
Marvel Becoming A God

This is the tale of a man-made god who enters Marvel, progresses toward omniscience and omnipotence, raises all of humanity, and exacts vengeance on the Trisolaran culture.

Olsenu · Others
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20 Chs

Chapter 18 I wanted to be an ordinary person

He chuckled again and again and slowly opened his mouth with a strong sense of teasing.

"Humans of your world..."

  "No! It's probably people from your country that really disgust me."

"I don't know where your confidence comes from. You obviously don't have the strength you deserve, but you have almost blind arrogance and a desire for control, and you have no sense of gratitude."

"After I helped you eliminate the crisis of the alien army invasion, not only did you not show any gratitude to me, but after I showed enough goodwill and because of the loot I deserved, you launched an attack on me without thinking. Attack."

"And now, after I easily defeated your meager attack, no one chose to take responsibility."

"Some of them are just out of fear for their own safety!"


Rosen chuckled and shook his head. "You senior figures in this country make me laugh even thinking about it."

Just as Rosen said the last words with a sneer,

Captain America Steve Rogers, who was clenching his fists tightly, made up his mind at this moment. He suppressed all the emotions in his heart and took a few steps forward resolutely.

  "Mr. Rosen..."

"I think you're wrong!"

He raised his head and met Rosen's gaze with his determined eyes.

"We are indeed afraid, afraid of your power, afraid of your power that we cannot stop or resist at all."

"However, this does not mean that we are all as miserable as you say!"

"It is everyone's biological instinct to worry about their own safety, and I can't argue with that."

"But besides that..."

"At this moment, we are still worried about the safety of the people. This is the responsibility I have been shouldering since I took over this power and took over the identity of Captain America. The previous attack on you was out of this responsibility."

"We must ensure that powerful beings like you will not cause harm to ordinary people."

"However, since we still chose to be your enemy after you showed that you had no ill intentions, and now you have won the final victory, then..."

"No matter what the consequences are, I will bear them calmly!"

  "Even death!"

"It's just Mr. Rosen..."

Steve Rogers gritted his teeth and finally said, "I hope you can still, as you said before, have no ill intentions towards the world; at least don't offend ordinary people."

When he said these words, Captain America Steve Rogers' voice was very calm, and even the fear in his eyes had been completely wiped away, leaving only the magnanimity of looking at death!


The voice fell, and there was another period of extremely dead silence.

A few minutes passed.

Tony Stark on the side took a deep look at Captain America next to him and then made the final decision in his heart, taking a big step to stand side by side with him.

Behind them, Hawkeye Clinton Barton, Black Widow Natasha, and Commander Hill all frowned and hesitated.

As for Nick Fury...

At this time, his entire brain began to work rapidly, as if he were making other plans.

Obviously, he was not affected by Captain America's words at all, had no hesitation, had never made a decision in his heart, and did not even have the same emotions as Captain America and others.

When facing several people, Rosen's performance was completely different from theirs.

He always kept that playful smile on his face, looking at Steve Rogers and Tony Stark in front of him and the other four people behind them.

"Be prepared to bear all consequences, even death."

Rosen put the cosmic cube, which had never left his right hand, on the throne.

He turned to hold his chin and sneered, "But your companions don't seem to have this awareness."

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark looked at each other; their expressions darkened, and they did not choose to respond.

Though they have decided to bear the consequences of failure, they have no right to interfere with the choices of others.

All they can do is stick to the decision they made!

"Rogers and Stark..."

Rossen continued: "To be honest, your courage is indeed worthy of recognition. It is undeniable that I have even begun to appreciate you a little."

"However, you seem to have mistaken a concept."

"Even your companions, you cannot make decisions on their behalf, let alone other people. Moreover, any words or actions you take have no influence on what I want to do."

"If I want to kill the companions behind you, what can you do?"

"What can you do if I want to destroy this city beneath your feet?"

"If I want to wipe out all humans in this world, what can you do?"

"You have to be clear first."

Rosen suddenly spread his hands. "That means you can't do anything at all!"

  "I know!"

Steve Rogers couldn't help clenching his fists tighter, and he said every word: "So, Mr. Rosen, I am begging you!"

"I beg you to forgive those ignorant people!"

"I know there's nothing I can do in front of you, but now this is the only thing I can do for them."

When he said this, he took off the vibranium shield tied to his wrist, and his originally upright body began to bend slowly. He finally kneeled down on one knee towards Rosen and lowered his head, which had always been held high.

Looking at his actions, Rosen was surprised for a few seconds and then suddenly burst into laughter.

  "Ha ha..."

He stared at Cap, who was kneeling on his knees, and said seriously, "Steve, I really appreciate you more and more."

"It turns out that you don't know how to bow to the strong."

"Your wish is for me to forgive those ordinary people."

"Very good, I agree!"

Rosen directly gave him an extremely clear promise.

In fact, regardless of whether Steve begged or not, he never planned to do anything to the humans living in this world. Destroying the world and erasing humans—such an insane revengeful act—was never his purpose.

During his more than four hundred years in the Trisolaran world, Rosen had long had enough of the lonely life on the desolate earth.

And so far, has never killed even a human being.

Though the earth in this universe is not Rosen's real home and he is not bound by his oath to never attack his compatriots, he will not be so reckless as to do such a thing that goes against his nature.


After receiving Rosen's response, Tony Stark didn't react for a moment, followed by extraordinary joy.


Rosen nodded and affirmed again, "You seem to have not only misunderstood the concept but also have a very wrong understanding of me."

"I am not a tyrant, nor an indifferent god, nor a cold-blooded executioner."

"When you attacked me before, I didn't take your lives. Even the woman named Carol, I didn't kill her, let alone those ordinary people."

"They have never done anything detrimental to me. Perhaps at this moment, a large part of them are completely unaware of my existence."

"As I said when Steve asked me why I came to Earth..."

Rose gradually removed any expression from his face and said very calmly:

"Because your planet is also called Earth as my real home, and the humans living on it are also very similar, and eliminating you will not bring any benefit to me."

"So, I have no unnecessary ill will towards you from the beginning to the end."

"I'm just a wanderer who has lost my tribe and is homeless. I plan to find a place to stay here for a while and do some things I have always wanted to do but have not completed."

"I originally just wanted to be an ordinary person who blends in with the crowd, but you have to force me."