
Marvel: Reincarnation in my favorite movie saga

Synopsis: The MC is reincarnated in the marvel cinematic universe with a system like any good FF. It's the first time I write, so I'm going to have a lot of mistakes, criticism is accepted but don't insult thanks. Also English is not my first language. If you don't like it don't read it and that's it. PS: I write this because I feel like it and I do it for fun. I will update the chapters whenever I feel like it.

Masterclass007 · Movies
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22 Chs


8 hours later.

In a meeting room was Liam watching a screen showing Natasha trying to get information out of Loki who was in a cage that was built to contain the Hulk. Tony and Banner were in their lab trying to find the cube. Steve infiltrated a room where he would find Hydra's weapons used by SHIELD. Thor was in the same room as Liam talking to Coulson and eyeing Liam warily from time to time.

Natasha managed to trick Loki and learned that they were trying to use Banner as a plan. But at the same time Fury learned that Tony had hacked their system and went looking for him.

"What are you guys doing, I thought you were trying to find the Tesseract?" said Fury with a touch of anger.

"We are, we already set the signal when it registers it will give us the location" (Banner).

"What is phase 2?" asked Tony.

A noise is heard, it was Steve throwing a gun on the table.

"Phase 2 is SHIELD using the cube to make weapons" (Steve).

"Relax Captain I've gathered all the information on the Tesseract so there's no risk" (Fury).

"No risk you say and what's this about a missile of mass destruction using Tesseract energy" Tony said as he showed on the screen the missile.

As they were discussing in the room Liam, Natasha and Thor walked in.

"You guys knew about this" asked Banner to Liam and Natasha.

"Calm down doctor Loki is manipulating you" (Natasha).

"Manipulating you say, I was in Calcutta calm and you guys were the ones who called me" said Banner a little angry.

"Also, someone want to tell me why SHIELD is creating weapons of mass destruction with the Tesseract" (Banner).

"That's because of him," said Fury pointing at Thor.

Fury explained to them what happened with Thor a year ago, that they discovered that we were not alone in the universe and with the current weapons they could not fight these beings.

And with that they began to argue. Seeing this Liam got closer to Natasha because he knew what was coming. And yes, with this an explosion was heard in one of the helicarrier's propellers that through the tubes reached the room they were in. With that Liam grabbed Natasha and pulled behind him leaving Banner to fall alone.

"Go to the cockpit with Fury and be careful I'll take care of Banner" Liam said to Natasha who nodded and hurried off.

Liam who saw Natasha leaving jumped where Banner fell. And he saw that he was transforming and tried to knock him out, but it didn't work because the Hulk didn't allow it.

As the transformation finished, Hulk looked at Liam.

"Hulk, calm down, we are allies," Liam said trying to calm Hulk down.

Ignoring Liam, Hulk threw a punch that connected with Liam sending him flying and Hulk ran towards Liam.

Liam, lying on the ground, thought, "I'm going to have to get him to the surface." With that said, he got up and lunged at Hulk who managed to connect with a punch and threw Hulk into a hangar.

Following Hulk lying on the ground, Liam climbed on top of him and started throwing punch after punch at him, slightly disconcerting Hulk and taking advantage of this, Liam grabbed onto Hulk's waist and lifted him up and flew section by section until they reached the top of the Helicarrier, he was about to throw him, but Hulk pulled himself together and grabbed Liam before he threw him and crashed him into a plane.

Liam got up with cuts all over him, but with his ability he was healed in no time. Using his other ability, his murderous intent, Liam rushed at the Hulk. Hulk noticed the change in the air and his skin crawled and he felt a little but only a little fear seeing the man flying at him.

Liam seeing Hulk's bewilderment and that he was throwing more and more predictable punches, took advantage that Hulk was with his guard down and with his right arm he threw a hook to the jaw, following this with his left arm he threw a punch to Hulk's right cheek that knocked him down. Taking advantage of the moment Liam grabbed Hulk's leg, swung him and threw him off the Helicarrier.

20 minutes earlier.

Tony and Steve went to the area where the propeller was destroyed and were trying to fix it and had complications because Loki's agents were trying to prevent it.

On the other hand, Natasha was in the command room fighting against Loki's agents until Barton managed to deactivate one of the propellers.

"Natasha catches up to Barton who is heading to the detention level" (Fury).

With that Natasha ran off catching up to Barton where they fought and Natasha managed to knock him out.

Thor was watching Liam and Hulk's fight in case Liam needed help until he saw Liam take him to the surface and walked away to meet Loki. When he arrived, he saw that Loki was coming out of the cage and lunged at him, but he was a copy of Loki.

"You always fall into the same trap" said Loki closing the cage.

To which Thor raised his hammer slamming it against the glass which caused one of the cage's supports to disengage.

"Humans believe us immortal let's prove it" said Loki who was about to push the button.

"Please stand back" said Coulson pointing a gun at Loki.

Loki turned to him warily.

"You like it, we did it after you sent the destroyer, I don't know what it does, but let's try it now" (Coulson).

But just before he fired, Loki scattered and appeared behind Coulson, Loki was going to spear him through, but stopped inches from Coulson's back. It was Liam grabbing the spear and said.

"Not on my watch" (Liam).

2 min before

Liam had finished the battle against the Hulk and was sitting on the surface of the helicarrier, just as he remembered Coulson and flew out to where Loki was. Upon arrival he saw Loki scatter and appear behind Coulson and then intervened by grabbing the spear.

With this, Liam activated the killing intent making Loki dizzy with the change of environment and threw a punch to his stomach which made Loki kneel and writhe in pain.

Liam approaching Loki said "Always the weak kneel before the strong" and threw a punch to his left cheek that knocked Loki unconscious.

Turning to Coulson he asked him.

"Are you alright?" (Liam)

To which Coulson replied relaxed "I almost didn't count it."


If you are wondering why Liam did not act earlier, it is because he wants the portal to open so that the mission can be completed and he can heal his waifu.

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