
Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard

Novel Summary Rhodes traveled to the Marvel universe and became the son of a duke in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He thought he could be a dominator, but he was led to Asgard, the fairy palace, and became the servant of Hela, the goddess of death. It’s a miserable thing to be a slave for a lifetime, but fortunately, he got the genes of Superman Silver. As long as you bask in the sun, you can continue to grow stronger, and no matter what dangers you encounter, you can quickly evolve corresponding abilities. Silver Superman is so powerful, so unreasonable. He became the king of Asgard, the overlord of the universe. “Thanos? This little guy, I can kill him with one breath!” Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion).

anandnainala · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 16

Rhodes frowned, "You want us to protect you from the demons, right?"

The few people who were said to be the center of the matter were stunned, cold sweat dripped down their foreheads, they were afraid that the women in their village would not be good-looking, they would not be able to keep a few magic soldiers, and they would offend them instead.

In the face of the devil, countless people died in the village. Some of these girls were daughters who lost their fathers, and some were widows who hadn't spent the night with their husbands.

They all know the abomination of the devil, and they all volunteered to sacrifice themselves for the future of the village.

Chapter 27: Ghost Rider

Several youths nodded in shame, "Master Shenbing, we have nothing to do. If you can stay for a while to protect us, we will definitely be able to think of a way to deal with the demons."

Rhodes shook his head, and gently pushed the woman away, "Demons appear at night, right?"


"Retire, I will help you punish the devil tonight, don't thank me."

Several young people looked at each other, and immediately pulled a few women to kneel down to Rhodes, "I am so grateful for such a great kindness!"

After speaking, he immediately walked out of the room and closed the wooden door.

Sig looked at Rhodes, "Are we waiting like this tonight?"

Rhodes shook his head, "Our goal is Laufey, we can't waste time here, we will take the initiative to attack tonight, try to kill the demons, and buy some time for these poor mortals to seek help."

Sig nodded, and he also knew that if Lau Fei succeeded in opening the treasure box by wasting time in such a place, it would be a little bit of self-interest and disregard for righteousness.

After eating the dishes offered by the Egyptian villagers, Rhodes and Sig lurked in the grass not far from the village gate.

In front of him was a plain surrounded by forests. I heard the villagers describe that if the devil wanted to harass the village, he would definitely pass through here.

Rhodes and Seeger hid their breath and watched quietly, not wanting to startle the enemy. If they let the other party run away, there would be no second chance.

The white moon rises to the highest point in the sky, and the bright moonlight shines on the plain, giving the green grass a light blue gloom.

The wind and waves slowly blew over the shallow grass, blowing them to one side, and a black sole stepped on the grass and slowly stepped into the plain.

Noticing a black shadow appearing on the edge of the woods in the distance, Rhodes' eyes narrowed, and the scene in front of him continued to enlarge.

Under the effect of farsightedness, the posture of the black-footed master can be seen in a panoramic view.

"This is the evil spirit of hell?" Rhodes frowned. The creature in front of him had two horns on his head, his body was as red as blood, his eyes were pure black, and the dark red eyes turned around to watch the surroundings.

With creatures with such characteristics, Rhodes can only think of the evil spirits of hell.

"How did these guys appear in this kind of place?" Rhodes was very curious. Generally speaking, if no one summoned, this kind of creature would never be able to come to Earth by its own power.

Just as he was about to walk out of the grass, kill the evil spirit quickly and go back to rest, there was a neighing sound from the distant woods.

"Boom boom boom~"

The sound of horseshoes gradually approached, and suddenly a fiery red figure leaped into the air from among the trees, and a silhouette shone under the moonlight.

A white skull man's head was wrapped in hellfire, and he was riding a black skeleton horse.

The man wore a gentleman's top hat, and bright red flames gushed out from his skeletal eyes, heading straight for his top hat, but did not ignite it.

Wearing a black cloak, it fluttered in the gentle breeze.

The skeleton horse under him had four hooves emitting flames, and the skeleton of the whole body had a black iron-like luster.

Rhodes knew him, he was the Ghost Rider, but not the Ghost Rider of the era before him. The Ghost Rider of this era only lived in legends, and no one knew what kind of person he was.

In terms of strength, it is not difficult for Rhodes to defeat him, but the ghost knight is immortal and immortal, and it is impossible to completely defeat him only by material destruction.

If you go out now, the other party happens to be a combative person, and the fight will be endless.

In order not to delay the hunt for Lau Fei, Rhodes chose to hide his hand and stayed in the dark to observe quietly.

The ghost knight pulled out a one-handed sword wrapped in flames from his waist, and stood in front of the evil spirit of hell.

Seeger didn't restrain himself at this time, and rushed out directly.

He didn't seem like Rhodes knew Ghost Rider, but instead regarded him as the evil spirit feared by the villagers.

Indeed, in terms of appearance, the evil spirit of **** looks much more kind than the evil spirit knight with skeleton flames.

"Bang!" A milky white light cannon shot out from the front of the spear, flying towards the ghost knight.

The latter turned around and cut the light cannon in two with a sword, and then aimed the empty eyes covered in flames at Sig who was rushing over.

Rhodes also walked out of the grass, and when he was about to explain to Sig, the evil spirit of **** came up and stared at him.

It seems that he is unwilling to be lonely without an opponent, and wants to challenge Rhodes actively.

He raised his claws in front of him, and gave Rhodes a playful smile.

"You are too overconfident." After Rhodes finished speaking, he pushed the spear in his hand and pierced the evil spirit's heart.

"Pfft!" The evil spirit was pierced through the heart, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and then looked at Rhodes with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He tightly grasped Rhodes' spear with both paws, and then pulled the spear to pull Rhodes towards him.

Rhodes sank his front feet, pushed his waist, and pushed the spear into the demon's body, passing directly through his body. There was a still beating black heart stuck in the tip of the spear.

"Haha~" The evil spirit laughed in a low voice, as if mocking Rhodes for being tricked, and then rushed towards Rhodes along the long spear.

Rhodes was unhurried, let go of the spear and punched head-on, punching a big hole in the evil spirit's body, and blood sprayed behind him, blackening the short grass.

"Shua!" The evil spirit swung its claws down and landed in front of Rhodes, who had no choice but to raise his arms to block.

The strength of this claw was not restrained by the serious injury at all, and it hit Rhodes' arm heavily, creating a deep hole in the ground under his feet.

Chapter 28: Tormenting the Ghost Rider

"Hahaha!" Evil Spirit laughed loudly, very proud of his attack, but his expression suddenly froze, and then he gradually became frightened.

In front of him, Rhodes actually grabbed his arm, and then he made a knife with one hand and chopped off his arm.

The evil spirit stepped back again and again clutching its severed arm, looking at Rhodes in a panic.

"Is your vitality the same as Ghost Rider's immortality?" Rhodes threw the arm of the ghost on the ground, then loosened his shoulders and slowly approached the ghost.

Cold sweat dripped from the evil spirit's forehead, and he staggered back, trying to escape from Rhodes.

"If you can't speak human language, I'll know when I tear you apart." Rhodes said, flying to grab the back of the evil spirit's head, and dragging him to the ground.

Rhodes turned over and rode on the body of the evil spirit, and punched him in the face continuously.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Every punch he made produced a shock wave visible to the naked eye, and the ground under the back of the evil spirit's head was sunken again and again.

The evil spirit struggled to escape, but Rhodes' strength completely suppressed him. Finally, under the heavy punches, his body shook violently, and he lost any vitality.

Rhodes stood up and looked at the **** evil spirit on the ground, somewhat curious in his heart, what kind of creature had such strong vitality.

His heart was taken away, and he was punched dozens of times before he died.

"Ah!" Sig wailed.

Against the Ghost Rider, he didn't seem to be able to do anything with ease, but instead fell into a hard fight.

Rhodes immediately ran over to support him.

"Be careful, no matter how hard you hit this guy, he won't die!" Seeger panted heavily. He had hit his vitals many times since just now, but he didn't see any reaction from the other party, not even any hesitation in his body. .

Rhodes was not surprised. General physical attacks had no effect on Ghost Rider. His immortality came from his foundation—the Spirit of Vengeance.

This was created directly by the God of Heaven, and only God can destroy directly, and as long as the Spirit of Vengeance is still alive, he can be resurrected infinitely.

The ghost rider flicked the rocket in his hand, and his eyes turned to the corpse of the ghost lying on the ground in the distance.

"Can you kill him?" He said in a low voice, "I have been hunting him for so many days, but I have not been able to kill this monster with almost infinite vitality."

When Rhodes heard that the Ghost Rider was here to fight against the evil spirits, he restrained himself from vigilance.

He originally wanted to ask questions about the evil spirit, but the evil spirit knight on the skeleton horse suddenly swooped over and stabbed his face with a sword.

Rhodes swayed, dodging the straight thrust, and then the spear in his hand circled around smoothly, and a sweep hit the skeleton horse's hind hoof.

This sweep caused the skeleton horse to stagger, and fell to the ground after losing its balance, throwing the ghost knight into the air.

After rolling half a circle on the ground, Ghost Rider stood up, and rushed towards Rhodes with a long sword in his hand without any explanation.

Rhode's spear circled around in his hand, and a gun flower circled out. He stepped forward and headed towards the ghost knight.

In short combat, the elder is king.

The spear in Rhode's hand pierced Ghost Knight's throat within a distance that Ghost Knight had no time to attack.

However, the latter, like the evil spirit just now, went straight up and let the spear penetrate his throat.

He held up the long sword and slashed Rhodes directly, and the flames flew out and fell towards his face.

Rhodes expression did not change, and the flames ignited on his fist and punched out.

The flames of the ghost knight were no match for the power of the sun flames, and were directly scattered.

Rhodes blocked the long sword with one hand, and grabbed the ghost knight's arm with the other.

Then he turned around and approached the Ghost Rider, swung his arms and threw him on the back with an arc in the air, hitting the ground heavily.

Ghost Rider wanted to stand up, but was kicked in the chest by Rhodes, and then his body was suppressed by a huge force.

Rhodes knelt on his chest with one knee, and one hand clasped his arm joints, preventing him from moving.

"Roar!" Ghost Rider roared, and the flames of his body blazed, spreading along Rhode's lower limbs towards Rhode's body.

Rhode's eyes were fixed, and two beams of red light shot out, piercing through the head of the ghost knight, causing the flames all over his body to dissipate instantly.

Then he used the sun flame again, burst out from the whole body, and washed away the flames of the ghost knight.

Rhodes, who was able to use the Sun Flame, was no longer afraid of other burns that were less powerful than the Sun Flame, and he was safe after the first battle.

Sig came up to look at the Ghost Rider, and he was relieved when he found that the other party was dead.

"He's not dead yet," Rhodes said.

"What!" Sig was startled, and then saw the flames igniting again in the eyes of the Ghost Rider.

Although he was resurrected, he didn't struggle in a hurry, but looked at Rhodes quietly.

In this situation, there was no need for him to struggle anymore. Rhodes buckled his joints, and if he wanted to break free, he would cut off his hand.

After losing an arm, I will be in this predicament again.

"You are very strong and more qualified than me to hunt these evil spirits." He said lightly.

Rhodes let go of Ghost Rider only after realizing that he had no fighting spirit.

"What are these evil spirits? I have never heard of creatures whose vitality can reach such a degree."

Ghost Rider sat up and explained: "These are the current pharaohs of Egypt, the products of Apocalypse's experiments. He didn't manage them well and let them flee to various places, killing many people."

When Rhodes heard that it was the work of Tianqi, he was not surprised why it had such amazing vitality.

After all, Apocalypse is as amazingly gifted as God in creating powerful life.

Chapter 29: The Apocalypse Pilgrim

"If possible..." Ghost Rider went on, "I hope you can fight these evil spirits instead of me. My strength is still too weak. It took me three weeks to kill the evil spirits you just easily killed. hunt."

Rhodes shook his head, he didn't have time to protect some ordinary humans, Lau Fei was the bigger threat.

"Your strength is not weak, as long as you are willing to calm down and don't let the spirit of revenge in your body control you." Rhodes said lightly.

This sentence made Ghost Rider tremble, "You... how do you know that I will temporarily lose my mind during the battle?"

Rhodes knew the weakness of ghost knights. If the early ghost knights couldn't skillfully control the relationship between ghosts and themselves, they would be robbed of their sanity and turned into fighting machines.

Only when he understands the existence of the evil spirit, reconciles with him, and fights together, can he unleash the strongest strength.

"You have to calm down, reconcile with the evil spirit in your body, don't think about suppressing him or resisting him, it's not obeying him." Rhodes said lightly, and left directly.

Ghost Rider sat on the ground, and Rhodes' few words seemed to wake him up, causing him to fall into deep thought.