
Marvel : I can pick up attributes.

Translated from faloo . com Qin Haisheng traveled to the world of American comics and entered the Mutant Academy as an ordinary person. Originally, I just wanted to get closer to the idol in my previous life. Unexpectedly... When the Mutant in the academy was exercising super-ability, various attribute bubbles would drop. "Pick up constitution attribute 2! (from Wolverine)" "Strength attribute 3 picked up! (from Steel)" "Pick up Fire Elemental Core 5 (from Pyroman, when the Fire Elemental Core accumulates 100 points, the Fire Control Ability can be activated.)" "Pick up space element core 3 (from the Blue Devils, when the space element core accumulates 300 points, the teleportation ability can be activated.)" "Pick up Phoenix force core 5 (from Phoenix, when the Phoenix force core accumulates 1000 points, the instant Phoenix force can be activated.)"

Webnovel_Addicted · Movies
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65 Chs

Chapter 61 I Want Awakening Super Ability

Seeing the fire in the distance, Qin Haisheng and the Blue Devil looked at each other, and their expressions became serious.

In this desolate desert, there was suddenly such a glaring fire, and it was definitely related to the Super Ability!

So … that was most likely their destination — the Dolani Canyon!

According to Charles' investigation, Phoenix should be in this canyon, and he could faintly foresee that she might encounter fatal danger.

However, Charles was only a Psychic Ability Mutant, and not a legendary prophet.

Even if he had obtained a part of the future memory from Wolverine, the problem was … Jean Gree's fate had already been changed by him once.

So, no matter what the future was related to Jean Gree, the part of the memory that came from Wolverine was no longer of any reference value.

Therefore, even Charles could only foresee that something dangerous would happen to Jean Gree, but he did not know the specific details.

At this time, the fire suddenly appeared in the distance, so it was very likely … the danger that Charles foresaw might have already begun!

Qin Haisheng's heart tightened, and he could not help but feel a little guilty.

If he had not been so obsessed with obtaining the Space Ability from the Blue Devil, and did not waste more than half an hour, then … they should have already arrived at Dolany Canyon by now!

So, if something really happened to Jean Gree, wouldn't it be equivalent to him indirectly causing her death?

However, Qin Haisheng quickly felt that something was wrong again!

In the world after reversing the future, Jean Gree was definitely not dead, and Blacken was not there either … One year in the future, when Wolverine regained her memory, she saw Jean Gree!

That meant … even if Qin Haisheng did not transmigrate to this world, Jean Gree would definitely be fine!

Thinking of this, Qin Haisheng immediately felt more at ease.

But … this did not mean that Qin Haisheng was going to ignore Jean Gree!

After all, if there was a big battle involving a Level Five Mutant, it would be a good time for him to pick up attributes!

How could he miss such a good opportunity?

So, Qin Haisheng picked up the Blue Devil from the sandpit, and then used force to hit the Blue Devil's waist and said,

"Little Blue … quick, teleport me in that direction!"

"Nothing can happen to Teacher Qin, we have to save her!"

"I … I'm just a guide!

The professor didn't tell me to save anyone … "

The Blue Devil Cultivator had an aggrieved look on his face as he shrunk his neck. He felt the fear of losing his life!

Gin Gree was a LV 5 Mutant. If even such a terrifying existence was in danger, wouldn't his little Kala Mi be a free experience bag for the enemy if he were to rush forward?

Qin Haisheng glared at him and said,

"Cut the crap, I'm not asking you to save people!

But you have to at least send me there, right?

Otherwise, if I were to walk this twenty to thirty li … wouldn't I be waiting to collect Teacher Qin's corpse? "

"Uh … Alright!"

The Blue Devil had no choice but to grab Qin Haisheng's arm. At the same time, he summoned his remaining strength and began to teleport Qin Haisheng in the direction of the fire again and again!

After the Blue Devilman teleported seven times in a row, it finally dropped an attribute bubble.

Qin Haisheng, who was already prepared, quickly grabbed the Blue Devil Man before he could teleport again.

Unfortunately … this was an ordinary attribute bubble of Stamina.

After dropping this bubble, the Blue Devil Cultivator's legs went soft and he almost knelt on the ground. It was obvious that he was exhausted!

Qin Haisheng couldn't help but ponder …

After dropping the Stamina attribute, Little Lan Lan's Stamina was obviously worse!

Was it because his Stamina was exhausted that the Stamina attribute bubble dropped?

Or was it because the Stamina attribute bubble dropped, so his Stamina became weaker?

Qin Haisheng couldn't understand the cause and effect of this.

However, he could clearly feel that his Stamina had recovered slightly after picking up this attribute bubble.

However, at this time, he didn't have time to think about such a profound problem!

Because, after a few more teleportations, the Blue Devil Cultivator finally dropped another silver bubble!

However, this time, the bubble fell on the other side of the Blue Devil Cultivator's body. Qin Haisheng couldn't reach it at all!

Seeing that the Blue Devil Man had taken a deep breath and was about to teleport again, Qin Haisheng hurriedly shouted, "Wait a minute!"

The Blue Devil Cultivator was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Haisheng turned to the other side of the Blue Devil Cultivator with a serious expression and explained,

"I feel like I'm going to Awaken Super Ability!"


The Blue Devil Cultivator was a little confused. Didn't this guy already Awaken Super Ability?

Why was he going to …

But then he remembered that this Chinese kid had Awakened three Super Abiliti

es by himself.

Then he shouldn't be joking!

But wasn't this too scary?

Awakening just because he said so … Did his family open a Super Ability store?