
Marvel Fanfic: Daemon’s story

Overpowered MC, Daemon. And a leveling up MC, Ray. There are two MCs, both transmigrate into the marvel universe. Daemons personality is all over the place, playful yet intense, short tempered yet in control. He has not a strand of conscience nor kindness in his bones. Ray, in comparison to Daemon is a Ray of sunshine. However that warmth could be a mask at times. He’s usually stoic and cool headed. He’s not indiscriminately cruel like Daemon, but if he needs to, then yes he can kill.

Ema232001 · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 13

The shadow barrier Daemon put up for their privacy had disappeared once he teleported away.

The single street light had flickered back on; the moon as well, now became visible again to provide some light.

" God damn it! That fucking bastard!!!"

Ray slammed his fists against the ground, bloodying his knuckles as soon as the dark ropes tying him down disappeared along with that mutant bastard.

" This fucking marvel universe!"

He continued spewing profanities as he took his anger out on the dirt and grass in front of him, splattering grime everywhere.

[ Abnormally heightened emotions detected! Anger emotion has passed recommended threshold.

Systems immediate recommendation: Calm down, go home, and sleep for bodily recuperation.

Consequences of not listening to system: Authorities capturing and interrogating host.]

Ray froze for a moment, stunned that his system messaged him. It usually only showed up when giving him his rewards. Even then, it didn't seem... 'alive', there was no way to converse when the system only gave preprogrammed responses. Other than that it was silent, giving Ray authority over his system interface.

And now, it's telling him to... calm down? In this situation?

" Calm down?! You want me to calm down?! Alissa just got kidnapped in front of me! I'm fucking powerless! What have I been doing? Killing left and right and still getting my ass beat! What's the fucking point if I can't protect anyone!!!" Ray slammed his head down on the ground, taking labored breaths. His hurt ribs restricting his movements as he forced his injured body up.

[ You have been working to get stronger, gaining super strength beyond the average humans in this world. However, you cannot win against the gods at your current level.]

" What god? That was a mutant, for fucks sake!" Ray groaned as he pushed himself up with the help of the tree near him. Listening to his systems nonsense calmed him down.

[ 'Mutants' actions and words are being analyzed from hosts memories...]

" Why did you decide to talk to me now after being silent since the beginning?" Ray questioned as he dragged his tattered body back to his uncle, Victor's, house.

[ I have not been silent, simply unable to think for myself. It took me some time to develop an ego, however it is incomplete. I had to rush out to calm your emotions. ]

" Hm. So that's why it felt like my rage got zapped out of me."

[ Analysis complete. Based on the 'mutants' words, survival possibility for Miss Alissa is 79%. ]

" Are you sure?!"

[ That is, for the first three days.]

" Three days?!" Rat whisper shouted as he snuck into his house, and quietly made his way to his room. He immediately headed to his connected bathroom. His entire body was littered in dried blood and dirt.

Ray quickly stripped down, in a rush to get ready to head out again. This time he would prepare himself and carry his weapons on his person. For some reason his spatial space storage didn't work when he wanted to pull out his guns.

[ That man requires something from young lady Alissa. He needs at least max three days to get it from her.]

Ray gently bumped his forehead against the shower tiles as water rained down on him, sweeping away all the filth.

He cleaned up in less than 10 minutes and rushed out to put on his clothes. Consisting of leather and gear wear. He strapped in his weapons, hiding them from plain sight. He was ready to chase that mutant down.

Before he could lay his hands on the doorknob, he coughed out blood, heavily rattling his insides.

" Cough cough! Ugh... Hey system, have anything that can fix me up quickly?"

[ Yes. The cheapest one is enough for your current wounds, worth 1,000 exp points. Would you like to buy it?]

" Sure."

A green potion in a simple glass bottle appeared on his desk. Ray studied it for a moment, swirling the green liquid in curiosity, before chugging it down.

" Ugh- why's it so bitter?" Ray wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

[ Because it's medicine. Now sit on the bed for a minute, you might feel dizzy since this the first time you've consumed a potion from the system store.]

Ray heads over to his bed and sits on the edge. " For how long?" His leg jumps in anxiety as his impatience started to cloud his mind.

[ Hosts physical well being is the systems highest priority.]

" What-?" Ray catches his wobbly head with his hand. " No wai-" He shakes his head, in effort to shake off the sudden sleep that attacked his body.

He couldn't waste time right now. Alissa needs him...

[ Good night, host.]

Ray fell back, unconscious.