
Chapter 061 Fight on the bridge

Chapter 061

"What is this creature anyway? Some sort of dinosaur?" Peter asked as his eyes scanned The Lizard. "We are not in Jurassic world, right?"

"I don't think so. He seemed to be more like a reptile. The world is just getting crazier day by day."

Alex said, coming to stand next to Peter with the car door as a shield.

"So, how should we deal with it?" Peter asked, not knowing what to do as it was the first time he was dealing with something that wasn't human (Aside from the drones). 

"Just use your webs to keep it's claws, mouth and tail in check. Don't let it bite you and I think you will be good."

"Don't let it bite me? Will I change into that if it bit me? I have a bad experience with bites."

"Let's just ask him."

Alex said and rolled his eyes towards the reptile creature. 

The Lizard roared, it's voice cracking as it rushed them. Alex did the same, putting his 'shield' In front of him.

The car door was heavy but with his strength, it didn't feel like it. 

Claws swiped up at the car door as a screeching sound came out. Alex took a step back from the impact but kept on defending.

Finding a chance, he held the car door with one hand and punched the creature. In reflex, The Lizard slashed at him but before his claws could reach his face, webs held them in their place.

"Just focus on the attack. I will keep it in check." Peter yelled, putting all of his strength in his webs as the reptile tried to rip them apart.

Smiling, Alex put the car door down and punched it in the face. Several painful cries came out as he followed it up with a kick.

As he was about to continue it with another blow, it's tail slammed into him. He tried to hold onto the tail but was ultimately thrown back, his body skittering across the hard surface.

'I'm not used to fighting without my wolf.'

Alex thought as he struggled to rise up. 

His fighting style was mostly based around his wolf defending most of the attacks aimed at him, so without it, his body was really easy to aim at.

Looking up, he could see Peter fighting with the Lizard, using his webs to deal with the claws but struggling against the tail.

"I need a better weapon…"

Alex opened up his hero shop mid battle and hurriedly bought an item that he was pondering upon these days.

In an instant, a black handle engraved with strange symbols appeared in his hand. He focused his energy on it and suddenly, a blade appeared.

He smiled at the 500 HP sword – Black lightning!

The surface of the blade shined as Alex swung it in the air as practice, familiar with using a training sword due to going to Chikara dojo.

But a real sword was different from a training sword.

The surface was harder and it was way heavier. Moreover, it was meant to kill. 

'It doesn't matter if I'm fighting against a Lizard rather than a human, I guess.'

Alex thought as he stood up.

"Hey Spidey!" He shouted and Peter looked back after jumping up to dodge a jab by Lizard's tail.


"Get back. I will deal with this creature on my own."

"You sure?" He asked, unsure and confused.


Alex said as he swung his sword to show him and he nodded his head, his eyes looking at the sword in wonder.

After getting Peter out of the way, Alex didn't waste time and directly rushed at the Lizard. The creature grinned and ran towards him, wanting to make a hole in his chest.

The Lizard spun and slashed at him with blinding speed as Alex turned on his bullet time. Immediately, things started appearing really slow to him.

His view of the world became completely different and the claws aiming for his chest seemed to be in slow motion.

He dodged the attack by side stepping but to Peter's eyes, it looked like Alex had moved really fast to barely dodge the attack.

Still trying to get an opening, he ducked under another blow from the Lizard and slashed at its stomach with incredible speed, cutting a deep line into its green underbelly filled with scales.

This time, the attack didn't bounce off and he was able to deal a fatal wound. In his bullet time, he was even able to see the wound healing, making him surprised but he didn't focus on it much.


The Lizard snarled, enraged at the attack. It raised its fist up and swung it down at Alex like a hammer. He spun away from the blow and swung his sword into its arm.

Before he could deal another blow, the tail came up. 

Alex jumped from a jab and activated the special skill that came with the sword.

'It's not named Black lightning for nothing!'

He thought as black lightning appeared at the tip of the sword, slowly enveloping it till the handle. 

A loud crackling sound like lightning hitting the earth reverberated as Alex brought the sword down at the Lizard's tail.

The tail immediately got cut off.

As the tail went flying in a spray of green blood that soaked his blade and the Lizard's skin, the creature screamed.

Alex's bullet time also ended then as he saw the Lizard go into a rage. It spun around and threw the cars around it at Alex and Peter.

Still screaming with pain, it took one last look at Alex and jumped off the bridge, not wishing to continue the fight.

"Should we follow him?"

Peter asked, coming next to him.

"I don't know. He probably ran to the sewers and I don't have night vision in my suit." Alex said, shaking his head.

He decided to leave the Lizard for later, especially when he already knew the storyline of the Amazing Spiderman.

Soon, the police arrived on the scene and Alex and Peter fled, not wanting to deal with more trouble.


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