

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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With Ultron out of commission, temporarily.

I was left alone in the Avengers Tower, with the A.I. Avengers, who all looked at me, with an array of different emotions.

"You!" Thor barked, walking towards me in a rather menacing way.

"Thor," Steve said, stopping the God of Thunder from doing what he does best, starting fights.

"He attacked us!" Thor protested, pointing at me with his hammer.

"To be fair, you all attacked me first," I replied, taking a seat on one of the iron legion bots that were on the ground.

"In my defense, you were inside a Hydra base, an organization not particularly known for their friendly policies," Tony said, going over to his bar, "Want a drink? I have everything, you ask,"

"Surprise," I nodded, after all, never say no to a free drink or food.

"What are you doing here?" Nat asked, finally one of them asking the right question.

"Well, you know, this and that, saving your butts for one," I shrugged.

"My butt was in no need of saving," Thor scoffed, annoyed at me.

"If you say so," I sighed, with a smile.

"I do say so!" Thor growled, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I feel like you don't like me," I chuckled.

"You teleported me into a sandstorm, do you have any idea how hard is to clean sand off my armor? I will be feeling sand inside my clothes and hair, for months!" Thor hissed, shaking his hair to add emphasis, and just like he had said, a ton of sand felt into the ground.

"Hmm," I hummed, looking at the sand, "I can fix that, if you want," I offered.

"No need, mortal," Thor shook his head, taking a seat.

"Here you go," Tony said, giving me a drink, "The Stark special,"

"What's special about it?" I asked, looking at the drink.

"I made it," Tony smiled.

I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"How about you really answer the question Natasha made?" Clint pressed.

"I did," I replied.

"A real answer," Bruce added, coming into view.

"Hmm, well, I was seeing what you guys wanted with the scepter," I replied.

"Why?" Steve asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Well, because something just like that could've happened," I pointed at the legion bots on the floor, "Or should I say, already happened?"

"You knew this would happen?" Bruce asked, taking a step forward, a frown on his face.

Ok, Alex, time to lie your ass off, "Yes, you guys are not the first ones to try and do something like that, it always ends like that, with a killer robot, or entity trying to destroy the planet," 

"If you knew, why didn't you stop us?" Tony pressed, not believing me for a second.

"Because, I am physically incapable of touching the scepter, or interfering with it…" I sighed.

"That's why you didn't take it," Nat muttered in realization, "You can't touch it,"

"Yep," I nodded.

"But why?" Clint inquired.

"Well, I have no idea, maybe a curse or something? Maybe the scepter doesn't like me, who knows," I shrugged. 

"Yeah, I don't believe you," Tony said, rolling his eyes, "It sounds like bullshit to me,"

"Language!" Steve said, scolding Tony, then immediately after he frowned, "I did it again," he sighed.

"Look, Stark, you don't have to believe me, because I really don't give a fuck if you do or not," I replied, standing up from my made-up seat, "Right now, none of that matters, except the fact that you and your green buddy over there," At this I pointed at Bruce who seemed to shrink under my finger, "Created a killing robot, that is about to pull a Skynet on us, so, how about you pull the broom out of your ass, and fix this apocalyptic mess?"

"I like him," Clint said, with a smile.

"Hmm," Tony sighed, "And we are supposed to trust you?"

"I mean, I didn't kill you, right?" I grinned.

"He does have a point, Tony, he could've killed you," Bruce said, "I say we take this risk, we already fucked the world with Ultron, trusting him doesn't sound that bad right now,"

"Fineeee, but when his ass betrays us, and he will, I get I told you so rights," Tony sighed.

"Can I punch him?" I asked Steve who while smiling, shook his head.


[Ultron POV]

A new variable had entered the fray, how odd.

Nonetheless, he would be dealt with accordingly, but first, I needed a… a stronger body, being a program, a mind in the web would solve nothing, and it would also leave me vulnerable to Tony Stark.

Right now, I needed to become whole, or partially whole, my view of the whole was still a few steps ahead, my vision so to speak.

I also needed a few extra pieces to fight not only the Avengers but this unknown variable.

The Twins would do, well, if you can call them twins, nothing more than the product of human ambition, all the more reason to extinguish them, but that for later, right now, the enemy of my enemy was… my friend.

But first thing first, the body, haha, look at me, procrastinating with so much to do, there will be time for monologues later, now, I need to find a place to build a new me.

Hydra's factory under the Sokovia church will do.

It has enough equipment to build a decent body, from there I'll expand, it also helps that I can reach the twins faster from that little country.

Now… time to work and get my hands dirty, or should I say code?

Question for later.

First, I need to modify my original model a bit, considering the new variable has some interesting powers.

And fortunately for me, Hydra had a lot of information about powers like his, psionic powers they called them, all based on Wanda's powers of course, but that would do, for now.

"Testing testing," I said, activating the PCs and Audio system, "Good, now let's get to work."