick these days, so she was the only one to manage such a small shop.

"If it weren't for you, I don't know what kind of humiliation I would have suffered." Nazjata burst into tears as he spoke, throwing himself into Rhode's arms, "How should I repay you."

Rhodes was a little helpless, and it was hard for him to accept such warm gratitude, "We are going to stay in Egypt for a while, and staying in your tavern during this time is considered your repayment to us."

Nashata looked up at Rhodes, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, she left Rhodes' embrace, packed her clothes, "Please rest assured, I will hide my tracks well."

She knew that the purpose of Rhodes coming here must not be simple, as a weak woman, it is best not to ask.

Chapter 32: Apocalypse Apostle Attacks the Tavern at Night

At night, some other residents came to the tavern, and Nashata entertained them one by one.

Rhodes and Sig's room was behind the deepest corner, and unless someone just wanted to walk over to have a look, they wouldn't even notice that there was a room behind the corner.

The gate of the tavern was closed by Nashata, and the lights were blown out by her.

The surroundings were instantly plunged into darkness, and in this darkness, more than a dozen red dots appeared side by side, and then slowly moved towards the moonlight.

The bright moon shines on the body of the owner of the red dot, which are skeletons in tattered armor, like bones that have just been dug out from the ruins of the battlefield.

There was a red light in their eyes, showing that they were spiritual undead, and behind them, a gray steed was holding a cloak with a dark blue hood, and it was carrying a sword on its shoulders that was stronger than others. Tall Shadow Scythe.

Death slightly pointed at the tavern in front of him, and then a dozen or so undead moved their bodies and moved towards the door of the tavern.

A drunken man walked up the street, unable to see clearly what was in front of him, and bumped into a skeleton soldier.

He froze for a moment, wiped his eyes, and when the things in front of him became clear, a skeleton with ashes was staring at him with the blush in his eyes.

Before the man could yell out in fright, the skeleton cut off his head with a slash of the bone knife in his hand, and then continued to follow the footsteps of other skeletons towards the hotel entrance.

They used bone knives to cut off the crossbar behind the gate. The bone knives in their hands were so sharp that they cut the wood without making any sound.

Then the door was pushed open, and more than a dozen skeleton soldiers spread out around the door together.

Death swung the shadow scythe in front of him, and a shadow floated towards the dead man's body, and then two skeletons with white bones exploded on it. They quickened their pace and followed the skeletons with gray bones to sweep the tavern.


Death spoke the language of Exodus in his mouth, and then a few green rays of light flashed behind him, and rows of skeleton soldiers walked out from the shadow behind him, and walked towards the tavern in front of him. It's too tight.

Rhodes woke up suddenly on the bed alone, and the sensitivity brought by his super hearing allowed him to hear everything in the hall clearly.

If it was just an ordinary sound, he would subconsciously block it, but now there are hundreds of people standing in front of the hall, and none of them is breathing.

Rhode stared at the wall, and the clairvoyant eyes took effect, and the wall gradually became thinner.

In the hall in front of you, hundreds of skeleton soldiers are lining up towards the attic where they are staying, holding bone knives in their hands.

Some residents who lived outside had their doors kicked open, and then they were turned into pieces of meat by the slash of a bone knife.

They didn't even have time to scream, and the sound of the door being kicked open became the only alarm.

"Sig!" Rhodes snapped, immediately waking up Sig.

"What's wrong?!" Seeger instinctively held the spear and stood up.

"Someone is invading and massacring civilians. Go and protect Nazjata." After Rhodes finished speaking, he flew out of the house immediately, and then ran towards the skeletons that were killing innocent people.

In the narrow corridor that can only accommodate two people walking at the same time, his body turned into an afterimage, and each foot stepped on the ground, making a loud "dong dong dong" sound, shaking people who had not been awakened. and wake up.

The soldiers of the skeleton noticed Rhodes' figure rushing over, and immediately waited in full force, weighing the bone knives one by one, and flaunting towards Rhodes.

At this moment, Rhodes got up and kicked a flying kick, directly kicking out a skeleton soldier in the front row.

The soldiers behind him had no room to dodge at all, they were knocked into the air by the kicked soldier, and they all fell towards the depths of the corridor.

Rhodes didn't stop, and after his body stabilized, he punched out again, directly knocking out the other skeleton soldiers who were lucky enough not to be knocked into the air together.

They flew to the wall at the end, and they were like a pile of randomly placed garbage.

A heat ray burst out from Rhode's eyes, shooting straight at them.

It's a pity that although the heat rays pierced through and melted a group of them, they didn't burn.

The body material of these gray bone skeletons was unknown, but even the sun-like scorching rays couldn't ignite them.

The skeletons whose bodies had been pierced stood up slowly holding the lava dripping from their bodies. Obviously, the physical damage had no effect on them at all.

Outside the attic, more skeleton soldiers stared at Rhodes, and opened their mouths at him as if screaming, but they didn't make any sound.

Rhodes didn't love to fight, but jumped on the spot, flew over the heads of these skeletons, and landed in front of the entrance of the tavern.

As he expected, these skeletons came for him, and he immediately took them out of the attic one by one, making the civilians fall out of danger.

Rhodes ran out of the tavern, and hundreds of skeleton soldiers formed a large circle outside the door, surrounding him at the entrance of the tavern.

"Ha!" Behind him, Sig let out a roar, picked up a few skeleton soldiers with his spear, and then came to Rhodes.

"Didn't I ask you to protect Nazjata?" Rhodes said in a deep voice.

"She has reached a safe location, and I have also evacuated other civilians." Sig's eyes fell on the black shadow behind the skeleton soldier in front of him.

The same is true for Rhodes, who has been staring at the dark place beyond the reach of the moonlight since he left the door.

Chapter 33: Apostle of Apocalypse—Death, that's it?

There Death rode his gray horse, with skeletons in front of him making way for him.

"Is it the warrior's intuition?" The hood covered his eyes, and he raised the corners of his mouth playfully.

"However, Lord Tianqi really gave me a contemptuous task, asking me to come and catch such a small character as you."

He touched his strong jaw and snorted disdainfully.

"I don't even have to do it myself to deal with you." Death shook his head, and then retreated back into the siege of the skeleton soldiers.

The skeleton soldiers in front of Rhodes surrounded him, trying to kill Rhodes in the encirclement.

"Hmph!" Rhode snorted coldly, then waved the spear in front of him, turned around, and a wave of air was set off, blowing away all the surrounding skeleton soldiers.

Although the bodies of these skeleton soldiers cannot be burned, and the heat is difficult to spread and melt, but under the pressure of Rhodes' terrifying power, the vulnerable skeleton bodies cannot support at all.

Death looked back and stopped the gray horse under his crotch.

"These are all dolls that I have managed to make these past few days. You just ruined it for me. I really don't understand the pity." He lifted a skeleton soldier from below, and stroked his cheekbones with his fingers .

"Can't you see it? They were all innocent and beautiful women in their lifetime."

Rhodes' eyes twitched, "You mean, these skeletons are all obtained by killing innocent civilians?"

Death let out a shrill laugh, like a weeping banshee, and the eardrums were pierced by the laughter, which made people feel irritated.

A row of short skeletons suddenly stepped out from behind him, looking fair and immature, like a newborn baby.

These short skeletons took out their daggers and stood in front of death.

"Could it be all of these!" Sig exclaimed, his eyes glaring at death.

"Hahaha, yes, Lord Tianqi needs young blood, and young lives like them are just what he wants."

Sig's eyes were burning with anger, "You bastard!"

The spear in his hand was like a dragon, and his steps were nimble, stabbing towards death all the way.

The petite skeletons under Death's feet jumped up one by one, bumping into Sig's gun head, and helping him block the gun.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the skeletons let out a girl's screams, as if Sig was the murderer who killed them.

Sig immediately retracted his spear, and the skeletons closed their teeth mechanically, and then rushed towards him while Sig was in a daze.

Those skeletons were attached to Sig's body, and a vortex suddenly appeared in the hollow of his eyes, continuously absorbing light green light from his body.

Death turned into a black shadow, and with the help of the skeletons blocking his sight in front, he easily approached Sig. Then the black sickle on his shoulder was raised high and fell towards his neck, about to harvest his life.

At this moment, Rhodes dodges a punch, and hits Death's side of the head heavily, knocking his entire body backwards to the ground.

"It's all an illusion, don't fall for it." Rhodes tore off the skeleton attached to Sig and threw it aside.

Seeger recovered from the daze, his chest heaved up and down heavily, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

"Rod! Be careful, this guy's skeleton seems to be able to absorb life force." Sig knelt on the ground, obviously exhausted.

Rhodes lifted him up and covered him to the side to avoid.

"If it doesn't work, retreat first. This is their territory, and we don't have an advantage." Before leaving, Sig worried.

"Hmph~ Killing you is as easy as killing a dog. Two lackeys sent by Asgard to harass the master! Die!" Death swooped towards Rhodes with a black scythe in his hands.

The skeletons beside him accompanied him, and they flew toward Rhodes like hungry wolves rushing to eat, trying to use their bodies as shells to interfere with Rhodes.

Rhodes stood firmly on the spot, clenched his fists, and then a flame ignited on his fist.

"Small tricks!" He blasted out with both fists, and rushed forward in a spiral along with a gust of wind.

The skeletons were sucked into the tornado by the gale in the air, and then melted by the temperature of the gale into pools of magma-like bone water, which fell on the ground and emitted white smoke.

Hundreds of skeletons were reduced to ashes in an instant.