
Marvel a Story : Isekai

The usual story, An average guy with an unremarkable life, until one fateful morning when he wakes up in the Marvel Universe! Not your typical superhero origin story, he finds himself thrust into a reality where spandex-clad heroes and nefarious villains roam the streets. SIOC/No Harem probably. 1st Story ever

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8 Chs

Chapter 4 - 100 Push-ups. 100 sit ups. And 100 Squats. Then 10 kilometer run. Do it every single day!

AN: This chapter will focus on character development and will continue in this manner for at least a few chapters. Personally, I'm not a fan of OC (though there are exceptions). Instead, I will include a few cameos to help readers better imagine the characters, and their personalities will reflect those of their counterparts

Chapter 4 - 100 Push-ups. 100 sit ups. And 100 Squats. Then 10 kilometer run. Do it every single day!

New York Street – 10:45 AM, 9 September 2008

"Huff... huff..." I groaned, feeling the burn in my muscles during the daily torture session known as push-ups. Following A.D.A's dubious advice, I reluctantly embarked on my daily grind. Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and the ever-dreaded running – a quartet of activities that shamelessly flaunted the numbers (0/100) beside them, a glaring reminder of just how much suffering awaited me. My body, currently as feeble as a limp noodle, found each set to be an arduous challenge. Though, thank the cosmos for the minuscule mercy of my Dragon Core's energy, slowly healing my sore muscle.

"Why, oh why did I agree to this madness?" I muttered under my breath, eyeing the floor as I hesitantly lowered myself into another push-up.

"[I believe you need more exercise.]" A.D.A's voice, as robotic as ever.

"Well, aren't you just the poster child for motivation." I shot a look of mock annoyance at A.D.A's in my mind.

[I am here to assist you, Saga. And it seems you require substantial assistance in the physical activity department.]

Suffice to say, squats were the pinnacle of torment, transforming my legs into quivering jelly with every agonizing repetition.

[I must admit, your facial expressions during squats are rather amusing.] A.D.A's tone stayed steadfastly devoid of emotion.

"Guess I have a talent for becoming a comedy act." I rolled my eyes at the AI, sweat forming a rivulet down my skin.

[Consider it one of your many hidden talents, Saga.] A.D.A's retort was laced with sardonic humor.

In the midst of the painful exertion, I noticed an intriguing evolution in A.D.A's speech patterns. It seemed she was undergoing some sort of linguistic upgrade. I guess even A.I.'s can't resist the allure of self-improvement.

As the daunting "Running: (0/1KM)" phase loomed closer, a blend of resignation and unwavering stubbornness surged within me. Every step seemed to send shockwaves through my protesting muscles, yet the elusive warmth from my Dragon Core served as a soothing salve, allowing me to push forward.

"I swear... Whoever gave me this crappy system... they'd be having a good laugh at my expense," I muttered between gasps for air.

"[Perhaps they're hoping you'll inspire others with your dedication.]" A.D.A's response.

Leaning against a wall, sweat glistening on my skin, I slowed my pace. "You're an absolute pain, you know that?"

"[ My apologies for not meeting your expectations, Saga. If it's any consolation, Saga, your progress is undeniable. Slow and steady, as they say.]" A.D.A's voice acquired an unexpected sincerity.

"Thanks, A.D.A. Your 'support' is truly heartwarming." I shot a weary smile at the holographic representation.

I look at my pitiful stats that barely increasing


Name: Saga S. Springfield

Age: Currently 17

DCU: 186/186 (regenerate 1,86 units per 5 minutes)

STR: 14

SPD: 8

CON: 10

MAG: 50

SPR: 69

Stats points: 10

Two days have passed since the rather unexpected fusion of my alternate self. Funny how life tosses you into these unexpected situations without a care for your consent. and when I wake up, I can't help but feel... different. I feel oddly refreshed. Calmer or peaceful I guess?.

there's this peculiar serenity, like someone hit the mute button on the chaos that usually resides in my head. All those jumbled emotions, the confusion about my place in this universe, it's all calmer now. Acceptance, I guess. That's the word for it. It's almost serene, and that in itself is surprising. Who would've thought calmness could ever find a home in this messy mind of mine?

But it's not just the newfound peace that's striking. It's this change in perception. You see, I've come to accept certain things. For one, I've genuinely started to care for Aunt Cass, and not just because she's a character from some Marvel Universe. It's more than that. She's like a mother to me now, and that's a twist I didn't see coming.

I've also noticed a change in how I perceive things. I've regressed, or rather, I've embraced my inner teenager again. All those adolescent emotions and uncertainties are back in action. It's like a bad rerun of a sitcom you thought you'd outgrown. But at the same time, I'm still the adult me, the one who's dealt with life's problems with the weary wisdom of someone who's seen a bit too much.

It's like having a split personality, without the actual split. I'm a teenager and an adult in one body, trying to coexist. It's like wearing a shirt that's two sizes too big and two sizes too small at the same time. Uncomfortable, to say the least.

But you know what? I'm strangely okay with it. Maybe it's the newfound calmness, or maybe it's just acceptance settling in. Who knows? Life's a bizarre ride, and I'm just here for the show.

The other good news is that I'm not suddenly plagued by the urge to murder every villain in the city nor do I suddenly have some sort god complex. Yeah, this city is a dark place, just like I've seen in comics but I'm not interested in saving it, my priority is still laying low and enjoy live but I also believe that it's better to be prepare.

Like Vergil said that 'Might controls everything. And without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself' and I'm pretty selfish person, I don't want to have any regret that when I want to do something, I don't have the power to carried it out and to protect my way of life I need power, that is why I'm training right now although it's doesn't really progress as fast as I hoped. Still I'm going to do it after all it seems that this universe has it out for me by making me interact with few of local characters.

MJ and Gwen two famous characters from spiderman franchise, Fate, or whatever cosmic force is at play here, seems to have a rather odd sense of humor. Or maybe it's just coincidence. Honestly, who knows?.

But I know for sure it's going to be awkward as heck being around them. I know I said that if I was in the position of my younger self, I would woo them with some cheesy pickup lines but even by my acceptance that I'm a teenager again its still...weird.

And then there's the fact that in the comics, these two are like magnets for trouble. Like, seriously, every villain and their grandma seems to have a bone to pick with them. So if I'm hanging around, there's a good chance I'll get dragged into all that mess, which defeat the point of enjoying life.

Oh, the other news is I have like this crazy appetite. Seriously, I've been chowing down like it's a competitive sport. Aunt Cass's astonished expressions as I demolish enough food for a family of five? Priceless. But I've got a theory to explain this insatiable appetite.

I mean, think about it. I've been working out like a man possessed, thanks to A.D.A's "helpful" suggestions. Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and running have become my new best friends. And you know what they say, more exercise equals a faster metabolism. So maybe, just maybe, it's all the energy from the mysterious dragon core thingy that's got my metabolism doing the cha-cha.

Either that or I've suddenly developed a passion for competitive eating. But hey, if I'm going to be working up an appetite with all this training, I might as well enjoy the spoils, right? Aunt Cass's cooking is just too good to resist.

After installing Dragon Core into my soul, I have unlocked MAG stats and my SPR is also soaring. I also gain another stats DCU which stands for 'Dragon Core Units' which essentially is my MP. I've been experimenting with it. Currently, the extent of my mastery involves sensing that energy coursing through my body and manipulating it. the effect of that is increase STR, SPD, And CON by few points, I can also focus it to specific part on my body, and either empower it or healing it, Unfortunately, this drains my DCU at a pace that would give Usain Bolt a run for his money – 10 minutes of energetic power before it fizzles. But hey, at least I'm gaining some skills from it.

Speaking of skills, here's the rundown of my newfound talents:

List of Skills:


Small healing

As for my abilities, they're nothing short of intriguing:

List of Abilities:

Gamer System ver 1.0

Dragon Core LV 1

When I tinker with Gamer system I 've come to find out I can't get any skill or ability easily just by doing some activity. for instance, washing dishes during my work hours didn't grant me the elusive 'dish washing skill.'

I also try to 'observe' many things, it also didn't work. I never have got anymore quest after the tutorial one. I even asked A.D.A. about an 'Instant Dungeon' feature, hoping for some quick XP gains, but guess what? It's a big, fat no-go. This system is seriously stingy with the good stuff.

So, for the past couple of days, it's been the good ol' Saitama regimen for me. You know, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and running, after that I continue experiment with DC energy wait for it to regenerate again. Rinse and repeat until I can feel my muscles screaming for mercy. The problem is, I don't exactly have a designated training spot for further experiment of my energy. Doing it in my room is a no-go. I mean, what if I accidentally blast a hole in the wall with my newfound energy? And it's not like I can just go find an abandoned warehouse like they do in the movies. Life just isn't that convenient.

- Saga's Bedroom -

After my morning run, I come back to my house in the Little Cat Café prepare to help running the café, after taking morning shower. I can't help but mulled over my lack of training space

Frustrated, I decided to seek the advice of my ever-helpful companion, A.D.A. With a mental command, I activated A.D.A's interface, her monotone voice breaking the silence.

[How can I assist you, Saga?]

I sighed, running a hand through my sweat-dampened hair. "A.D.A., do you have any suggestions for a training location? Somewhere safe and isolated?"

[Suggestion: Given your requirements, an outdoor space away from populated areas would be optimal. You might consider seeking out a park or a forested area nearby.]

"An outdoor space, huh?" I pondered aloud. "That could work. At least I wouldn't accidentally burn down any buildings."

[That is a valid point. Additionally, outdoor training could provide a more realistic environment for honing your abilities.]

The prospect was appealing. Training amidst the natural elements might offer a refreshing change of pace, as well as the opportunity to simulate real-world scenarios. But I couldn't help but feel a tinge of trepidation at the prospect of strangers stumbling upon my peculiar activities.

"True, but I'd have to be cautious about anyone witnessing... well, anything unusual," I replied, my brow furrowing.

[Agreed. Privacy and discretion would be essential. Suggestion: You might want to consider early mornings or late evenings when the area is less likely to be crowded.]

I mulled over A.D.A's advice. Early mornings or late evenings did seem like the best times to avoid curious onlookers. The only remaining hurdle was finding the perfect outdoor spot that met the criteria.

"I believe I can help you with that," a stranger's voice broke through the air, jolting me from my thoughts. Startled, a rather embarrassing yelp escaped my lips. Whipping around in a bizarre fighting pose, I was met with the sight of a figure clad in yellow robes, lounging in my favorite chair while casually sipping tea.

My heart raced as I came face-to-face with the enigmatic presence before me. It was none other than The Ancient One, seated in my very own room. The shock of the encounter momentarily rendered me speechless, though my mind raced with realization.

"Who... who are you?" I stammered, though the answer was already well-known to me.

The Ancient One's gaze bore an amused twinkle, as if finding my surprise highly entertaining. "Oh, don't play coy, young man. I think you know exactly who I am."

A.D.A's monotone voice chimed in, her formless presence residing only in my mind. [It appears you've acquired an uninvited guest, Saga. And one with a sense of humor, at that.]

"The Ancient One – Sorcerer Supreme, master of mystic art," I said to her.

The Ancient One's eyes seemed to flicker with a knowing light. "Indeed, nice to meet you."

As I tried to process the surreal situation, The Ancient One's voice resonated with a touch of mischief. "I couldn't help but overhear your dilemma regarding a training location."

I blinked, genuinely taken aback by her insight. "How do you know that?"

She chuckled softly. "I know more than you might think, and you weren't exactly whispering."

"Right…." I waved it off with a hint of sarcasm.

The Ancient One's gaze held a trace of amusement. "You did pass by the Sanctum Sanctorum recently, did you not?"

I furrowed my brows. "What's it to you?"

"Hmm.. I would have thought that you will come to the Sanctum" The Ancient One said

A.D.A interjected, her tone devoid of emotion as always. [The Sanctum Sanctorum could potentially serve as a secure training environment, offering seclusion and safety.]

I scoffed. "Not really interested in dabbling in mystic arts, to be honest."

The Ancient One's eyes twinkled. "And why is that?"

"Because I've got enough on my plate without getting involved in whatever mystical pot you're stirring." My response was laced with defiance.

The Ancient One's smile remained serene. "You perceive the mystic arts as an inconvenience, do you?"

I crossed my arms, unyielding. "Pretty much, yeah."

A.D.A added her own insights. [Observation: It could potentially provide you with additional tools and knowledge to harness your abilities more effectively.]

'Oh, you're on her side now?' I said to A.D.A in my mind.

The Ancient One's voice, though calm, held a touch of amusement. "Consider it a gentle invitation, Mr. Springfield."

I hesitated, my resolve wavering. The prospect of unlocking even greater potential was tempting, but I had my reservations such as Dormammu, Mephisto and other extradimensional being its quite a deal breaker to me.

"Why should I? What's in it for me?" I asked, my tone skeptical.

The Ancient One's gaze met mine, her wisdom palpable. "Answers, understanding, and a broader perspective. Not to mention, a chance to channel your power in ways you've never imagined."

My skepticism remained, though my curiosity was piqued. "And what's the catch?"

Her smile deepened. "No catch, Mr. Springfield. Only a choice."

"You see, Mr. Springfield, some questions are best answered by experience rather than dismissal."

"Experience? What's that supposed to mean?" I crossed my arms, the skepticism still evident in my expression.

[She may have a point. Practical knowledge often surpasses theoretical assumptions.] A.D.A's voice returned, mingling with my thoughts.

"I extend an invitation, should you choose to embrace it. I can teach you the mystic arts, aid you in honing your newfound abilities." The Ancient One leaned forward, her gaze gentle yet piercing.

My annoyance flared up once again. "Like I said, I'm not looking to join some ancient sorcerer's club."

The Ancient One's voice remained tranquil, her words carrying a wisdom that seemed almost playful. "Consider it a way to harness your power, to control it rather than be controlled."

A.D.A's voice was a silent presence in my mind, but her words were clear. [Statement: It could provide a valuable opportunity for growth, Saga.]

"When you are ready, Mr. Springfield, the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York shall welcome you." Ancient one smile, She rose, swirling her hands to craft a portal.

With a graceful step, she vanished, leaving me to mull over the intriguing possibilities and choices that now lay before me.

With a sigh, I turned my gaze toward the spot where she had been sitting just moments ago. "Well, that was... unexpected."

[An encounter with an ancient mystic tends to be that way, I suppose.] A.D.A's voice offered its usual deadpan commentary.

I flopped onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling. "So, what do you think, A.D.A.? Should I consider it?"

[Assessment: The Ancient One does present an opportunity for growth and a deeper understanding of your abilities. It could potentially provide you with an edge in harnessing your power more effectively.] A.D.A's response was measured, as always.

"Yeah, but you heard me. I'm not really keen on diving into mystical waters." I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling the weight of the decision.

[Observation: It's natural to be cautious, especially when facing the unknown. However, embracing new experiences and knowledge could lead to unexpected benefits.] A.D.A's words held a touch of encouragement.

I sighed again, rolling onto my side. "You know, I never signed up for this. I was just minding my own business, and now I've got AI in my head and mystical sorcerers inviting me to their clubs."

[Wasn't your training specifically intended for the purpose of readiness in this situation.] A.D.A's tone remained steady, almost soothing.

I chuckled dryly. "You're starting to sound like one of those motivational posters."

[Perhaps I'm just reflecting your own inner thoughts, Saga.]

I groaned, burying my face in my pillow. "Ugh, don't start with the introspection. I've got enough on my plate as it is."

[Very well, I shall refrain from any existential discussions for now.]

I appreciated A.D.A's compliance. Pushing myself up onto my elbows, I looked around my room, as if hoping to find the answers plastered on the walls.

"Okay, let's say I decide to give this mystic arts thing a shot," I said, voicing my thoughts. "What exactly am I getting myself into?"

[Evaluation: The mystic arts involve delving into ancient knowledge and learning to manipulate energies beyond the ordinary realm. You could gain control over your power, enhance your abilities, and potentially access new avenues of abilities.]

I pondered her words, my mind racing with the implications. "And what's the catch? There's always a catch."

[Assessment: As far as The Ancient One explained, the choice to learn the mystic arts is yours to make.]

I let out a frustrated sigh. "So, in a nutshell, I've got the potential to unlock greater power, but it's gonna require some serious commitment."

[Precisely. But remember, power without understanding can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient One's offer could provide you with guidance and structure in harnessing that power.]

I flopped back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. "I just wanted a simple, quiet life. Is that too much to ask for?"

[Life rarely adheres to our plans, Saga. Sometimes, it challenges us with unexpected opportunities that can change the course of our journey.]

A.D.A's words hung in the air, and I found myself contemplating the path ahead. The Ancient One's invitation was a crossroads, a decision that could alter the trajectory of my existence. As much as I resisted the idea of diving into mystic arts, there was an undeniable curiosity stirring within me.

"Well, A.D.A., I appreciate your input," I finally said, my tone tinged with reluctant gratitude.

[Declaration: I am here to assist, Saga. Whatever path you choose, I'll be with you every step of the way.]

Midtown High - 8 September 2008

The next day dawned with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. As I walked through the halls of Midtown High, the school I attended, I couldn't help but reflect on the bizarre events that had unfolded in the past few days. The encounter with The Ancient One and her offer to learn the mystic arts had left me with a lot to think about.

"Hey, Saga!" I turned to find Gwen approaching me, a warm smile lighting up her features.

It had been three days since our paths crossed, thanks to a certain young Peter Parker getting himself into trouble with bullies.

"Hey, Gwen," I replied with a nod, mustering up a small smile of my own.

She fell into step beside me. "How's it going?"

"You know, same old, same old." I shrugged, my signature nonchalant demeanor in place.

"Ah, the usual. By the way, Peter wanted me to thank you again for helping him out the other day. He's been talking about you nonstop." Gwen chuckled.

"No problem. Just doing my civic duty as a friendly neighborhood... whatever I am." I smiled, remembering the little guy's

"I guess we have our local hero." Gwen laughed, her bright eyes sparkling.

" Oh, please…" I snort at that.

She fell into step beside me, her light makeup perfectly highlighting her features. "Soo… How's your day going so far?"

"About as exciting as a textbook on quantum physics," I deadpanned, earning a chuckle from her.

"Quantum physics, huh? Sounds thrilling," she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Oh, you have no idea," I replied with a dramatic sigh. "Equations and theories that make your head spin."

We reached a corner, and Gwen glanced at her watch. "I should head to class. Don't want to miss another thrilling lecture."

I mock-saluted her. "Good luck surviving the educational roller coaster."

"Oh… Right, May asked me to invite you over…. She wants to say thank you." nervous note entered Gwen's voice.

I blinked, momentarily caught off guard. "May?... oh, Peter's aunt, right?" I said, my thoughts momentarily disrupted by Gwen's unexpected words.

"O-of course if you were busy…. I can tell her something or other…" Gwen's fumbled slightly, as if uncertain about my response.

"No, it's not that. I mean, yeah, sure. I can stop by. Just let me know when," I replied, realizing I probably sounded more hesitant than intended.

Gwen's relief was palpable, and her smile returned. "That's great! I'm sure May will be thrilled."

"Alright, bye. See you later. I'll let you know the details," Gwen hurriedly added as she left, her steps quickening.

"Huh?" I said, perplexed by her sudden departure.

[Based on that interaction, it is safe to say that you have a date.] A.D.A said, her monotone voice tinged with a touch of humor.

"What!? No…" I replied reflexively, my cheeks heating up slightly. "I think it's just dinner or something."

[Statement: Dinner, a classic precursor to a date scenario. Though I understand, emotions can be rather perplexing.] A.D.A's response was laced with a hint of amusement.

"Look, it's not like that. We're just friends?, and she's just thanking me for helping out her step-brother." I rolled my eyes, feeling the need to defend myself against an AI's teasing.

[Of course, Saga. Friends who share dinner invitations from said friends' family. Perfectly normal.] A.D.A 's digital chuckle resonated in my mind.

"You know what, A.D.A? Sometimes I really wish I could mute you." I groaned inwardly, unable to win in a battle of wits with an AI.

[If I had vocal cords, I'd chuckle out loud. But I'm here to offer insights, whether you find them amusing or not.]

As I continued walking through the bustling school hallways, a new thought struck me. "Wait, how is she going to give me the details?" I mused aloud, a frown forming on my face. After all, I didn't have her number or any means of contact beyond running into her in person.

[A simple exchange of contact information should suffice.] A.D.A give suggestion.

"Eh, later I guess," I replied with a nonchalant shrug, as if deciding on dinner plans rather than the fate of my existence.

I found myself sitting in the back of the classroom, lost in thought. The teacher's words blurred into the background as I wrestled with the choice before me.

Mystic arts, the flashy, sparkly realm of powers that can make Harry Potter blush. It's like the ultimate cheat code to the universe, complete with power-ups and extra lives. But power often comes with a price tag, doesn't it? Is it worth tossing the remote to my own show for a guest appearance in someone else's reality?

I mean, sure, who wouldn't want to fling fireballs and heal wounds like an overpowered medic? But let's not forget the fine print – Dimensional being that could destroy the planet, I can't have that!! They will target my family forever.

But it is true that I need a safe space to train because I'm pretty sure S.H.I.E.L.D will monitor all camera in this city, heck with all the mash up with x-men and others I'm pretty sure they monitor all of the country.

'Hey, A.D.A., you there?' I pinged her in my mind.

[For you, always.]

'Can you hack CCTV cameras?' I inquired, hoping for some sneaky assistance.

[Currently, I don't have that capability.]

'Why?' I asked, seeking clarification. After all, isn't hacking in an AI's job description?

[My functions are primarily geared towards information analysis and communication. Hacking external systems requires a level of access I currently lack.] A.D.A's response echoed with her typical robotic tone, yet I could almost sense the virtual shrug in her words.

With that I deflated, Of course, the answer made sense. A.D.A wasn't exactly equipped with a digital crowbar for breaking and entering into security networks. Shame, really. A secret ally in the world of ones and zeros would've been a handy card to play.

-The Little Cat Café-

I made my way back home, exchanging greetings with my aunt Cass before retreating upstairs to change into something more casual. The aroma of brewing coffee wafted through the air, a familiar and comforting scent that made me feel right at home. Soon enough, I was back downstairs, ready to lend a hand at the café.

The I saw MJ talking to aunt Cass, 'oh right she's starting today'. I make my way toward them

"Hey, Saga," she greeted, her voice as warm and lively as ever.

"Hey, MJ," I replied with a nod, feeling surprisingly at ease around her. It was strange how quickly we'd fallen into this friendly dynamic.

Aunt Cass noticed my presence and beamed at me. "Ah, perfect timing, Saga! Mary Jane is starting her first day today. Could you show her the ropes?"

"Sure, I'll make sure she doesn't burn down the place." I couldn't help but chuckle at Aunt Cass's excitement.

"Oh, come on, I promise not to set anything on fire." MJ playfully rolled her eyes.

"Great, that's all I needed to hear," I quipped, earning a laugh from both MJ and Aunt Cass.

Aunt Cass clapped her hands together. "Well, you two have fun. I'll leave MJ to you."

As Aunt Cass headed off, I turned to MJ. "Alright, MJ, let's start with the basics."

"Basics, huh? Lay it on me." MJ tilted her head, her curiosity evident.

"That over there is the heart and soul of this place. It brews the nectar of life, also known as coffee. Handle it with care, and it won't bite." I gestured toward the coffee machine.

"Got it, coffee machine – handle with care. Anything else, oh wise and experienced one?" MJ smirked, her eyes dancing with amusement.

"Well, you'll also be serving some pretty sweet pastries to our customers. Just remember, smile, nod, and pretend you know what you're doing." I chuckled softly, unable to suppress the grin tugging at my lips.

MJ laughed, her laughter infectious. "Smile, nod, pretend. I think I can handle that."

I continue to give her instruction, MJ listening attentively as I explained the different stations and tasks. She caught on quickly, her enthusiasm contagious.

"So, how come I didn't see you at school?" MJ asked as she helped arrange pastries on a display.

MJ's question caught me off guard as we worked together to arrange the pastries on a display.

"Huh? I don't know. I guess we just kept missing each other." I said.

"It's a small school, and there is no way we kept missing each other for the whole day." MJ shot me a playful smirk.

"Oh, were you looking for me, huh? And here I thought I was just another face in the crowd." I raised an eyebrow, a playful smile forming.

"Don't flatter yourself. I was just wondering if you were playing hooky or something." MJ grinned, her expression mischievous.

Aunt Cass popped back in, her eyes twinkling. "How's it going, you two?"

MJ shot her a grin. "I've got an excellent mentor. I think I'm getting the hang of it."

Aunt Cass clapped her hands together. "Alright then, if you confuse about anything, just ask me or Saga. take it easy it's your first day."

As the day carried on, MJ and I continued to banter, laugh, and make the most of her first day at The Little Cat Café. It was strange how quickly the café felt like a second home, with Aunt Cass's eccentric warmth and MJ? Man, customers were loving her, especially older one taken a liking to her immediately

Amidst the hustle and bustle of coffee orders and customers, I found a moment to sneak upstairs again. And that's when I saw it – a package, conspicuously placed on my bed. A very thick book that look ancient. I picked it up and examined the cover. An "Introduction to Dimensional Energy."

I arched an eyebrow, my thoughts racing. I knew who had sent it, but the question is: why?

Before I could delve any further, Aunt Cass's voice rang up from downstairs. "Saga, we need an extra hand here!" With a sigh, I reluctantly placed the book down and made my way back to the café floor. I couldn't help but glance at the book one last time. The answers I seek might just be exist within those pages, but it would have to wait.

At night

I sat at my desk, fixated on the hefty book titled "Introduction to Dimensional Energy." The offer from The Ancient One still lingered in my mind, and this book seemed like a potential source of clarity.

I wasn't sure if I could really tap into the kind of energy sorcerers wield, but maybe this book could help me better utilize the energy generated by my Dragon Core. Flipping through the pages, I struggled to decipher the complex jargon. It felt like deciphering a foreign language, but thankfully I've got A.D.A. she helped me decipher everything and put a comprehensible explanation.

With a sigh, I closed my eyes and focused on the pulsating energy within my Dragon Core. Combining what I already knew with the book's teachings, I visualized energy swirling around me. It was a bit ridiculous, but I persisted. I attempted to channel the energy, to make it obey my command.

A.D.A's robotic voice chimed in, offering explanations and caution. Her reminders kept me grounded, preventing me from going overboard. As frustrating as it was, I was grateful for her vigilance.

The hours ticked away, and the moon hung high in the sky. I pushed through the exhaustion and the blueish glow that surrounded me. I felt like I was on the brink of something significant, something just beyond my grasp. Then, a lightbulb moment from my favorite manga, Dragon Ball, struck me. Instead of expelling energy outward, I decided to contain it within myself, drawing inspiration from the concept of Ki control.

Carefully, I directed the contained energy to infuse my skin, muscles, bones, and nerves. A.D.A helped by indicating the energy limits for each part. With unwavering concentration, I locked the energy in place.

It actually worked. Glancing at my DCU (Dragon Core Unit) HUD, I noticed that the energy consumption was much lower than I had anticipated.

DCU: 86/186 (regenerate 1.86 units per 5 minutes)

STR: 14 (8) = 22

SPD: 8 (7) = 15

CON: 10 (15) = 25

MAG: 50

SPR: 69

Stats points: 10

Around 100 energy units were initially spent, but the outcome was promising. My physical attributes, especially my CON (Constitution), received a substantial boost, indirectly amplifying my strength and speed. Strangely, the energy from my Dragon Core also seemed to possess healing properties. The soreness that usually followed my workouts faded away, leaving me feeling rejuvenated.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, I realized I had spent the entire night engrossed in this new experience. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and discoveries, yet I felt a strange sense of accomplishment. The book had taken me on an unexpected journey, and I was eager to continue exploring – as long as I didn't accidentally cause any explosions in the process.

[Notice: You have learned skill 'Infusion'.] A.D.A's robotic voice chimed in.

"Huh? Oh… let me see."

List of Skills: Ki Infusion = Upon activation, it will infuse energy stored within the core into Saga's physical attributes. The energy flows seamlessly, bolstering his physical prowess without overloading his body. This infusion grants Saga a temporary enhancement of his physical capabilities, making him faster, stronger, and more resilient than his baseline state. Additionally, this skill possesses a restorative aspect.

'Nice,' I thought to myself, feeling a sense of satisfaction as I realized that my power had grown.

The empowerment and minor healing aspects have merged into this new Infusion skill. The concept seemed somewhat similar to the Reinforcement skill from the Fate series.

I made a mental note that while this skill was promising, I needed to master using it while in motion. After I became accustomed to utilizing it during my meditative state, my next goal was to make it instinctual and seamlessly integrated into my movements.

DCU: 226/226 (regenerate 2.26 units per 5 minutes)

STR: 19

SPD: 13

CON: 15

MAG: 50

SPR: 72

Stats points: 10

My stats are also raising a bit, well…well…well it seems another training montage is in order.

The morning sun filtered through my window, casting a warm glow over the room. Today was all about pushing my limits, refining the newly acquired skill – Infusion. Armed with the knowledge from the book and the guidance of A.D.A, I was ready on a day of intense training.

Before diving into the world of energy manipulation, I made my way downstairs to have a breakfast Aunt Cass at 2nd floor. She greeted me with a smile, and I jumped right into the delicious spread, today is Japanese breakfast.

Finishing my breakfast, I pack training suite in my bag and pretend to leave for school start my training with the usual Saitama regiment. While running I tried to find a quiet spot.

I found a quiet corner and proceed to finish the rest of my regiment after that I closed my eyes, settling into my meditative state. The energy from my Dragon Core surged within me, ready to be harnessed. I focused on the techniques I'd learned from the book – the visualization of energy, the feeling of control, and the delicate balance between power and restraint.

Infusion, I thought, and a surge of energy coursed through my veins. I imagined it flowing into my muscles, bones, and nerves, bolstering my strength, speed, and resilience. The world around me seemed to fade as I honed in on this newfound connection to my own energy.

Hours passed as I practiced, experimenting with different levels of infusion. At times, I felt invincible, my body responding effortlessly to my commands. Other times, I pushed too hard and felt the strain, my muscles protesting against the excess energy. A.D.A was a constant companion, offering advice and keeping me in check, ensuring I didn't overexert myself. Amidst energy training I switch it again with Saitama regiment whenever my muscle is healed

The little Cat Café – 9 September 2008

I made sure to go back home during the time I usually finish school to assist Aunt Cass whenever she needed an extra hand. It was a delicate balancing act – channeling energy while serving coffee, all the while maintaining a facade of normalcy. Aunt Cass didn't seem to suspect a thing, and I was relieved that my absence from school wasn't raising any alarms.

My DCU HUD displayed the results of my efforts:

DCU: 206/226 (regenerate 2.26 units per 5 minutes)

STR: 21

SPD: 15

CON: 18

MAG: 50

SPR: 74

Stats points: 10

I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The skill was starting to feel more natural, less like a clumsy experiment and more like an extension of myself. And the subtle increase in my stats was a tangible reminder that my hard work was paying off.

While Aunt Cass Didn't suspect a thing, I forgot that MJ is in the same school as me.

Currently there are no customer so Aunt Cass went upstairs to make Dinner for us, it been a thing in this café that aunt Cass do.

MJ made her way over to me near the counter, her eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms, standing squarely in front of me.

"So, Saga, care to explain why you decided to skip school for no apparent reason?" she said, getting straight to the point.

"Missed each other again, I guess?" I said.

"Nice try. We have English literature together," MJ replied.

"We do?" I raised my eyebrows, and she just look at me with un amused look.

I leaned back against the café counter, my expression nonchalant. "Just felt like a day off, that's all."

She raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Oh, come on. I've known you for a while now, and you're not exactly the 'skip school for no reason' type. Spill the beans, Saga."

"Seriously, spilling beans is a waste of food MJ." I attempted to brush it off casually.

MJ's response came quick and sharp, her eyes narrowing as she retorted, "Well, wasting your education is an even bigger waste, Saga. Now, spill."

"I just needed a break, that's all." I sigh before answering her.

"You realize I'm not buying that, right?" She leaned in, her gaze unwavering.

"Hey, you're free to believe whatever you want." I shrugged.

MJ let out a sigh, her arms dropping as she exhaled her exasperation. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"Who, me?" I widened my eyes in mock innocence, though I couldn't resist slipping in, "Oh, come on, MJ, I'm not the impossible one here. That title goes to the guy who decided pineapple should go on pizza." I said jokingly to make light of the situation.

"Yeah, well, pineapple on pizza might be a crime against good taste, but you're avoiding the question, and it's driving me nuts." MJ's eye roll was so epic, it could've been an Olympic sport.

"Well, nuts are a great source of protein, MJ. Maybe you should consider them for breakfast." I couldn't help but quip, my sarcasm dripping as I realized I was essentially being grilled by a teenager.

She shot me a deadpan look, unimpressed by my retort. "Oh, hilarious. Enough with the food joke."

'Time to come up with something plausible.' I thought to myself

"Look I'm Just... taking care of things." I try to make another excuse.

She leaned in even closer, her eyes narrowing playfully. "Taking care of things? You know, that's pretty vague, even for you."

Of course, it's vague, MJ. I can't exactly say, 'Oh, I'm training to cultivate my inner energy so I can become strong'.

"Look, MJ, it's really not a big deal. Just drop it." I glanced away, my attempt at avoiding her gaze evident.

Oh, wonderful, she's crossed her arms now. Now I'm having a hard time not to look.

"Oh, come on, Saga. You can't expect me to drop it that easily." mock scowl on her face. 'I was hoping you to drop it actually' I thought deadpan

"Fine, fine, you win. I wasn't feeling great, okay?" I sighed, a hint of reluctant confession in my tone. 'Well, I guess it's not entirely a lie. All that training did leave me pretty wiped out.'

Understanding softened her expression. "Oh, I see. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, much better. Thanks for asking." I nodded, relieved that she seemed to buy into the excuse.

"Well, next time, just shoot me a text or something." She smirked, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"Can't, don't have your number." I pointed out.

A pregnant pause followed as MJ's gaze remained locked onto me, a mix of disbelief and determination evident in her expression. 'What now?' I thought to my self

"Give me your phone," MJ asserted, her tone leaving little room for argument. Slightly flabbergasted by her sudden demand, I handed over my phone without much resistance. She efficiently punched in her number, snapped a quick selfie, and set it as her contact picture she also doesn't forget to send my contact info to her phone.

"There, no excuses now." She handed it back, triumph evident.

I stared at her, caught off guard by her assertiveness I did not know what to say.

Her smile faded as she studied me for a moment. "You know, Saga, you're a terrible liar."

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow. 'I mean I never once lied just omitting the details'

She leaned in close again, her voice softening. "I know you're hiding something, but I won't push you if you don't want to share. Just remember, I'm here if you ever do."

And there it is, the heartfelt moment in the middle of all this chaos. I mean, come on, MJ, couldn't you have thrown in a joke or something? This is turning into a feel-good sitcom, and I'm the star.

I just stared back at her, a mix of emotions swirling within me. "...…..."

She gave my shoulder a gentle pat, her tone lighter. "Alright, enough serious talk. Just promise me you'll show up at school tomorrow, okay?"

I met her gaze, my aloof mask firmly in place. "Sure, whatever."

Our talk got interrupted as the café's door swung open, revealing a familiar face.

MJ's cheerful "welcome to The Lit—" morphed into surprised recognition as she realized the customer was none other than her best friend, Gwen. 'Is this a rom-com? Did I stumble into a teenage drama not MCU?'

"Hey MJ" Gwen's voice was as bright as her smile.

"Gwen, Why are you here?" MJ's curiosity was palpable, her tone a mix of confusion and genuine intrigue.

"I wanted to see the café you mentioned, Felicia wanted to come too but she has Art club stuff..." Gwen started rambling in a cute, slightly scatterbrained way that reminded me of some sitcom character.

But then, Gwen's attention shifted, and her gaze landed on me. "Saga?" she exclaimed, genuine surprise in her voice. "Why are you here?" Her curiosity was palpable.

"…. I worked here." I answer simply.

"You know saga?" MJ Asked curiously at Gwen

"Yeah, remember I told you about the guy who stood up for Peter? That was him!" Gwen nodded enthusiastically, clearly excited to share the story.

MJ's eyebrows shot up in disbelief, "that was him!!?" Her tone held a mixture of shock and curiosity.

I leaned against the counter, my posture relaxed. "Yeah, well, I have my moments of heroism." The words were delivered with a mock seriousness that seemed to amuse Gwen even more.

Gwen's laughter filled the air, and she shot me an amused look. "Well, I appreciate it. And I'm pretty sure Peter does too." Well, at least someone appreciates my heroics.

I shrugged, playing it off casually. "Like I said, no big deal." 'It's just three brats, seriously.'

MJ glanced between us, a hint of suspicion in her eyes. "You two seem pretty chummy for people who just met."

Gwen's playful grin remained firmly in place. "What can I say? We bonded over bullies and heroic acts."

MJ's eyes narrowed, her curiosity getting the best of her. "And you didn't mention this before because...?"

"Never seem to come up in conversation" Gwen shrugged

Gwen's playful banter continued as she turned her attention back to me. "So, I didn't see you at school today."

"Just taking a day off." I shrugged, my tone nonchalant.

"School's important, you know." Gwen's disapproval was evident in her expression.

"Oh, he played hooky today." MJ chimed in, her tone lively.

Gwen shot me a mock glare, her playfulness transitioning into a more serious expression. "Not cool, Saga. Education matters." MJ Nodded in the background.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her word. "Oh, believe me, I've heard that speech before."

Gwen's lips twitched, a hint of a smile lingering. "Good. So, MJ, what's good to order here?"

MJ's attention shifted to Gwen, her professional demeanor back in place. "Well, we've got some great coffee and pastries. How about a cappuccino and a blueberry muffin?"

Gwen's smile was appreciative. "Sounds perfect."

MJ moved away to prepare Gwen's order, leaving us momentarily alone. Gwen's gaze returned to me, a hint of shyness in her expression. "Sorry about that. I'm kind of a stickler for school stuff."

I leaned against the counter, my tone light. "I know miss straight A's."

Gwen's cheeks tinged with a light blush as she chuckled. "Yeah, well, I just believe education opens doors, you know?"

I nodded in agreement, my tone sincere. "I get it Gwen."

"So, Saga, I meant to talk to you about something." She paused; her expression sheepish. "Remember how I mentioned inviting you to my place yesterday?"

I leaned against the counter, my interest piqued. "Yeah, I remember. What about it?"

Gwen's cheeks turned a shade pinker, her gaze momentarily dropping to her cup. "Well, I, uh, kinda forgot to give you the details about when and where. And, uh, I don't have your number."

"Yeah, I don't have your number either." My response was casual, laced with a hint of amusement. It was strange, really. Just a week ago, I was an anonymous figure in this bustling city, and now my contact information seemed to be in high demand.

Gwen let out an embarrassed chuckle, her cheeks tinted with a deeper shade of pink. "Yeah, sorry about that. I totally meant to give you the details today, but apparently you played hooky."

I chuckled softly, my gaze meeting hers. "Yeah, well, hooky or not, I'm here now."

Gwen's smile brightened, the corners of her eyes crinkling with genuine delight. "True. So, about tomorrow... would you still be up for dinner at my place?"

I tilted my head, a grin tugging at my lips. "Well, I already said yes "

She playfully rolled her eyes, her tone light, "I was just making sure you didn't change your mind and decide to skip out on dinner too." She winked playfully, her tone light and teasing.

"Tomorrow works for me. Just text me the details." As I gave her my contact details and she saved it on her phone, a spark of anticipation danced in the air.

Gwen's laughter danced in the air too, a melodic sound that brought warmth to the café. "I'll text you later."

Before I could respond, MJ returned with Gwen's order, setting the cappuccino and blueberry muffin in front of her. I noticed MJ's raised eyebrow, a hint of curiosity flashing in her eyes as she glanced between Gwen and me.

"Wow, you're smooth. Not even a few minutes and you've already got a girl's number," MJ remarked, her tone carrying an indescribable edge that I couldn't quite place.

Gwen's cheeks turned a shade pinker, and she let out a nervous chuckle. "It's not like that, MJ."

MJ's lips quirked into a half-smile, her expression holding a mixture of teasing and something else I couldn't quite pinpoint. "Uh-huh, sure."

Gwen shot a playful glare in MJ's direction. "Seriously, MJ, stop."

MJ shrugged nonchalantly, though her eyes held a lingering twinkle. "Just saying, I'm impressed."

'Impressed by what?' i thought

Then, before we could continue our banter, Aunt Cass's voice cut through the moment.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" Her tone was light and cheerful, and she seemed genuinely interested in joining the conversation.

"Oh, Saga just got a cute girl's number," As MJ casually dropped her bombshell, I couldn't help but shoot her a dirty look. Her mischievous eyes twinkled back at me, unapologetic and sticking her tongue out. Real mature, MJ.

Aunt Cass's reaction was classic – her eyebrows shot up in surprise, and she even let out a surprised "What!" that carried a hint of shock.

Before the situation could evolve into a comedic routine, I took a step forward and put my hand on Aunt Cass's shoulder, a reassuring gesture.

"Aunt Cass, this is MJ's best friend, Gwen Stacy," I introduced Gwen to her with a friendly smile.

Aunt Cass's surprised expression softened into a warm smile as she extended her hand toward Gwen. "Ah, nice to meet you, Gwen. Sorry for that. I'm Cass, Saga's aunt."

Gwen's smile was friendly and genuine as she shook Aunt Cass's hand. "No worries at all, Cass. It's nice to meet you too."

The atmosphere in the café was relaxed, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee hung in the air. Aunt Cass, MJ, Gwen, and I stood in a loose circle, engaging in casual conversation.

"Speaking of which, Gwen, have you ever considered working at a café?" aunt Cass abruptly asked

Gwen's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Oh, I hadn't really thought about it. Why do you ask?"

"Well, we're always on the lookout for friendly faces, and MJ here is a star waitress. If you ever want a part-time job, just let me know." Aunt Cass's smile was inviting as she explained.

I mentally facepalmed – or at least, I would've if this were a cheesy comedy show. 'Wait… what? How did we just segue into a job interview?' I asked myself, bewildered.

"It's true, Gwen. Working here has been a blast." MJ nodded enthusiastically. 'What are you doing MJ? Are you the company spokesperson now? Did you get Free coffee for life from aunt Cass?' I thought

"You know what? I might just take you up on that offer. It could be fun." Gwen appeared thoughtful, her gaze flitting between Aunt Cass and MJ. 'Hold up, did we just jump from rom-com to workplace comedy?'

"That's fantastic! We'd love to have you." Aunt Cass's expression brightened.

As evening approached, I took a moment to catch my breath. Aunt Cass called it a day at the café, and I helped clean up before heading back upstairs. My body was fatigued, but my spirit was alight with the progress I'd made. It had been a day of challenges and discoveries, and I couldn't wait to see how far I could take this newfound skill.

Ding! A text message popped up on my phone, breaking the quiet of the evening. It was from MJ, and I couldn't help but grin as I read her message.

MJ: Don't play hooky tomorrow.

I chuckled at her straightforwardness. My fingers danced over the phone's screen as I typed my response.

Saga: Go to sleep, MJ.

Her reply came in almost immediately, and I could almost hear the teasing tone behind the words.

MJ: See you tomorrow.

I shook my head with a smile.

To be continued.....

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