
Marvel : I can pick up attributes.

Translated from faloo . com Qin Haisheng traveled to the world of American comics and entered the Mutant Academy as an ordinary person. Originally, I just wanted to get closer to the idol in my previous life. Unexpectedly... When the Mutant in the academy was exercising super-ability, various attribute bubbles would drop. "Pick up constitution attribute 2! (from Wolverine)" "Strength attribute 3 picked up! (from Steel)" "Pick up Fire Elemental Core 5 (from Pyroman, when the Fire Elemental Core accumulates 100 points, the Fire Control Ability can be activated.)" "Pick up space element core 3 (from the Blue Devils, when the space element core accumulates 300 points, the teleportation ability can be activated.)" "Pick up Phoenix force core 5 (from Phoenix, when the Phoenix force core accumulates 1000 points, the instant Phoenix force can be activated.)"

Webnovel_Addicted · Movies
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65 Chs

Chapter 62 Space Super Ability

"Picked up Space Elemental Core + 9!

The accumulation of Space Elemental Cores has reached 300 points. The first Space Ability can be activated. "

"Activating Space Super Ability …"

"Activation successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining Space Super Ability — Meson Space!"

"Using this ability, you can open up a 5 cubic meter meson space in your body."

"This space can be used to collect and store items smaller than the original space."

"The meson space does not belong to this universe. It has no air, no weight, and cannot store living things."

"From now on, for every 100 Space Ability Cores invested, you can open up 1 cubic meter of space in the meson space."

What the hell?

It was not the teleportation ability or the teleportation ability!

But … this meson space was not bad!

He had never heard of any Mutant who had this ability!

Wasn't this the ability of a storage treasure in Eastern mythology?

So … it couldn't be that he had made a comeback again, right?

Qin Haisheng did not have time to think about it. He thought for a while and decided to place the meson space on his forehead.

He would definitely get the Super Regeneration Ability in the future.

Then, under normal circumstances, in the face of a fierce battle, even if his arms and legs were cut off, or even his entire body was cut in half, he would still have a chance to survive.

But if he placed the meson space on his palms, arms, or chest, there was a possibility of losing it.

Only the general's head, no matter what, must be protected strictly.

If one day, he could not even keep his head, then he would most likely lose his life. If that was the case … what was the point of having this meson space?

After choosing the location, Qin Haisheng immediately activated the ability of the meson space.

Then, he felt as if there was an extra cube space in his mind. It was about 1.5 meters in length, width, and height.

This space was empty. There was nothing in it.

But with just a slight thought, the wallet, cell phone, and other miscellaneous items that he had on him were all transferred into this space. Then, they floated there.

Tsk … I don't even need to touch it to be able to take things in. It feels so convenient!

With this meson space, Qin Haisheng did not have to worry about not having any clothes to cover his body when he turned into a flame in the future!

Well, when he had time later, he would buy a dozen sets of clothes and store them in the meson space!

If possible, Qin Haisheng would definitely want a set of clothes that would not be burned by high temperature.

After all, even if he had clothes to change into, he could not change in front of others!

But … after he transformed, the highest temperature of his flame could reach 3,600 degrees.

Under such high temperature, it would melt even gold. It was not easy to find clothes that could withstand such high temperature!

If there was really such clothes, it would be comparable to a Divine Artifact!

"Okay, let's go!"

Qin Haisheng didn't forget that Gin Grei might have been in danger. Awakening Super Ability had only delayed him for a few seconds.

He didn't have time to study this new ability in detail. He hurriedly got up, grabbed the Blue Devil's arm, and urged him to hurry on with his journey.

Qin Haisheng asked Qin Haisheng and asked Qin Haisheng asked He and he asked asked:

"Has your Super Ability Awakening awakened?"

"No …"

Qin Haisheng. "through Haisheng.

"The Awakening has failed!"

The Blue Devil pursed his lips and said:

"No, I clearly sensed some changes in your body!"

"And … this change seems to contain the power of space!"

"So … you awakened a space-related super ability, right?"

Qin Haisheng glanced at the Blue Devil in surprise.

This Little Lan Lan was quite something!

He still remembered … other than having the ability to teleport, the Blue Devil also had a beast-like perception.

He did not expect this perception to be quite strong. It could actually tell what kind of ability he had awakened!

Perhaps … this had something to do with the fact that he originally had a space-related super ability!

Originally, Qin Haisheng was used to keeping a trump card for himself, trying not to let others know his true strength.

However, since the Blue Devil had discovered it, there was no need to hide it anymore!

Moreover, Little Lan Lan was kind by nature. He probably would not betray himself to others!

Therefore, he waved his hand, and a phone suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then, his palm was flat and motionless, and the phone suddenly disappeared.

The Blue Devil widened his eyes in shock and said:

"You've put the phone in a strange space!

What … What ability is this?

Why haven't I heard of it! "

Qin Haisheng grinned and said:

"There are many things you haven't heard of. Every new Awakening Mutant might have a new super ability, right?"

The Blue Devil nodded silently and did not say anything else.

Then, after a few more teleportations, the two of them finally saw two mountains that were not very tall in the distance, as well as a long canyon between the mountains …