

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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With the introductions out of the way, I smiled, taking a seat on the bar.

"So, what are you guys going to do?" I asked, sipping on the drink Tony had given me.

Tony chuckled, but before he could reply, Thor approached him, grabbing him by the neck, "This is all your fault!" Thor growled, choking Tony.

"Thor!" Steve exclaimed, interfering. 

As for me, I blinked in surprise, after all, I didn't expect such an outburst from the God of Thunder, especially not with me here.

"I'm sorry for trying to make the world a better place," Tony apologized in a way that wasn't a real apology.

"Tony… please don't," Bruce muttered, in a remorseful manner.

"So that's all it takes for you to show your belly and roll?" Tony sighed, rubbing his neck.

"No, but… we did create a killer robot, so we could be a bit ashamed?" Bruce muttered.

"As lovely as it is seeing… this," I said, pointing at Tony and Bruce, "We have a rogue AI to kill, and little time to do it,"

"Any ideas where he could be?" Steve asked, and I smiled.

"He was created by the scepter," I replied, taking a sip of my drink, "He took the scepter, now… what do all villains have in common?"

"They are all bad?" Bruce chuckled weakly.

"Haha, yes, but no, they all have a flair for the dramatics," I chuckled, "Meaning Ultron is on Sokovia, where all of this started, at least for him,"

"That's a big if," Tony scoffed.

"But it makes sense," Nat nodded, "Sokovia had a Hydra base, which would give him the tools he needs to advance with his plan, whatever that is…"

"Bingo," I nodded, throwing the empty glass I was now holding to the floor, in a very Thor-like fashion.

"I still don't like you!" Thor said, glaring at me.

I chuckled.

"What do you think, Rhodes?" Clint asked, and I almost fell down my chair, Rhodes was here, where the fuck he had been hiding?

"Well, the weird man has a point," Rhodes sighed, "Villains do love their theatrics, and Sokovia it's a good place to regroup."

"Not you too," Tony groaned, rubbing his face with his hand, "Fineee, we will do it his way, but again, I get I told you so rights,"

"Tony, we made a program to end the world, so shut it!" Bruce hissed, before turning to me, "For what it's worth, I am sorry I went all… Hulk on you,"

"Oh, that's cool, I threw your green ass to Tony's house in the Bahamas," I shrugged.

"By the way, I take great offense to that!" Tony huffed.

"Do you see this Tony?" I asked him, pointing him at the sky.

"What? I see nothing there?" Tony sighed.

"That's the amount of fucks I give," I replied, getting a chuckle from Clint.

"Ok, he can stay," Clint laughed.

"Suit up people, we have our mission," Steve said, before turning to look at me, "You can join us if you want,"

"Oh, don't worry, I will," I grinned, finally ready to kick some robotic ass.


When I arrived to Sokovia with the Avengers, I expected many things, one killing Ultron before he created his army, two, completing my quests, but what I didn't expect was Ultron already having his army.

Apparently, the dungeon narrative had decided to speed things up, because of my sudden intervention, effectively pushing the narrative a few notches.

And now, we were faced with an army of bots as we entered the center of the city.

An army, that should not be a thing, at least not yet.

Fucking narrative protection.

[Event Started = The Maximoff Twins!]

"How the fuck? Did Ultron manage to create so many?!" Tony cursed, blasting a few Ultron bots away.

"Well," One of the bots chuckled, "The factory had enough to produce a few hundreds of me per second, what can I say, Hydra was well prepared," fuck that, the Dungeon simply decided I was making things too easy on me.

"We need to evacuate the people!" Steve shouted, blocking a few blasts with his shield.

"You guys do that, I have something to do!" I said, opening a portal to where the Twins were.

"I TOLD YOU SO!" Tony shouted as I stepped into the portal, landing a few meters away from the twins.

[The Maximoff Twins = Boss Battle

Wanda Maximoff Dungeon Buffs

+500% Magic Damage.

+300% Special Damage.

Twin Immunity =  Wanda currently takes no damage from magical attacks.

Pietro Maximoff Dungeon Buffs

+300% Movement Speed.

+300% Physical Damage

+300% Special Damage.

Twin Immunity = Pietro currently takes no damage from physical attacks.


Fuck, of course, because WHY not?

"You humiliated us last time," Pietro growled, taking a step forward.

"Now, we pay you for that," Wanda added, her hands glowing in dim red light.

Ok, if I remembered correctly, I have to convince the Twins of joining our effort to stop Ultron, meaning if I go by Dungeon logic… that I have to defeat them first.

"You guys are being manipulated by Ultron," I said, taking a step forward, equipping my armor as I did so, after all, with those buffs, it was best to avoid any unnecessary difficulty.

Moving behind me in a flash, Pietro kicked me into the ground, with enough force to make a small crater upon my bodily impact.


I sighed, pushing myself off the ground with enough force to jump a few meters into the air, giving me a few seconds to analyze the situation, concluding his speed was now far beyond what my eyes could perceive, meaning this was going to be difficult if I wanted to complete the Quest.

"You are not so confident now, are you?" Wanda grinned in anger, blasting me with raw chaotic energy, the blast dispersed upon impact, but still managed to send me flying through a few buildings.

"Well, this is going to be hard," I sighed, inside one of the buildings, I couldn't see much, besides the debris around me, and the red of Wanda's magic approaching with another blast, this time, however, I jumped avoiding the blast, but as I did so, Pietro grabbed me by the arm, and with a twist threw me towards Wanda who was charging what appeared to be a massive ball of pure chaotic energy.


Knowing my dungeons as I did, I knew that massive ball of chaotic energy had to be one of the one-hit killings moves all bosses normally had at one stage of the battle, meaning this feeling of dread I was feeling was my body telling me I had to dodge.

Still flying across the air towards Wanda, I twirled around, and plunged my claws into the ground, before using my telekinesis to push myself out of her sight, hiding behind one of the many buildings around.

Sadly this was not enough, for even behind a few buildings Wanda kept her sights on me, aiming directly at me, no matter how much I moved.

"You won't get away!" Wanda hissed, throwing her boss ability at me, but now that I had canceled the momentum Pietro had created by throwing my body into her, I dodged the blast by opening a portal just behind her, where I then planted my knee on the back of her head, followed by a punch, both attacks using [Savagery.] to power them up.

But unexpectedly, my attacks seemed to do no damage, this was just ridiculous, she was just flexing her newfound status as a boss in this dungeon.

"AHH!" With a short, but deafening shriek, Wanda blasted me away, for Pietro to come at me and attack me with a flurry of attacks, each one stronger than the last.