
Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me

youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Li Cheng traveled to the Marvel world and bound a question-and-answer system to conduct prize-winning questions and answers to superheroes. Since then, the entire Marvel world has collapsed. Thanos: Who is it that made my plan public? Damn it! Thor: Why do you want to publish my two hundred catties video? Did I provoke anyone when I was a fat house? Rocky: What did I do wrong, to publish the video of me being thrown around by the Hulk? US team: Who is saying that I cant hold Thor's Hammer on the surface, so I practiced a set of combos secretly? (Not my novel just translating it ) patreon: young_sunlight

young_sunlight · Movies
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271 Chs

Chapter 66: Thor is Obsessed with His Brother


In the novel's synopsis, there is a YouTube link of my channel provided. For every 50 subscribers and 50 likes on both the channel and the video, I promises to upload an additional 4 chapters, and also on My P@treon page. The total sum of chapters will be uploaded on Sundays.


"D option..." After mentioning option C, Thor looked at option D and immediately shook his head, "D is also impossible. Loki has no interest in the throne!"

"Come on, Thor! Can't you stop deceiving yourself?" Tony Stark said mercilessly, "Based on the previous questions and various clues, it's clear that Loki has always coveted the throne. We've already told you, Loki came to Earth for the throne, and yet you still exclude option D?"

"You must have misunderstood before. Loki coming to Earth might be for the earthly throne, not the throne of Asgard," Thor, the brother-obsessed, refused to consider it and stuck to his position.

"Thor, you haven't been beaten by Banner yet. Why is your brain not functioning?" Clint Barton couldn't stand it anymore and started scratching at old wounds, "Where on Earth would there be a throne for Loki to seize?"

"Maybe it's the presidency; that position is similar to a throne."

"Thor, don't you have the courage to admit this point? Loki is fundamentally different from what you think. He wants to be the king of Asgard! He's not the brother you imagine!"

"Enough already. Although I've never had an interest in the throne, I am the rightful heir to it. Loki is my brother, and he won't take what belongs to me," Thor insisted, "To go one step further, even if Loki really wanted the throne, he wouldn't have to do anything else. He just had to tell me, and I would have given it to him. He knows this very well. So, Loki wouldn't say something like Father's death just to gain the throne."

"Thor," Thor's stubbornness as a brother-obsessed person made Tony Stark unable to bear it. But before Tony Stark could finish, Thor loudly said, "I choose option B! Loki said that to motivate me to reclaim Mjolnir. He did it for my own good, even if his methods were not quite right!"

[Answer incorrect! One year of lifespan deducted!]

The emotionless mechanical voice of the answer space rang out, shattering Thor's fantasy.

"Not option B, not option B!" Thor murmured, "Then it must be option C. Loki is the ancestor of lies himself, so he got careless and underestimated others, falling into a trap."

"This brother-obsessed person is beyond help," Phil Coulson shook his head repeatedly on the side, not wanting to waste his breath anymore, because it was simply futile.

"Do you know what? The first time I saw Thor, I thought, wow, this guy is all muscles," Tony Stark didn't want to speak at first, but seeing Thor's pained expression, he couldn't help but make a snide remark, "After answering a few questions together, I realized that this guy is not only all muscles in his body but also in his brain. Now I understand, his brain isn't muscles, it's all about his brother!"


Li Cheng, who was watching on the side, burst into laughter. Damn, Thor's brain is Loki, and Tony Stark's mouth is just too venomous.

After a few more sarcastic remarks from Tony Stark, they stopped speaking. After a while, the answer space began to play a video.

Roar, roar, roar!

The night sky, pouring rain.

"You better order Coulson. I'm almost ready to cheer for this guy," Clint Barton held his bow and arrow, aiming at a certain spot.

The camera shifted, and Thor's imposing figure appeared in the sight of everyone, but the Thor in the video was far from the handsome and suave look. He was covered in mud and looked battered, clearly having been through a fight.

Thor saw the hammer on the ground, a smile on his face, and he walked step by step towards the hammer.

Thor believed that he had successfully reached his destination, unaware that Clint Barton had been aiming at him from above, and Phil Coulson was also observing.

"This is the last chance," Clint Barton prepared to shoot at any moment.

"Wait," Phil Coulson stopped Clint Barton, "I want to see if he can lift it."

Splish, splash!

Pea-sized raindrops fell on the hammer, dripping onto Thor's face.

But Thor paid no attention to the rainwater. He looked at the hammer at his feet, a smile on his face.

He reached out his hand and grabbed the hammer.

Then, his expression changed.

He couldn't lift it at all!

"Ah!!!" After struggling for a while and failing to lift it no matter what, Thor shouted in frustration, fell to his knees, and collapsed on the ground.

"Alright, the performance is over. Ground units, move in," Phil Coulson issued the command from above.

Clint Barton in the shadows put away his bow and arrow.

Several agents in raincoats rushed out and handcuffed Thor. Thor didn't resist during the process; he just knelt on the ground, looking at the hammer with a sad expression.

"So, this is how the events would have unfolded without the answer space?" Tony Stark couldn't help but say.

"Most likely. If the answer space hadn't appeared, Director Fury wouldn't have known that Thor was coming to New Mexico, and he wouldn't have sent me to wait in New Mexico. I wouldn't have met Thor in advance. The hammer was taken over by S.H.I.E.L.D., the scene was secured, and Thor didn't know me, so he could only forcefully intrude," Phil Coulson said.

"This once again confirms one thing," Clint Barton said, "The future shown by the answer space is all based on a future (or maybe past) that the answer space has never appeared in. When we speculate, we should exclude the element of the answer space."

The scene shifted to a white room, with Phil Coulson standing opposite Thor, interrogating him.

"You've made my people, professionally trained individuals at the highest level, look like minimum-wage supermarket security guards," Phil Coulson's gaze fell on Thor, "It's truly disappointing."

Thor sat there blankly, silent. At this moment, he was immersed in the pain of not being able to lift his beloved hammer, with no mind to spare for anyone else.

Unfortunately, Phil Coulson didn't know this and was still trying to get something out of Thor's mouth.

"Based on my experience, you must have received relevant training. Tell me where you were trained, Pakistan? Chechnya? Afghanistan?"

Thor glanced at Phil Coulson but remained silent.

"No, your assault tactics are more like a mercenary. Where is it? South Africa? Some organizations would pay a high price to hire someone like you. Who are you?"

Thor still didn't speak.

"In any case, we will find the answers we seek. We're very good at that." At this moment, the communicator on Phil Coulson's body rang, and he turned and left, leaving behind a parting sentence, "Don't wander off."

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Check out my Other Projects too:-(Advanced chapter on P@treon)

=>Sailing with Whitebeard: Starting with a Question

=>The day of studying in Hogwarts
