
Marvel Becoming A God

This is the tale of a man-made god who enters Marvel, progresses toward omniscience and omnipotence, raises all of humanity, and exacts vengeance on the Trisolaran culture.

Olsenu · Others
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20 Chs

Chapter 17 Before the reckoning comes No

Half a minute later, Stark Tower

All the Avengers, including Nick Fury, Hill Maria, Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers, were all staring at the virtual light screen.

Everyone did not dare to blink and always maintained their full attention.

Although the picture presented by the light screen still only has a lonely and empty starry sky, other than that, nothing else can be seen.

But everyone knew very well what they were expecting.

They are waiting...

waiting for that golden light that holds all their hopes!


  "Didi!" "Didi!"

As a warning sound sounded, the attention of everyone present was raised again.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and straightened up unconsciously. In the shrunken pupils was a bright red dot that suddenly appeared on the three-dimensional composition.

"Jarvis, zoom in!"

The moment Tony Stark saw the red dot appear, he immediately gave Jarvis instructions.

The second after his voice fell, the image displayed on the light screen quickly enlarged, and at the same time, it naturally made everyone's heartbeat, including him, accelerate to the limit.

However, at the moment when the red dot is enlarged enough to be clearly visible to their naked eyes,

Everyone was stunned for a moment!

My mind suddenly went blank!


Tony Stark let out a trembling exclamation unconsciously.

The face of Captain America Steve Rogers that had been wiped clean was full of astonishment, and his eyebrows suddenly rose.

Hawkeye Clinton Barton, Black Widow Natasha Romanoff and S.H.I.E.L.D. Commander Hill Maria couldn't even make any expressions, and all they showed on their faces was dullness.

Among everyone, Nick Fury reacted the most violently.

In panic, his right hand, which was placed on the bar counter, flew away with a wine bottle with a nerve reflex. Accompanied by the crisp sound of the bottle shattering, his bloodless lips and one eye that was completely absent were revealed.

There is no other reason for their attitude.

  only because...

On the light screen, what they saw was the blue light that represented Rosen!

It was Rosen who achieved the final victory!

The final answer on the picture jumped out of everyone's mind.


Steve Rogers finally reacted and raised his right hand tremblingly, pointing at the screen with his fingers shaking violently. "He won!"

Hearing the sound, several other people also came to their senses.

The dullness and astonishment on everyone's face quickly turned into indescribable anxiety and fear.

"He returned to Earth."

When he saw the faint blue light that had passed through the earth's atmosphere on the light screen, the expression on Tony Stark's face was extremely complicated.

Slowly turning around, he glanced at the other five people on the floor with horrified eyes and said hoarsely, "It is impossible for us to stop any of his actions, not only today but also in the future."


After a pause, he continued: "Not long ago, after he took the initiative to express goodwill, we still launched an attack on him. Now that he has won the final victory, he may have completely changed his mentality."

Maybe you have completely changed your mentality...

The moment Tony Stark's extremely heavy words reached his ears, everyone's heart trembled violently as if a bell were ringing.

Even Nick Fury, who was completely distracted, quickly woke up.

In an instant, a bloody word appeared in front of everyone's eyes at the same time.


Yes, that's the reckoning!

Since they chose to provoke the almost god-like Rosen,

You must bear the consequences.

Moreover, they may not be the only ones to bear the consequences.

It is very likely that it will be all human beings living on earth!


Nick Fury's one eye was filled with bloodshot eyes, and his whole person seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. He trembled and said, "We failed!"



before his voice dissipated.

In the sky, a violent buzzing that made the entire building's glass tremble suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned and looked outside.

When the focus of everyone's eyes returned to normal, the figure that was deeply engraved in everyone's mind, dressed in white robes and emitting blue light, was once again reflected in their eyeballs.

Suddenly, all six people's bodies stiffened.

The reckoning has begun!

When their eyes met Rosen's emotionless eyes, several people read these words in their hearts at the same time.


  Complete silence!

Rose was suspended above the corridor. His eyes, which had returned to normal, glanced at the six people on the floor. His body slowly fell down, and after touching the ground, he began to walk inside step by step.



Rosen's bare feet didn't make much sound when he stepped on the ground, but it was extremely clear and loud in this silent environment.

Moreover, his light steps seemed to fall on the hearts of Tony, Captain America, and others.

As Rosen approached, the tension and panic on everyone's faces seemed like surging waves constantly hitting the drowning people, giving them an extremely strong sense of impending death.


Just when Rosen came to a distance of less than ten steps from them and finally stopped, the last obviously heavier step made the six of them tremble.

Five beads of sweat appeared on everyone's forehead.


His eyes were still looking back and forth at several people, but Rosen immediately broke the dull silence.

He chuckled and said with interest, "You seem to be very nervous. Are you... afraid of me?"

No one responded aloud; there was only silence.

But whether it's Tony Stark, Nick Fury, or anyone else's eyes, the emotions shown have perfectly proved Rosen's question.

Faced with their complicated emotions, UU Readingwww.uukansshu.com Rosen's slightly interested smile gradually turned into a joke.

Looking at the six people who were sweating profusely and not daring to breathe, Rosen waved his hand, and his light blue palm quickly released a burst of energy under the sight of everyone and quickly condensed into a huge suspended throne behind him.

When he sat down, there was an obvious hint of teasing in Rosen's eyes.

The battle with these Avengers and Captain Marvel not long ago, although in the eyes of these people, seemed very thrilling and intense, even no less than an all-out gamble.

But in Rosen's view...

It was just a joke with almost no meaning. For him, the greatest use was just to help him recalculate his understanding of his own strength.

Rosen actually didn't care about everything they valued.


Even after he had clearly shown his absolute goodwill, they were still being led to take action against them.

such arrogant and rude behavior to the extreme...

If Rosen doesn't have any anger, that's absolutely impossible!

"It seems that my good intentions gave them a reason to bully me."

Examining the performance of the six people in front of him at this moment, Rosen seemed to understand something in an instant, and his body with the light blue light was restrained, exuding a hint of coldness.

The eyes stopped on each person one by one and then moved away, which not only brought great pressure to them but also made everyone's silence seem even quieter.

Until this weird silence is on the verge of a critical point...

The six people standing scattered could no longer suppress the fear in their hearts, and they couldn't help but breathe heavily.

The silence was finally broken.

And Rosen, who had been observing them, also made a voice again at this moment.