
Marvel Becoming A God

This is the tale of a man-made god who enters Marvel, progresses toward omniscience and omnipotence, raises all of humanity, and exacts vengeance on the Trisolaran culture.

Olsenu · Others
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20 Chs

Chapter 19 I still need a dog

I just want to be a normal person.

When Rosen finished speaking, everyone in the venue suddenly looked weird.

The corners of Tony Stark's mouth couldn't help but twitch twice.

Several people were always staring at Rosen, who was sitting on the suspended throne, looking at his body made of light blue energy, recalling in their minds the great power he had shown before. Almost no one could understand his so-called ordinary meaning.

But there is one person who is an exception.

On the ground, Steve Rogers, who was kneeling on his knees with his head lowered, began to slowly raise his head after hearing this, the joy on his face clearly revealed.

  "Mr. Rosen..."

He found a completely different focus from others, met Rosen's gaze, and said with respect, "I am amazed by your kindness!"


Rossen, who had never been given this title in his two lives, could not help but look a little stunned, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Steve, your courage also surprises me!"

  "Get up!"

Rosen smiled and raised his hand, lifting up Steve's kneeling body. After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice:

"Steve, I will have a lot of things to do in the near future, but I don't have a suitable person here yet, and you are the first talent in the world that I really appreciate. I hope you can come and serve me."'s assistant."

"Be your assistant?"

Steve Rogers was very surprised and asked, "Mr. Rosen, is this an invitation or a request? Can I refuse?"

"This is a request!"

Rose replied directly, "But you can choose to refuse!"

"Is this so?"

Steve frowned and pondered for a moment, then suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, then he smiled and nodded: "Then I choose to accept it!"

As soon as Captain America said this, Tony Stark, Nick Fury, and others behind him couldn't help but look at him sideways, with surprise written all over their faces.

"A wise choice."

Rosen smiled, picked up the cosmic Rubik's cube, and suddenly stood up and fell to the ground. At the same time, the suspended throne behind him disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Arriving next to Steve Rogers, Rosen casually placed the Rubik's cube in his hand, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said, "I believe that by my side, you will get to know the world again before long."

"Okay, now that I've got an excellent assistant, now..."

Rossen shifted his gaze and glanced over at Tony Stark. His eyes only focused on the four people—Nick Fury and Nick Fury—who were standing side by side. The conversation suddenly changed: "It's time to solve some real problems." Let's get down to business!"

Rose's voice just fell.

Nick Fury, Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Barton, and Commander Hill, who were directly in front of his field of vision, all trembled in unison, and everyone couldn't help but feel frightened.

Tony Stark on the side took a few steps back calmly, frowning.

Even Captain America Steve Rogers, who had turned around and stood behind Rosen, was no exception. His expression suddenly became nervous.


It's about to begin!

Except for Rosen, this sentence came to everyone's mind again.

Though Rosen did not show any anger after returning to them from the outer sky, he did not even make a violent move.


Deep down, everyone here knows it very well.

This is a topic that Rosen has yet to mention that really concerns him.

If you provoke a strong man like a god, you will definitely have to bear the corresponding price. This is an unavoidable consequence!


Although I understand it in my heart,

But facing it calmly is another matter.

Facing Rosen's eyes without any emotion, like God patrolling the earthly lambs, the fear deep in the hearts of Nick Fury and others was once again awakened, and with Rosen's continuous glances, they began to deepen a little savings.

This indescribable, huge pressure made the four of them sweat profusely and seemed to be out of breath soon.

"We can't let him take the initiative like this anymore!"

Nick Fury made up his mind, suppressed the fear in his heart, slowly took a few steps forward, and met Rosen's gaze with his single, focused eye.

  "Mr. Rosen..."

"What do you want? Or what do you want to do to us?"

Nick Fury asked very straightforwardly, and there was not only no surprise in his dull voice but also a hint of questioning.

After hearing his unpleasant words, Rosen frowned immediately.

"What are you?"

Rossen asked with an unhappy look on his face, "Are you questioning me?"

After saying that, without waiting for Nick Fury's response, Rosen suddenly raised his hand and twitched his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, Nick Fury's standing body began to slide forward uncontrollably, and his entire body became completely stiff as the slide progressed.

He waited until he was less than fifty centimeters away from Rosen before he suddenly stopped.

"What do I want to do to you?"

Rossen's voice continued to be heard in his ears, and Nick Fury felt as if his body was no longer his, completely unable to move.

And the next second...

As Rosen's head slowly tilted forward, his one eye could clearly see the black eyes in Rosen's blue eyes. The fear that had not been suppressed for a while emerged again, and as Rosen grew, the scrutiny became more intense.


Nick Fury's pupils contracted sharply due to physiological instinct.

However, before he could open his mouth to say a word, he saw Rosen, who was right in front of him, suddenly put a finger on his lips. His next words were suddenly stuck in his throat, and he could no longer speak. issue.

"Wait, listen to me first."

Rosen put down his fingers, straightened up again, and once again scanned the people in the room one by one. He looked at the three subordinates who belonged to SHIELD, that is, Nick Fury, and finally focused on the people in the room. Lord Nick Fury's face

  "Nick Fury..."

Looking at the fear in his one eye with interest, Rosen sorted out his words and said slowly, "Perhaps what you don't know is that after I found out about you, I have been hesitating about how to deal with you."

"Actually, up until a minute ago, I was wondering whether I should directly erase your existence."

Just as he was talking, Rosen suddenly reached out and grabbed Nick Fury's neck, throwing him to the ground and releasing control of his body.


Nick Fury, who suddenly landed on the ground, felt that his body was released from the restraints, but the hot throat immediately gave him an extremely uncomfortable suffocation feeling. The moment he fell to the ground, he began to cough violently.

"But what you asked just now made me completely change my mind!"

"Suddenly, I don't want to kill you anymore!"

"You want to know why?"

Rosen looked at him like an animal and asked himself, "Because you remind me of the dog my neighbor had when I was a kid, a black dog that liked to bark at me."

  "Nick Fury..."

After calling his name again, Rosen said with an indifferent look, "In addition to Steve, an excellent assistant, I also need a dog, a dog that obeys my words."

"I think you would be very suitable for this role."