
Marvel: Mimicry

Zora, reborn in the Marvel Universe, awakens memories of a previous life as a result of activating his X-gene. He must now navigate through this new reality while knowing about the various world-ending level disasters. Mutant Ability - Mimicry: MC can copy the abilities of other mutants and superhumans through three methods. This includes physical, mental, and energy-based powers. The copied powers are retained indefinitely and can be used at will. This will be an AU with changes, just take it as one of the many parallel universes in marvel. There will be other worlds MC visits in the future: Naruto, OnePiece, Hxh. Open to requests.

korazon003 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Read Only After Being Caught Up

This chapter is primarily for logging Zora's current abilities as he grows over time.












Mimicry: Zora's inherent ability to copy and perfectly adapt to any mutant or superhuman power he encounters, merging seamlessly with his physiology.

Telepathy: Gained from copying Professor Charles Xavier and Jean Grey, Zora can read minds, communicate telepathically, influence thoughts, manipulate memories, create psychic shields, perform astral projection, and send psionic blasts.

Telekinesis: Copied from Jean Grey, Zora can move objects with his mind, create force fields, and achieve flight.

Psychic Illusions: Copied from Professor Charles Xavier and Jean Grey, Zora can cast mental illusions, making himself invisible or altering others' perceptions.

Phoenix Force (Dormant): A unique copy of the Phoenix Force, lying dormant within him, waiting to be unlocked and harnessed gradually over time.

Magnetic Manipulation: Gained from Magneto, Zora can generate and control magnetic fields, allowing him to manipulate metal objects, fly, create electromagnetic pulses, project energy blasts, and form protective barriers.

Shape-Shifting: Gained from Mystique, Zora can instinctively alter his cellular and genetic structure to mimic any person's physical appearance, voice, and clothing perfectly, making his disguises indistinguishable from the original.

Pyrokinesis: Gained from Pyro, Zora can control fire, though he cannot create it himself.

Seismic Wave Generation: Gained from Avalanche, Zora can generate powerful vibrations from his hands that can cause earthquakes, landslides, and structural collapses.

Claws: Gained from Wolverine and Sabretooth, Zora's retractable claws are incredibly sharp and durable, capable of cutting through most materials.

Immovability: Also gained from Blob, Zora can make himself virtually impossible to move against his will once he plants himself in a spot.

Enhanced Senses: Gained from Sabretooth and Wolverine, Zora has heightened senses of sight, smell, and hearing.

Regenerative Healing Factor:Gained from Sabretooth and Wolverine, Zora can recover from injuries at an accelerated rate.

Superhuman Strength, Agility, Reflexes and Durability: Gained from Sabretooth, Wolverine and Blob, Zora exhibits physical capabilities far beyond those of a normal human with near-invulnerability.

Optic Blasts: Gained from Cyclops, Zora can emit powerful concussive energy blasts from his eyes, sourced from a dimension of pure energy. He can control the blasts and access the dimension to enhance his powers.

Power Absorption: Gained from Rogue, Zora can absorb the powers, memories, and life force of others through physical touch.

Weather Manipulation:Gained from Storm, Zora can control and manipulate the weather, including creating storms, wind, lightning, and precipitation.

Let me know if I missed something, I am but a human.

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