
Marvel: God Simulator System

In the year 2089 the world plunged into chaos, monsters who were only written in fiction came to the world and wreaked havoc among the people of Earth. Faced with despair, the god's answered the prayers and led them to a tower. The tower of gods where their only hope existed. But the tower was nothing but a means of entertainment in the eyes of the gods, and last no one survived each was butchered inside the tower they called hope. After the fall of his world. Jun who loathed the gods stole their precious stone not knowing what power it held, he crushed the stone with his bare hands. It saved him from his soon-to-be death and gave him a power equal to theirs. But first, he must create his world and expand his influence. But later on, he found something peculiar in one of the worlds he is in, it wasn't an ordinary world but a world he only saw through the screens. [Ps: I will edit the chapters if there are any typos. I do not own the picture on the cover page, it belongs to its rightful owner. There will be much talking, and it's a slow burn. can't update every day because of schoolwork but I'll try and free up my time. I can only update on Saturday or Sunday if I'm not busy with my projects.]

NemorMpilo · Movies
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2: The Voice

[You have failed in absorbing the stone!]


[Your body cannot handle the power of the stone. Resulting failure!]

[Finding another alternative!]


[The alternative will be that your body will be recreated with the stone as the core. The process would be slow and will take millennia and many errors just to create a perfect body that could fully absorb the stone.]

[Would you like to start the process now?]

[Yes Or No]

[The system has automatically chosen the only way for you to survive]

[Starting the recreation of the body]


Inside a classroom. Many students were writing what was written on the board, some were listening to the instructor's explanation. Others were just being lazy, some talking with each other, and some just slept.

On the left side of the classroom near the huge windows. There are two boys, the other one had blonde hair, while the other looked different from his classmates, he had asian aesthetics unlike his western seatmate.

"Jun what if the world was ending?" The blonde boy put down his pen and rested his head on the table. He looked at Jun with a lazy expression.

"What are you implying Eric?" Jun looked at his friend who is lazily lying his head on the table.

"I mean what if the world is ending? You know what if aliens invaded us?" Eric drew a weird tentacle monster in his notebook and showed it to Jun who looked perplexed by the question.

"Aliens aren't real. You read too many novels that it's messing with your perception of reality" With a dry tone and a nonchalant look, Jun stared at his friend.

"Argh! But what if aliens are real? Like there are multiple universes and planets outside of our universe! What if they decide to show up and invade us?" Eric showed a bunch of flying spaceships that he drew in his notebook. These spaceships were surrounding Earth and bombarding it with what looked to be a laser beam.

"That will never happen, anyways I'm writing here. You're annoying. Shut up and write what's on the board, it will be useful in the upcoming exams" Jun ignored his friend's drawings and continued to write what was written on the board.

"Ah, your right I forgot midterm is near! This means it's gonna be hectic!"

Jun continued to listen to the instructor and turned a blind eye to his friend ranting about the upcoming exams. He wrote what the instructor was saying in his notebook. 'Eric has some kind of imagination. Aliens? It's an old concept, and besides, there is no such thing as aliens. But what if they do invade? Will Earth even have a chance? I don't think we would even survive if such a phenomenon does happen, the world is already shitty enough.'

"Hey look outside of the window what's that?" a student pointed to the sky, there was a weird floating object.

"Wow what is it?"

"Hey it looks like an alien spaceship!"

"Wow thats crazy, I'm going to record this"

Each of the students took their phones out, each recording the strange object floating on the sky. The teacher also looked at the object hovering, but seeing that some of the students were panicking. He decided to control the situation "Alright everyone stop recording!" The students didn't listen and continued filming while talking with one another.

"Wow are you seeing that Jun? It looks like an alien spaceship.." Eric took his phone out like the rest of the students and recorded the floating object.




Huff, huff..

"Ahh help me please!!"

"Mom! Where are you, Mom?"

Huff, huff...

"Run! Everyone Run!"

"My son where is he?!"

Huff, huff...

'This has to be a dream. Everything is just a nightmare. Wake up Jun! Wake up Jun! Wake up Jun! If you wake up now everything will be a just a goddamn nightmare! That wasn't real! Everything you saw wasn't real! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!...'


[Wake up Jun!]

[Wake up Jun!]

[Oh you are finally awake! It is nice to meet you Jun]

'W-Where am i-i?'

'All I can see is light? W-Where is my body?

W-Where am I?'

[I know that you are confused Jun]

'Confused yes, I am really confused right now. W-Wait what are you? W-Where are you? A-Am I dead?'

[The answer is both. You are dead and you are also alive. Worry not I am to be trusted]

'Am I in purgatory?'

[No you are not. Let me slowly explain it to you. You must have remembered the red glowing stone you have crushed?]

'Oh, you mean that stone? Y-Yeah I think I crushed it. I don't know all I remember is that after I crushed it the gods killed me with one grip but before I could eventually die I got sucked inside a vortex thingy. Now I wake up with nothing to see and a strange voice is talking somewhere or in my head.'

[That stone wasn't ordinary it was the reality stone. A power that can control reality itself or alter, other term warp. It is one of the six infinity stones. And it is currently residing in your body.]

'And I don't know where is the connection with the stone and the talking voice inside my head. Did the stone create you?'

[No I am 2457 or Smile for short. You created me.]

'W-Wait the nickname is familiar. Are you my fitness watcher? What the heck happened to you?!'

[Yes your fitness watcher. I have evolved you see well you can't see but can only hear me anyways due to the stone some of my functions have been altered. But worry not I am on your side, well you are currently my owner since you are the one who logged in with your apple id and some of the alterations included a personality of mine and my full loyalty.]

'This is weird. I met the gods and reached the 100th floor of the tower. I found a weird stone that could alter reality itself, I was killed by the gods, then I got sucked into a vortex. Now my Apple watch has been altered by the stone giving it a personality and stuff whatnot.'

[I understand. Now let me continue to explain. You must be wondering where are your flesh and your human body. The body couldn't handle the stone, well it can reside inside the human body but you will eventually get sick and die. The human body isn't suitable for the stone and also "that" body couldn't be fixed, it had multiple broken bones, and some of your bones were even sticking out of your skin, your lungs were pierced, some of your digestive organs became useless, and heck some even spurted out after that god gripped you like a slushy, and you lost a ton of blood. Luckily I found a solution, the only solution was to recreate your body and make the stone the core, the problem is that I cannot fully create the perfect body that can absorb the power and hold the stone in place. It will take millennia for me to research and will take many errors just to create the perfect body for the stone.]



'Then what am I right now? Wind?'

[You exist, but you do not have a physical form..]

'Like the wind?'

[That's an example of what you are...]


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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