
Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard

Novel Summary Rhodes traveled to the Marvel universe and became the son of a duke in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He thought he could be a dominator, but he was led to Asgard, the fairy palace, and became the servant of Hela, the goddess of death. It’s a miserable thing to be a slave for a lifetime, but fortunately, he got the genes of Superman Silver. As long as you bask in the sun, you can continue to grow stronger, and no matter what dangers you encounter, you can quickly evolve corresponding abilities. Silver Superman is so powerful, so unreasonable. He became the king of Asgard, the overlord of the universe. “Thanos? This little guy, I can kill him with one breath!” Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion).

anandnainala · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 15

Seeing that the general had fled, the Egyptian soldiers threw away their shields and spears one by one, and fled in all directions.

"Don't let him run away!" Sig commanded the soldiers in Athens, pointing at the fleeing plague, he fired a light cannon, but the distance was not enough.

Rhodes stared at the back of the plague, thinking that this guy caused the death of innocent people in Athens, a wildfire could not help igniting in his eyes.

"Ding! The host [Rods] has evolved [Heat Vision]!"

In the eyes, a stream of red light burst out suddenly, and two straight beams of scorching light shot towards the plague, piercing through several Egyptian soldiers in a straight line along the way, burning them to ashes instantly.

Plague felt a chill behind him, turned around to check, and saw two parallel beams of red light shot in front of him instantly, piercing through his chest before he could react.

The white horse under him suddenly stopped slowly. Plague hadn't figured out what happened. He looked down and saw two blood holes in his chest. From the cross section, he could see that his internal organs melted like magma, and gradually evaporated into a stench. blood mist.

He vomited a mouthful of blood, and his body fell on the horse's back and gradually burned.

Feeling the burning sensation from his back, the white horse sped up its four hooves, threw the plague's body off, and then fled away into the distance.

Rhodes, the remaining Egyptian soldier, didn't intend to let go. He flicked the lasers from his eyes, and two streams of light that could melt everything swept across the battlefield, cutting every living creature and substance within reach. It became two parts.

In an instant, the war turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the screams of Egyptian soldiers came from everywhere.

But it only lasted a few seconds, and it was replaced by a silent silence. All the Egyptian soldiers died on the ground, and their bodies were swallowed by the flames and turned into ashes.

The Athenian soldiers were also terrified. They hid behind Rhodes and dared not move forward, for fear that Rhodes' divine power would break out and affect them.

Sig was also frightened and stuck in place. He didn't dare to imagine how fast Rhodes' growth rate was, and he couldn't even think of any ancestors he had seen in history who could reach Rhodes' growth rate.

Only a few Egyptians who accidentally fell while fleeing escaped unharmed, stood up and fled even more frantically.

"Don't chase after them, let them report back." Rhodes ordered.

The Athenian soldiers then began to clean up the battlefield, and did not continue to pursue a few fleeing soldiers.

After running for a while, they found that there were no pursuers behind them, so they fell to the ground half dead, gasping for breath, shaking their limbs, unable to move.

"Then... what is that?"

"Demon God! It's the red-eyed Demon God!"

The few people rested for a while, their bodies suddenly felt cold, recalling the hellish scene they had just experienced in their minds, they were too frightened to stay for a long time, and immediately set off and fled all the way back to Egypt.

Egypt, inside the Pharaoh's palace.

In front of the main hall, there are two sphinxes, gazing into the distance, making everyone who comes here feel an invisible sense of oppression.

Inside, several Egyptian deserters who survived knelt on the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

Sitting on the main hall, holding the golden staff of Su Sheng, he has dark blue skin, his eyes are hidden behind the eyelids, empty and deep, and his solemn and concentrated appearance makes people feel his solemnity.

His long blue hair hangs loose behind him, he is wearing golden shoulder pads and bottoms, a scarlet gemstone is inlaid on the belt around his waist, and a silver-white long sword is inserted beside his seat.

After listening to the narration of several deserters, he stood up, drew out his long sword and walked towards everyone.

Listening to the approaching heavy footsteps, several deserters trembled uncontrollably.

A few silvery white knife lights flashed, and the blood instantly stained the khaki ground red.

Chapter 25: The meeting between Laufey and Apocalypse

All the deserters were beheaded, and the fractures were as smooth and neat as a mirror, making it hard to imagine how proficient the killer was.

"There are such cowards in my army." He flicked the blood on the blade, and drew a splashed ink drawing on the ground. The reason for beheading the deserters so solemnly was to enforce military discipline.

"Lord Apocalypse!" The Egyptian servant in golden armor stepped forward and said, "The light cannon they are talking about may be Asgard's weapon."

"But we have never heard of a demon **** who can use the power of the magic eye. Maybe they exaggerated to avoid crime."

Tian Qi turned around and walked back to his throne. The silver long sword was wrapped in a lavender light, and then he returned to the sword slot and inserted it.

The people around were not surprised, they all knew that this was their Master Tianqi's supernatural power, telekinetic power.

Compared with this magic-like ability, Tianqi's other abilities are even more terrifying, and even just a snap of the fingers can melt people into a piece of flesh and blood.

In their eyes, Apocalypse is the only **** in this world.

"Even without such a terrifying demon god, as long as people from Asgard intervene, it will be difficult for us to capture Greece." He said worriedly.

"And..." Tian Qi clenched his fists, "I also lost two generals, the plague and the war, the **** of magic eyes, I must tear him to pieces with my own hands."

The hall fell into silence. They knew the strength of Asgard. The thousand protoss soldiers who suddenly appeared on the battlefield could suppress an army of 30,000 at will with their long guns and light cannons.

Moreover, there are so many modified humans who surpassed ordinary humans, and they are still vulnerable.

To fight against such a race, the strength of the current army is simply hitting a stone with an egg.

Seeing that no one could have a countermeasure, Tianqi became even more melancholy, and he did not dare to offend people in Asgard at will, after all, it was the power of the Odin God King.

Fighting with him will only hurt both sides.

"Report! Pharaoh!" A guard sent by His Highness hurried up, "A frost giant who calls himself Laufey, please see me!"

Tian Qi narrowed his eyes, hooked his fingers and said, "Tell him to come up."

In his impression, the Frost Giants were a Jotunheim race, and they had a blood feud with Asgard.

I just had a head-on confrontation with the people from Asgard, and the other party came back to visit me at this time. It seems that the intention is somewhat similar to my own.

Your Highness, Lau Fei came forward with a few frost giants under him.

"Hello, I am the King of the Frost Giants, Laufey."

Tian Qi looked down at the people who were half kneeling in front of him humbly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you ask to see me?"

Lau Fei looked at the corpses at his feet, and then waved his hand, and a stream of frost instantly turned into ice and pierced through these corpses.

The corpse was condensed by ice, and a layer of hoarfrost was covered on the surface, and the skin turned into a greyish appearance.

A few frost giants stepped on it lightly, and those corpses shattered like bubbles in an instant, and the ice crystals that turned into debris were scattered in the air.

The corpses that were still on the ground disappeared completely, and the ground suddenly became tidy.

Everyone in Egypt looked at Laufey in surprise, and they realized that the other party was also a person who had the same miracles as Lord Tianqi.

"I'm here to clear the obstacles for you." Lau Fei said humbly, and by the way, wiped away the blood on the ground with frost.

"I know that Asgard has offended you recently, and we also have a deep hatred with Asgard, so I want to help you."

Tian Qi raised his eyebrows with interest, and spread his hands around his wrists, "Continue talking."

Lau Fei raised a finger, "But if you want to know more, you have to promise us a condition first."

"What conditions?" Tian Qi asked.

"Priority should be given to killing Asgard's soldiers, and Athens as the second. With our weapons support, ordinary humans are like dust, swept away."

Tianqi nodded. Since Asgard was already sheltering Athens, they would not be able to pass this hurdle. They had to confront Asgard head-on. It was reasonable to kill the powerful soldiers first.

Lau Fei smiled lightly, and then asked his subordinates to offer an ice crystal axe, "This is a frost axe, which can use frost magic. It can freeze the bodies of **** soldiers, and directly destroy them for humans."

"My people will deliver these axes to you. I believe that with these weapons, your army will be even braver."

Tian Qi took the ax and waved it casually, a streak of frost appeared in front of his eyes, freezing a thorn of ice, which extended to the outside of the hall.

Seeing the power of the handaxe, everyone felt the flame of revenge against Asgard and Athens ignited in their hearts.

Looking at these high-end weapons, Tianqi smiled, "You have shown your sincerity, and I am willing to make friends with you."

Lau Fei smiled faintly, "My honor." Then he left the main hall with his men.

Outside the Egyptian palace.

Several of Lau Fei's subordinates walked up to him and asked in confusion, "Why should we be so respectful to him? After we open the treasure box, he will also freeze to death here."

Laufey shook his head, looked at the sky and frowned and said, "The atrium is under the surveillance of Asgard. If we rashly open the ice treasure box, we will definitely be detected a powerful source of magic power."

"In the time it takes for the ice box to activate, it's enough time for people from Asgard to bring people over to strangle us."

"And, can't you feel it? The ability hidden in that guy is really amazing. If you want to find an adjective, it can be said to be Almighty God, even if I dare not say that I can win.".

Chapter 26: There Are Demons Here

Several servants are still puzzled.

"Let these humans attract Asgard's attention for their own resentment, and we will naturally have the opportunity to use the ice treasure box"

The servants suddenly realized that their boss had been so thoughtful in the past few days, and after understanding the deep meaning, they all secretly smirked, mocking that human beings were being used by them.

In Athens, after a period of investigation, the people of the entire Greek city and affiliated villages were all questioned.

The people in Athens told Rhodes that they had indeed seen the blue-skinned person heading westward, and then asked about the return information of the Pegasus knights, and confirmed that Laufey was moving westward.

And the west is Egypt, and Laufey can only go to Egypt if he moves to the west.

"What do we do next?" Seeger asked.

Rhodes clicked a few times on the crystal screen on his arm, and ordered the Pegasus Knights, "Let the elite troops assemble first, and we will go to Egypt together."

After the order was issued, all the Pegasus knights who searched around Greece immediately assembled and gathered in the west of Greece.

Rhodes and Sig also set off immediately. Tianma moved very fast, and it only took less than half an hour to move from one city to another.

It took only three hours to leave Greece.

On the border of Greece, the Pegasus forces have assembled.

"Waiting for your next instruction!"

Rhodes thought for a while, and then ordered: "Everyone will follow the original team to advance towards Egypt, and station at the border of Egypt after arriving in Egypt, waiting for my next order."

The ordered Tianma troops acted immediately, exploring the way to Egypt first.

Rhodes and Sig also flew towards Egypt with the Pegasus troops, but instead of going to the Egyptian border like the Pegasus troops, Rhodes behaved very low-key and let his Pegasus fly at low altitude.

This was done not to scare the snake away, so that Laufei would not be aware of it in advance. Instead, the other Pegasus knight Rhodes asked them to go to the border as high-profile as possible, so that Laufei would not dare to leave Egypt.

This locked his position.

Pegasus flew all afternoon, and the sky was getting dark. Rhodes took pity on Pegasus looking a little tired, so he let him land, and then walked to a village, which was already the border of Egypt.

As soon as I came to the gate of the village, I could see several young and middle-aged men holding farm tools for farming in their hands, holding them high in front of them to scare Rhodes and Sig.

Their gazes fell on the pegasus behind Rhodes, and they couldn't help being taken aback. This was the first time they had seen such a holy creature.

The farm tools in their hands gradually lowered, and they asked humbly: "Are you two rescuers sent by Lord Tianqi?"

Rhodes and Sig looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Did something happen here? You also guard the village gate at night." Rhodes asked.

Several young and middle-aged men put down the farm tools in their hands, came to Rhodes and knelt down, "You are wearing such a mighty armor, you must be the messenger of Lord Apocalypse, our village has been devastated by demons, and the night watchmen are all killed The devil caught it and made it food."

"I beg you to save us!" They knelt down and kowtowed.

Rhodes frowned, they were talking about Tianqi, it seems that Tianqi has done a lot of influential things in this country, and there may be his eyeliner everywhere.

While secretly guarding in his heart, Rhodes explained: "We are not subordinates of Apocalypse, I am an officer from Asgard, you can call me Rhodes."

"Asgard?" Several villagers had never traveled farther than the river from the village in their life, so they were naturally ignorant of the power distribution of the Protoss.

But they knew that Rhodes was a magic soldier, so they immediately welcomed Rhodes and Sig into the village respectfully.

They vacated the best-decorated house in the village, and then set up a large table in the hall.

Rhodes and Sig sat at the table, and hot dishes were served immediately.

The women serving the dishes wore light makeup, which was already the best decoration in this small village. They wore sparse clothes, even less than the average person in hot weather. They walked gracefully and looked at Rhodes from time to time.

"Sir," Sig reminded in a low voice.

"I know." Rhodes realized that this was not simply inviting himself to a meal warmly, but obviously tempting himself with delicious food and beauty.

A few men walked in from the door, they were the ones who had just kept watch at night, and they were accompanied by a few beautiful girls, who seemed to have just grown up, and they still had the shyness unique to girls.

They sat around Rhodes and Sig, and the men spoke.

"You two masters, please don't be polite. Let's rest in this village for a while. We have delicious food and entertainment. If you two are interested..."

The speaker's eyes fell on several girls, and then their hands wrapped around Rhodes' arms like vines, and they looked up at him with blushing faces.