
Marvel: Immunity

A seemingly useless ability. That was all he seemed to get after receiving memories of another life. But not everything is as it seems. Join him in re-discovering himself as threats all over the multiverse come after him. A/N: Feel free to comment and review the work. The author will try to respond and react to them. A/N: All rights belong to Marvel except for Original Characters.

Hidden_Throne · Movies
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Vision

'Shit!' Cursed one of the multiple hidden agents in the area.

Switching his walkie on, he speaks hurriedly afraid to waste even a moment, "Eagle-One here, X-Men are in the area! I repeat X-Men are in the area, Over!"

Ending the communication, the man code named Eagle-One released a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Similarly, others keeping watch put down their walkie now that the information is relayed.

Eagle-One never liked dealing with mutants, specially trained ones. Just remembering the experiences of a couple of encounters with the less cordial Brotherhood gives him nightmares. A secret he will never tell another soul. An unpleasant memory he is unwilling to relive a second time, one ear to pay is already one ear too much he thought.

"Copy that." Came the reply, and the next second another one comes. "All units stand by."

Hearing the reply, his hope is slowly crumbling inside. Fearing what order might come out of the small communication device he held in his hand he considered whether it is better to die in the next hour or flee and live for a few more days.


After sending the reply to standby, the leader of the unknown unit pulls out a phone and quickly dials a number.

"Bones." Said the voice from across the phone.

"Glasses." Returned the leader, now named Bones his eyes not leaving the apartment his target is in.

Keeping his anger in and trying to stay professional he speaks calmly, "I was informed the X-Men should be occupied at this time." Questioned Bones, the intel not quite matching the situation.

"That's affirmative." Voiced Glasses, confirming without a second thought.

"Affirmative my ass!" Finally losing his calm Bones continued, "I see three walking to my target right now!" A vein nearly popping in his forehead.

"Please stay calm agent. I will double check the intel now." Answered Glasses unnerved by the man's anger.


Forcefully calming himself by taking heavy breaths Bones waits.

"It seems their schedule has chang-" Not even letting it finish, he loses his calm for the second time.

"No shit Sherlock!" Blurted Bones interrupting the obvious words about to be said.

After letting Bones have a minute to calm himself Glasses questioned him, "Do you have confidence to engage?"

"Confi-?" Stopping himself before worsening the conversation. Rethinking that his contact did not just ask if normal humans, regardless being trained or not has the confidence to engage well known mutants. He chooses to end the conversation faster rather than losing more brain cells.

"Negative." He replies after using all of his willpower.

"Alright, I will send a message to the Secretary and we will report to him personally after you return." Without even replying or confirming the orders, he ends the call.

Picking up his walkie, he grunts his message "Mission Terminated. Units procced to extraction."

With that he looks at the apartment for one last time, the X-Men now at the door seconds away from knocking. Outwardly he is frustrated at having failed a mission but secretly he is relieved to not fight the mutants without proper equipment and backup.


Stirring awake from his sleep, his clothes now dried of sweat, Hugo finds an unfamiliar ceiling above him.

Remembering the encounter he just had, he gets up in a hurry checking the surroundings.

He locks eyes with a brown hair, blue eyed boy likely a similar age to him.

"I'm Bobby." said the blue eyed boy, "well it's actually Robert but people call me Bobby."

'I know.' Thought Hugo in his head, similarly remembering the boy in front of him from his memories.

Noting that he doesn't spot any mind readers around him, he makes a guess of where he is before confirming it with Bobby, "Where am I?"

"X-Mansion also known as Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, did they not talk to you?" Probed Bobby.


The sound of the door opening sounded and both of their eyes turn to it.

"We didn't get to, kid fainted before we even saw each other." Swaggered Scott as he came in the room, a smirk planted on his face.

A frown forming on his face Hugo commented, "The name is Hugo, and you don't look old nor mature enough to call me kid."

The smirk on Scott's face leaving as fast as it came he replied, "At least I don't faint from girls being near me."

Another face appears just outside the door, "I see everyone is bonding, but it's time to eat, we'll continue this later okay kids?" said the blond boy, also known as Pyro.

Hugo simply shakes his head, standing up from the bed. The monster he keeps in his stomach growling since he awoke.

Ignoring the other two to follow Pyro or John in his memories, he pauses before he leaves the room.

His brain kicks into action and recalls that there exists multiple people in this mansion capable of reading his mind and he has no capability to defend himself. Hugo's system once again enters a state of panic, the other boys in the room turn their attention to him, ignorant of what caused this reaction.

Attempting to calm himself and stop a repeat of what happened earlier in the morning, he closes his eyes.

A glaring information now present to him that he cut off his sense of sight.

Usually when he closes his eyes, he can see nothing but a number, so bright it demands his full attention.

But now, only a faint glimmer remains, the Seven he woke up to replaced by a Zero.

A sense of realization and relief washes over him as he reads a line of text just under the newly replaced number.

[Telepathic Immunity - Seven of Ten.]

Uncaring about the people around him, with all his heart he screams- entering a state of exhilaration.


Clenching his fists, and unconsciously tensing all the muscles in his body. His eyes still closed nearly pouring out an ocean of tears of pure joy. The emotion pouring out of him seemingly coming from not just him, but the person in his memories as well.

For a moment, he sees a face immediately cutting his cheery mood.

A memory out of place but oddly familiar, for the face is his own.

Under a dark hood a smile slowly but surely forms, evidently equally happy for Hugo's new found ability.

"Hey!" A voice calls out to him, cutting of his inner vision and memory.

A confused and weirded John looks at him, "Though I like to get heated too, but it ain't the right timing, cool it for now let's go."

"Yeah.." Replied Hugo, the unknown memory or perhaps vision already fading even faster than it came to him.

Finally taking steps out of the room, he follows the other boys. No sign nor evidence of the odd vision remaining.