
Marvel : I can pick up attributes.

Translated from faloo . com Qin Haisheng traveled to the world of American comics and entered the Mutant Academy as an ordinary person. Originally, I just wanted to get closer to the idol in my previous life. Unexpectedly... When the Mutant in the academy was exercising super-ability, various attribute bubbles would drop. "Pick up constitution attribute 2! (from Wolverine)" "Strength attribute 3 picked up! (from Steel)" "Pick up Fire Elemental Core 5 (from Pyroman, when the Fire Elemental Core accumulates 100 points, the Fire Control Ability can be activated.)" "Pick up space element core 3 (from the Blue Devils, when the space element core accumulates 300 points, the teleportation ability can be activated.)" "Pick up Phoenix force core 5 (from Phoenix, when the Phoenix force core accumulates 1000 points, the instant Phoenix force can be activated.)"

Webnovel_Addicted · Movies
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65 Chs

Chapter 60 Let's Destroy Together

Qin Haisheng definitely did not go in the wrong direction. The reason why he ran back was because he saw the attribute bubbles dropped by the Blue Devil in the distance. He definitely would not miss this!

"Picked up Space Elemental Core + 8!

(From the Blue Devil, you have accumulated 300 Space Elemental Cores. You can activate the first Space Ability. "

The total number of Space Elemental Cores had reached 132!

But there was still more than half left. How could he make this little blue man teleport a few more times and drop more attribute bubbles?

Qin Haisheng tilted his head and thought for a moment, then quickly ran back to the Blue Devil's side.

The Blue Devil looked at him with a dumbfounded expression and said, "What did you do just now?"

Qin Haisheng said with certainty:

"I was observing the terrain!"

The Blue Devil turned his head and looked around at the flat desert environment. He was a little speechless …

Everything was the same. What the hell were you observing!

Qin Haisheng had no intention of explaining at all. He turned around … and began to run in another direction.

The Blue Devil was stunned and hurriedly shouted:

"Hey … You're running in the wrong direction again!

The Dolani Canyon is on your right … "

Qin Haisheng replied from afar:

"Did I run in the wrong direction?

It's okay, I'll observe the terrain here first … "

Next, Qin Haisheng was like a happy husky, starting to jump around in the desert.

The Blue Devil's normal running speed could not catch up to Qin Haisheng at all, so he could only constantly teleport short distances.

Half an hour later, the Blue Devil was like a dead dog, lying on the sand with his face facing the sky. No matter what, he would not accompany Qin Haisheng anymore.

Qin Haisheng had already run a long distance away. Seeing that the Blue Devil was not following him, he could only turn around and run back.

When he ran to the Blue Devil's side, he suddenly braked, causing sand and dust to splatter all over the sky, almost burying the Blue Devil on the spot.

"Pfft —"

The Blue Devil crawled out from under the floating sand, half-sat, and spat out the sand in his mouth. Then, he glared fiercely at Qin Haisheng and fell back into the sand pit again.

Qin Haisheng was quite impressive to be able to make a kind-hearted devout believer burn with rage!

In this aspect, there were probably not many people in the Mutant Academy who were better than him!

"Let's go … Brother Kurt, why aren't you following us?

I almost got lost just now, did you know that? "

The Blue Devil waved his hand weakly and said,

"If you want to get lost, then get lost!

I'm tired … Let's perish together! "

No … You're a devout believer, how can you lie down so confidently?

Therefore, Qin Haisheng hurriedly and shamelessly lectured him.


Didn't your Lord teach you to be kind?

I'm a lost lamb now. How can you abandon me? "

"Get up! I really can't find where the Dolani Canyon is! Help me, please!

I promise … as long as you find the right direction for me and teleport me a few times, I won't have to trouble you anymore! "

Qin Haisheng was both excited and anxious at the moment!

He did not waste more than half an hour. During this time, he guided the Blue Devil to teleport at least a few hundred times and naturally picked up a lot of attribute bubbles.

It had to be said … In terms of combat power, this Blue Devil was actually a weakling. He was not necessarily stronger than Multiple Man.

Because of this, the probability of him dropping an Ability Core was relatively higher.

Qin Haisheng had been tormenting the Blue Devil for so long, but he only saw him drop two speed attribute bubbles and one recovery attribute bubble.

The rest were all Space Elemental Cores.

This made Qin Haisheng's Space Elemental Cores quickly approach the 300 point mark!

Just now, after obtaining another attribute bubble, Qin Haisheng's Space Elemental Cores had accumulated to 395 points.

He only needed one more time … and he would definitely be able to activate the Space Super Ability!

As for whether it would activate a teleportation door or a teleportation skill, it was up to fate.

Anyway, either way was fine … Space Super Ability users were better at staying alive. As long as they did not seek death, it would be difficult for others to kill them!

But now, with this last chance, the Blue Devil had actually given up. How could he be willing to accept this?

Unfortunately, at this time, the Blue Devil Man seemed to have really been tormented by him to the point of collapse. He had no intention of getting up and running with him again. He only pointed to the cloudy sky and said weakly,

"If you can't find the location of the canyon, I can't do anything about it!

Because … I've also gotten lost with you! "

"It's a cloudy day now. I can't even differentiate between north, south, east, and west. I also don't know where the Dolani Canyon is!"

"You … let me rest for a while first!

Wait … wait for me to catch my breath. I'll teleport to the sky to take a look. Maybe … maybe I can find the location of the canyon! "

"Definitely. The prerequisite is that you didn't lead us too far away from the canyon just now. Otherwise, I might not be able to see it even if I teleport to the sky!"

Qin Haisheng could not help but scratch his head awkwardly. He thought to himself … So I've gone too far?

I've been delayed for so long. Will Phoenix be fine?

Just as he was muttering to himself, he suddenly saw a dazzling flame rising from the dark sky in the distance …