
Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me

youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Li Cheng traveled to the Marvel world and bound a question-and-answer system to conduct prize-winning questions and answers to superheroes. Since then, the entire Marvel world has collapsed. Thanos: Who is it that made my plan public? Damn it! Thor: Why do you want to publish my two hundred catties video? Did I provoke anyone when I was a fat house? Rocky: What did I do wrong, to publish the video of me being thrown around by the Hulk? US team: Who is saying that I cant hold Thor's Hammer on the surface, so I practiced a set of combos secretly? (Not my novel just translating it ) patreon: young_sunlight

young_sunlight · Movies
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271 Chs

Chapter 67: Loki's Usurpation


In the novel's synopsis, there is a YouTube link of my channel provided.

For every 50 subscribers and 50 likes on both the channel and the video,

I promises to upload an additional 4 chapters, and also on My P@treon page.

The total sum of chapters will be uploaded on Sundays.


Just as Phil Coulson left the room, another figure appeared.

Upon seeing this person, Thor's silence and lack of words were instantly replaced with a renewed spirit.

Because before him stood the person he had been thinking about, the absolute female protagonist of the Avengers—Black Widow!

More alluring and seductive than Black Widow herself—Lady Sif!

"Loki, what are you doing here?" Thor straightened his posture.

"I must see you," Loki's voice was low.

"Has something happened?" Thor had a bad feeling about this. "Tell me, is it something with Jotunheim? Let me explain it to Father."

"Father is dead," Loki said.

"What?" Thor's face was filled with disbelief.

"He banished you, the threat of war. He couldn't bear it any longer," Loki's voice was deep, as if coming from a distant place. "Don't blame yourself. I know you loved him. I wanted to tell him, but he wouldn't listen. He knew that you could no longer lift Mjolnir, yet he kept it by your side. It was cruel."

Listening to Loki's words, Thor was filled with sadness and self-blame.

"The burden of the throne now falls on me," Loki said, word by word.

"Can I go home now?" Thor asked, seemingly having no interest in the throne, not even asking a single question about it.

"The condition of the truce is that you must be banished," Loki said.

"But we can find a solution..."

"Mother also forbids you from returning," Loki interrupted Thor.

Thor froze. He never expected that even his loving mother wouldn't let him come home.

"Farewell, brother," Loki said. "I'm truly sorry."

"No, it's me who has let you down," tears streamed down Thor's cheeks. "Thank you for coming."

"Thor, are you really the God of Thunder? I think you've been struck by lightning in the head!" Tony Stark couldn't bear to watch anymore. "From beginning to end, it's all Loki's word with no evidence, and you believe it just like that?"

"As a man, it's natural to shed tears, Thor. I never expected you to cry in this situation," Clint Barton also found Thor's behavior rather peculiar. "Loki didn't just tell you something trivial like finding a pretty girl on the street. He told you that your father passed away, a super important matter concerning the succession of the throne and the entire kingdom. And yet, you can't see any evidence, didn't even think to verify it, and simply believed it right away."

"Both of you, put yourselves in my shoes and think about it. If one day your brother told you that your father had passed away, how would you feel?" Although scorned, Thor felt that his behavior was completely justified. "Would you think, 'Oh, is he trying to deceive me?' Would you think like that? If it hadn't actually happened, which daughter would say such things about her own father?"

"Well, you have a point there," Phil Coulson said, "but you believed in the succession of the throne too easily."

"I have no interest in the throne," Thor retorted confidently.

In the video, Loki left Thor's room, but instead of leaving entirely, he approached Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor.

He reached out his hand and attempted to lift Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor.

The hammer of Thor wasn't hidden away in some obscure corner; on the contrary, people were coming and going around it. However, none of those people even glanced in Loki's direction.

It was as if they couldn't see Loki at all.

This scene made Phil Coulson and the others secretly vigilant. These gods had truly diverse methods, making them difficult to defend against.

"Thor, Loki's intentions couldn't be more obvious," Clint Barton said. "He wants to take your hammer away from you!"

"That also means that he really covets what belongs to you, Thor," Phil Coulson said. "So, it's not so impossible that he covets your throne, is it?"

Thor remained silent, his gaze fixed on the video.

At this point, the video no longer displayed Earth but an unfamiliar and exotic realm.

"This is Asgard, my homeland," Thor spoke up, knowing that none of them had seen it before.

"Father of the gods, we must speak with you," an urgent voice resounded as Sif and the Warriors Three hurriedly made their way toward the grand hall.

However, at the end of the magnificent hall, seated on the throne was not Odin but Loki.

Sif and the Warriors Three exchanged glances, and finally, Fandral asked, "Where is Odin?"

"Father has entered the Odinsleep," Loki said with a mournful expression. "Mother is worried that he will never wake up."

"Then we must speak with her," Sif and the Warriors Three, together, strode toward the throne.

"She refuses to leave Father's side," Loki remained seated on the throne. "Tell me what you have."

With that, Loki stood up and slammed his staff heavily on the ground. "Your king."

Sif and the Warriors Three kneeled on one knee, their right hands on their chests, and began to pay their respects.

"My king, I implore you to end Thor's exile," Sif knelt on the ground, pleading.

Upon hearing these words, Loki burst into laughter immediately, but he quickly put on a stern expression. "My first decree cannot violate the command of the former king. The war with Jotunheim is imminent, and our people need unity. We must stand together, without fear, for the sake of Asgard."

Sif immediately stood up upon hearing this, wanting to retort, but she was restrained by Fandral.

"Just wait for my command," Loki said.

"May I speak?" Volstagg, with his long beard, said. "Your Majesty, please consider—"

Estimating that Volstagg wanted to suggest Loki consider ending Thor's exile, Loki didn't give him a chance to speak. As soon as Volstagg started, Loki coldly interrupted, "We are done talking!"

Sif, the Warriors Three, and Volstagg stared at Loki for a while, then turned and left one after another.

The video ended at this point.

"Thor, isn't it obvious in the video?" Tony Stark said. "Your father, Odin, clearly isn't dead. He has only entered something called the 'Odinsleep.' Although I don't know what that means exactly, it's evident that he is not dead. And Loki took advantage of his sleep to seize the throne that originally belonged to you."

"Not only that, but he insisted on banishing you," Clint Barton said. "However, when he came to Earth, he told you that it was your mother who wouldn't let you come back."

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Check out my Other Projects too:-(Advanced chapter on P@treon)

=>Sailing with Whitebeard: Starting with a Question

=>The day of studying in Hogwarts
