
Marvel: Reborn as Moon Knight

What would you do if you were reborn in a world which is destined to have half its life destroyed? Try to pray you were part of the other half. But what if you were given a power-up to go along with? Of course, kick the ass of the big bad purple alien. ************************** This is my first try at writing so do give me some suggestions along the line. Note 1: I do not own Marvel or anything related to it except my OC. Note 2: The cover is not mine. I do not take credit for it. if you like you can support me on patreon.com/Whitewolf0782 advance chapters will be posted there

White_Wolf_7506 · Movies
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18 Chs

chapter - 014

- New York -

[Johnny POV]

It's a great day.

Today I completed my father's wish of the greatest stunt by jumping over six helicopters with a bike. I also met Roxanne and managed to secure a date with her.

Getting ready for the date, I look in the mirror. Yes, even I got my second chance.

As I wash my hands, I start to notice them getting redder and redder and this only happens when the spirit inside me is agitated. Going around and sending demons back to hell had calmed the spirit down a lot giving me a chance to talk to it.

Well, I was mostly talking to myself and it did help me get the spirit under control. Now, whenever I turn into the rider, it is always me and the spirit doesn't take charge of the body.


I hear a whisper and I know he has come for me. I can't even escape because a contract has been made. Ethan had made sure I learn about it. I have to complete one job for him and then he will take the spirit away but the devil doesn't know I have made peace with it.

'Only job Johnny.' I console myself. Hearing the sound of my bike, I go down not before messaging Ethan about my situation.

Ah, it's a great day indeed.


[Ethan POV]

Shit! Shit!

Seeing Johnny's message I don't what to do because today is the day Bucky will attack Hotel Inessa and I had come to Russia for it.

It had been easy to find the timing of the attack. I just had to keep an eye out for a consultant who will die in this attack when he is in the hotel.

Thinking about my options, I choose to sacrifice watching Johnny's plot from the front seat. He has been the ghost rider for quite some time now and he can complete his plot today directly without all that drama.

I sit atop a building dressed as Moon Knight with the full moon shining in the night sky behind me. Looking at the black shadow passing through the streets toward the hotel, I relax.

I won't have to look for Bucky after this. As I see him enter the building, I jump with my cloak spreading behind me. Oh, how I wished there was some background music playing at my entrance.

As I glide, I search for Bucky and find him holding a man by his throat in a luxurious corridor. It seems he has just started. I smash through the window at him to stop Bucky before he kills the person.

He manages to dodge the last second but I do give him a chance to react as I throw a blade at him which he deflects with his metal arm. I approach him and kick him away from the person.

"Run." I scream in Russian at the still-stunned people in the corridor who, hearing my shout start to scatter away from here.

Abusing my quick learning, I learned every single language I could find, so speaking Russian was easy for me.

I look forward and see Bucky standing up. I could easily finish this fight but I want to test my skills against him. I prepare myself and wait for him to make the first move.

As if noticing my intentions, Bucky launches a rapid assault at me, his left arm leading the charge. His jabs and hooks come at me with remarkable speed, aiming to exploit any opening. But my superior reflexes allow me to evade his strikes with precise footwork, slipping effortlessly out of his way.

Undeterred by my evasive movements, Bucky delivers a spinning back kick that momentarily catches me off-guard. The kick hits me which causes me to stagger slightly, but I quickly regain my balance, ready to retaliate.

As Bucky continues his assault, I notice him use more of his prosthetic arm than the real one. His punches rain down upon me, alternating between hooks and uppercuts, each strike carrying a heavy weight of the material the arm is made up of. I can't fault him as even I am relying on the defense of my suit to deflect and block his attacks with precision. I can take his blows without the suit to but that will bring pain which I don't want. I am just testing myself.

Sensing an opening amidst the flurry of punches, I seize it. With a powerful right hook, I connect with Bucky's jaw, delivering a blow that throws him back. I had tried to control my strength but who knew he will be so light? Doesn't Hydra feed him anything?

I see Bucky standing up while shaking his head. Poor guy. He has already some problems in his brain with all the Hydra's faulty brainwashing technology. I don't want him to become a lost cause.

Looking at Bucky who has regained his composure, I ready myself for the next attack. He speedily charges my way and brings his left arm forward to attack. I expertly dodge his attacks, relying on my footwork and timely parry his strikes with precision. Countering his attacks, I strike at his midsection with a heavy fist.

As I watch him kneel from pain, I swiftly strike his neck, rendering him unconscious. This fight with Bucky made me learn some new things such as my lack of experience while fighting with people who are heavily reliant on hand-to-hand fights.

I could easily fight off the ninjas of the Hand because they were only average in hand-to-hand combat. They were more suited for covert operations. Bucky is gifted in the fighting department and he would have made a good sparring if I did not have to send him away.

His head is still not fine and except for that one place, I don't think anyone else can cure him. I do wonder what will happen to the plot if the one who was supposed to kill their king comes to their doorstep asking for help.


Hey, dear readers,

How's the chapter? I hope the fight scene was good.

New people are entering the story!!

Also, those who want to support me can do it through my Patreon and yes, the chapters will remain free.

