
Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me

youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Li Cheng traveled to the Marvel world and bound a question-and-answer system to conduct prize-winning questions and answers to superheroes. Since then, the entire Marvel world has collapsed. Thanos: Who is it that made my plan public? Damn it! Thor: Why do you want to publish my two hundred catties video? Did I provoke anyone when I was a fat house? Rocky: What did I do wrong, to publish the video of me being thrown around by the Hulk? US team: Who is saying that I cant hold Thor's Hammer on the surface, so I practiced a set of combos secretly? (Not my novel just translating it ) patreon: young_sunlight

young_sunlight · Movies
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271 Chs

Chapter 65: Loki Says Odin is Dead


In the novel's synopsis, there is a YouTube link of my channel provided. For every 50 subscribers and 50 likes on both the channel and the video, I promises to upload an additional 4 chapters, and also on My P@treon page. The total sum of chapters will be uploaded on Sundays.


"Director Fury's words confirm that what we will face in the future is not just a single robot, but an army of machines," Phil Coulson said.

"Robots gaining intelligence and causing trouble in this world," Clint Barton remarked, "I never thought that one day the plot from a sci-fi movie would actually come true."

"If aliens can invade Earth, it's not surprising that robots are causing trouble," Tony Stark said.

"In sci-fi movies, the purpose of robots is generally to eliminate humanity, but what is Ultron's purpose?" Phil Coulson asked.

"An evil plan," Thor said, "Although we don't know Ultron's exact purpose, it referred to it as an evil plan, so it's definitely not a good thing."

"Speaking of which, when Ultron and the Avengers met at that factory, they initially discussed peace," Thor continued, "I told Ultron that if it believed in peace, we should work together to maintain it."

"Yes, Ultron said that you confused peace with quietness," Phil Coulson added, "From these two lines of dialogue, it can be seen that no matter what Ultron's evil plan is, it's for the sake of peace?"

"That's contradictory in itself. How can a plan for peace be evil?" Clint Barton questioned, "How can the Avengers confront it?"

No one could answer this question. There was a lack of clues.

"In fact, besides Ultron's motives, I've also been wondering about the motives of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver," Clint Barton spoke up, "Although they were with Ultron, their goals may not be the same as Ultron's."

"Why do you say that, Barton?" Phil Coulson asked.

"Do you remember what Quicksilver said in the previous Ultron Era video, when the Avengers and Ultron met at that abandoned factory?" Clint Barton asked, "What did he say back then? Does anyone remember?"

"At that time, Quicksilver asked Stark if it was comfortable hiding in his suit," Phil Coulson thought for a moment and noticed something unusual, "Ultron is the leader of the three of them, as seen from Ultron standing in front and the two of them standing behind Ultron. But when Quicksilver saw Stark, he immediately came forward and provoked him."

"So, I boldly speculate that Quicksilver has a grudge against Stark!" Clint Barton said, "They are only working with Ultron to deal with Stark! Because Stark has the Avengers behind him, they feel that they can't defeat him alone, so they teamed up with Ultron!"

"That's a possibility," Tony Stark also recalled a detail, "When Quicksilver questioned me, the camera deliberately focused on the weapons on the ground, and those weapons were from Stark Industries! Is the questioner hinting at something here?"

"Stark, don't you have any recollection of them?" Thor asked, "If they have a grudge against you."

"I have absolutely no recollection," Tony Stark shrugged, "No one can remember."

"I think we can start with those weapons," Phil Coulson said, "In that video segment, the weapons on the ground were completely unnecessary. They had no purpose from beginning to end, just a backdrop. I can't think of any reason why the camera would focus on them unless the questioner wants us to notice them."

"So, the questioner's implication is that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have a grudge against Stark because of his weapons?" Thor pondered and agreed with this line of thinking.

"I used to sell weapons, but I never participated in wars," Tony Stark said in a solemn tone, "So if they really hold a grudge against me for my weapons, there's only one possibility. In some war, my weapons caused them harm, such as killing their family members."

"So, Stark, you need to review which wars your weapons were involved in," Phil Coulson suggested.

"Wait, why analyze this?" Thor suddenly felt something was off, "Didn't we say that we can find them based on their appearance? Why do we need to go through the previous weapons for clues?"

"Thor, if we understand the reasons behind these two individuals targeting us, we might be able to resolve this conflict in advance," Phil Coulson explained, "Even if we can't make them join our side, at least we can reduce two enemies. You saw how formidable they are."

"So, you guys are considering this idea?" Thor was taken aback for a moment. Indeed, if it were possible to resolve the grudge and turn enemies into friends, what could be a better way to handle it? These people's minds were so sharp!

[The ninth question begins. Please prepare.]

[Why did Loki tell Thor that Odin is dead?]

[A. Just another prank]

[B. To give Thor motivation since he couldn't lift Mjolnir]

[C. Loki was deceived and believed that Odin is dead]

[D. For the throne of Asgard]

[Answer correctly, and you will be rewarded with the Thousand-Mile Eyes technique. Answer incorrectly, and one year of your lifespan will be deducted.]

"What? Loki told me that Father is dead?" Thor was shocked to see this question, "Could Loki really say something like that to me?"

"Thor, since the question is framed this way, there's a chance that one day in the future, Loki will indeed say that to you," Phil Coulson said, "Just like the question said you would go to New Mexico, and you actually did go to New Mexico. As for the part about being struck by lightning, well, I won't mention that."

"This is going too far!" Thor pointed at the question, feeling angry, "Regardless of the reason, as a son, how could one say such a thing about their father's death! Loki has gone too far!"

"It's unlikely to be just a prank, right?" Clint Barton said, "Even though Loki is known as the God of Mischief, the God of Lies, and so on, this goes beyond the scope of a prank, doesn't it?"

"Loki has played many pranks, like turning into a snake to scare me and so on," Thor said with certainty, "But he just enjoys pranks. He's not a fool. Why would he say something like this as part of a prank? Option A can be excluded."

"What about option B?" Clint Barton suggested, "He is your brother, and seeing you unable to lift Mjolnir, he might be concerned and resort to such extreme measures to motivate you. After all, you're the God of Thunder who can't wield his hammer. You need some stimulation. And the death of your father could be that kind of stimulation."

"While it's a bit of a stretch, option B cannot be ruled out," Thor fell silent for a moment and then said, "I believe option C can be excluded. Loki is the ancestor of lies himself, and who in all of Asgard can surpass him in lying? If someone were to lie to him, he would see through it in an instant."

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Check out my Other Projects too:-(Advanced chapter on P@treon)

=>Sailing with Whitebeard: Starting with a Question

=>The day of studying in Hogwarts
