
Marvel: I am Ghost Rider...

There was an idea. To bring about a group of remarkable people. To see if we could become something more. So when they needed us, we could fight the battle's. That they never could. Ideas are bullet proof. But those ideas could easily end up in tragedy. Tragedy for the small guys. Guys who haven't been gifted with a super soldier serum. Not gifted with the powers of a god. Normal people, men, women, children. It's all the same those. Superhero's. I'll show them all how truly vulnerable their ideas really are. I will have my vengeance.

Travis_Larowe_7879 · Movies
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14 Chs

(Six months later 10:30 pm.)

Chapter fourteen:

"And that is how you play country roads on guitar! Considering you wanna know how to play music, I feel like that's the best place to start. Very memorable." I said.

"Fuck you Travis LaRowe." Zarathos said.

"Thank you very much for teaching me Travis, I really appreciate it." Wanda replied.

Wanda smiled and kissed me gently as I sat, and then I laid down on the bed next to her. Smiling back at her.

"It's my pleasure, you're getting better every day. Soon you'll be better than me!" I said.

Wanda smile lights up the room as she lies down with her head next to mine, cuddling into my neck.

"You know what we haven't done in a while?" Wanda said.

"Hmm... let me guess... A date?" I said.

"Bingo! We had so many missions recently we haven't had much time for us as a couple... so... do you wanna go? My schedules open tomorrow?" Wanda replied.

I smiled and kissed Wanda on the forehead.

"I'd be insane to decline. I'll go tell Steve in a bit. I'm way too comfortable to get up right now." I told her.

Wanda giggled but agreed to stay in both of our comfortable positions. After five minutes, light snoring is heard from Wanda. I looked down to see my girlfriend completely passed out next to me. I gently picked her up and put her into bed thankfully, she was already prepared for bed, as she was in her underwear.

I had gotten used to her prancing around the room half naked after the first two months of living together in the same room, as Wanda loved seeing me flush red with embarrassment, but after I became immune to it, she never really stopped unless there was something important that she may need to have a quick response to or a visitor coming to the room. I smiled yet again as I looked at my girlfriend of six months, who begun to smile in her sleep.

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom, intending on taking a shower and to potentially shave, although I knew Wanda liked it. Once I was in the middle of showering, Zarathos had began to talk.

"Something is not right. I can feel it... the stench of sin." Zarathos said.

I was about to question Zarathos when an extremely painful shock to the head forces me to my knees. My eyes turning completely sea blue as I grunted in pain, beginning to hear a voice, a very deep one, clearly a male.

"Fine I'll do it myself..."

I collapsed in the shower as I gripped onto my head.

"What the fuck... was that." I said.

Zarathos quickly responded.

"I don't know. What I know is, that something is coming. You must be prepared... all of us must be prepared. For now, focus on your life. Try not to worry too much. Now get to bed, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. Go have fun with Wanda." Zarathos said.

I stood up and turned off the shower, and quickly dried myself off, put on my deodorant and my bed clothing. I walked out of the bathroom fully dried and ready for bed. Once I reached the bed and began to enter it, Wanda slightly awoke due to the movement of the bed and groaned tiredly.

"Travis? Are you alright? I heard you making noises in the bathroom..." Wanda said.

I laid down as she turned to face me with a tired and cute looking face. I smiled at her as she came closer to cuddle with me and into the position the both of us normally sleep in. I normally laid on my back as she laid her head on my shoulder as my arm reached under her back and around her chest, holding onto her with my left hand.

"It was nothing Wanda, just uh, dropped something in the shower and it landed on my toe, and then I stubbed it. Stubbing your toe is actually worse then death, genuine fact." I said.

Wanda couldn't help but laugh her ass off despite her exhaustion. Once it questioned down, we both continue begin to drift off to sleep. I was the first to fall asleep, which was soon followed by Wanda, who looked up at me fast asleep. She leaned up and quickly pecked my lips, and whispered in my ear.

"I love you Travis." Wanda said.

She then laid back down in the same position, quickly falling asleep in her favorite position, highly anticipating the date between herself and her boyfriend the very next day.