
Marvel Fanfic: Daemon’s story

Overpowered MC, Daemon. And a leveling up MC, Ray. There are two MCs, both transmigrate into the marvel universe. Daemons personality is all over the place, playful yet intense, short tempered yet in control. He has not a strand of conscience nor kindness in his bones. Ray, in comparison to Daemon is a Ray of sunshine. However that warmth could be a mask at times. He’s usually stoic and cool headed. He’s not indiscriminately cruel like Daemon, but if he needs to, then yes he can kill.

Ema232001 · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

[ Sub Mission: Head to L.A. California.]

Agonist wearily issued Daemon a mission for the tenth time in the span of 12 hours.

[ Reject.]

Daemon rejects the mission without even blinking.

" Oh come on, how do you expect to complete the main mission if you aren't even near the target?!"

Agonist felt like pulling its hair in frustration, but unfortunately it had no hair.

They needed to be near the protagonist, Ray, to complete the mission and get their rewards! The system was especially looking forward to energy earned from an S-rank universe.

" Shoo." Daemon waves hand as if to dismiss a servant. " I told you not to bother me until the target finishes school. I can't work with a kid that didn't even finish his education."

Daemon spoke seriously, though his eyes and hands where busy killing zombies on the T.V. screen. He found entertainment in the video games this earth had. After being a dragon in a western fantasy medieval setting, where the technology was backwards, he finally found something amusing other than messing with ( and occasional- accidentally killing) his targets.

" That... somehow is convincing..." Agonist spins upside down, persuaded by Daemons reasoning that had ethically stumped its enthusiasm.

It was a good system with morals. It couldn't make an adolescent with a bright future bear Daemon's madness.

The system kept brooding, as boredom seeped from its aura. It's been watching Daemon play around for days now.

Agonist suddenly screeched to halt, before zooming in front of Daemon.

" No wait, Ray isn't a child! He's a transmigrator! 37 years in his first life, and 19 so far in this one, His soul is 56 years old!"

" So? It's not like I can do anything at this stage. He needs to at least be a toddler, not an infant, for me to help him." Daemon snorts as he pushes the system away from his view of the bloody zombie that he just shot.

" Fine! We leave leave as soon as he finishes his academy!"

" Fine! Now move out the way!"


5 Months Later

' We're late! You lying son of a cabbage! You should thank god that he's still level 19!'

Agonist curses Daemon as they made their way out the hotel Daemon had set up camp in for the past couple months.

' Your first encounter already made you seem like the lunatic that you are! Then you refused to enter the academy as his classmate and you refused to become a cop to be his coworker! There's nothing to connect you two now, how on earth can we now approach him and gain his trust?!'

Daemon turns a deaf ear to Agonists ranting in his mind as he pays the taxi driver and gets down at the airports entrance.

' Hjjfdyijv yikbdsyi- I prepared your documents, they're in your pocket, damn it! And I told you before- hjkkufdhj giiknvxsrhj csrjbbch!...'

Daemon listened to the important parts then zoned out the rest of the systems lengthy speech.

Daemon smiled charmingly to the receptionist checking his passport. He then headed to the lobby to wait for his flight. His system had to save its energy, so he couldn't teleport to Los Angeles.

Daemon settled down on one of the many plastic chairs. He waited for Agonist to finish before whipping out his phone, and putting it close to his ear.

" Agonist, did you calm down now?" He spoke out loud instead of mentally, pretending to be on a phone call. It's not like anyone would understand the context of his words, anyway. For fun, he even mimicked a Russian accent.

' No I haven't and I won't until you properly follow through this mission.' The system grumps.

" I'm on my way so stop worrying, it's not like he'll get him self killed at this time."

' At this point I'm worried you will be the one to kill him!'

" What? Why would I kill him?" Daemon quirks an eyebrow up. He picks up a random magazine and kicks his feet up the coffee table.

' So that you could go back to your beer and video games!' ╭∩╮(ಠ_ಠ)╭∩╮

Daemon paused for moment, actually contemplating whether to do that or not.

He shook his head, brushing the idea off. If he killed Ray, Daemon would be instantly kicked out of this world. He wanted to stay as long as possible to enjoy what modern society has to offer for amusement.

"As long as he doesn't get on my nerves I can guarantee his safety."

(If he does get on my nerves, I'll find a way to kill him indirectly. That way I can stay on this earth for as long as I want even after his death.) Daemon shrugs, leaving Agonist unaware of his inner thoughts.

' He probably won't. He's similar to you, just without the craziness and madness.'

" Cool. Now go relax before we have to get to work." Translation: shut up now and leave me alone.

Agonist scoffs before entering its own personal dimension for a break.

Daemon puts his phone down and continues to skim through the magazine.

" Um, are you a part of the mafia, mister?" A timid voice, full of curiosity rung out near Daemon.

Daemon looks up to find a child staring at him with wide brown doe like eyes.

I feel like it’s more fun to write Daemons scenes. But no worries for those that like Ray. The two shall be meeting in the near future.

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