
Marvel’s Princess Becomes King

No matter what you do wrong, you will be forgiven, because I am so beautiful! A new world tour of a magic princess. A Marvel world that combines many film and television works and games.

Funa_ · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Magic mirror

  The queen is not a housemaid, and she has no habit of staying in the room all day long. She is vain, fierce, admiring the prosperity, and likes the process of mastering the destiny of others.

  According to Bella's observations, every afternoon the queen would order many servants to have signs symbolizing 'king', 'knight' and 'chariots' on their heads. Under her remote control, people would be used as chess pieces and the hall would be used as chess board to 'play chess'.

   And this is her chance!

   Discussed with the fat cook, and finally launched a very crude plan to seize the country.

Bella doesn't have the skills of a Juggernaut, and there are no martial arts friends to help. There is only a fat cook like a Russian aunt. The two of them are very good at cooking and eating. They can eat a bowl of lamb stew with tender lentils. Pour a bowl of pies with rich meat flavor, and they will eat one of three! But revenge to seize the country? The difficulty is too high!

   The plan shouldn't be too complicated, and it won't be complicated in reality...Just take advantage of the interval when the queen is going to'play chess' and attract the attention of the soldiers in front of the queen's bedroom.

   The country is too small and there are no foreign enemies. The soldiers have no sense of vigilance at all. They are leaning on the two pillars and chatting in a low voice.

"Oh! My legs! Why didn't you help me when you saw that I fell?!" The fat cook was extremely powerful in slapstick shame. With the help of her weight, she knocked one of the soldiers with one head. Tumble.

   Then she pulled the trousers of the soldier and lay on the ground sideways like a weight, insisting that the soldier tripped herself.

   "Quiet! Quiet! This is the queen's bedroom!"

   "It's not me! I didn't touch you! You fell by yourself! Fat pig!"

   "You touched me! My leg was broken! How miserable I am!"

   Taking advantage of the opportunity of the two soldiers and the fat cook, Bella sneaked into the queen's bedroom from the dark.

   The bedroom is very big, if you use one word to describe it, it is magnificent! Exquisite chandeliers, colorful carpets, and various gorgeous decorations.

   "Where should I hide?" Bella was extremely nervous. She didn't know how much time the fat cook could buy for herself. At this time, she must race against time.

   glanced quickly across several places where people could be Tibetans. She only saw a lot of Chinese clothes, necklaces, headwear, and footwear.

   Bella clenched her dagger tightly, concentrated her attention, looking for everything she could hide.

   A strange feeling came to mind in a way she couldn't understand.

   Either the predecessor's charm is high, or the two souls have strengthened this trait. Bella knows that her charm will have an impact on intelligent life, which includes but is not limited to human beings.

   The mice in the kitchen, the birds outside the window, the soldiers' horses, many intelligent life will radiate kindness to her.

   Now she feels that she is being watched by something without emotion.

  Bella was still decisive, she drew out the dagger with a 'whee', and at the same time rushed forward two steps before looking back.

   "Huh?!" The expected enemy did not appear, only a silver frame with a dazzling dressing mirror.

   The mirror seemed to feel her gaze, and the gorgeous queen in the mirror quickly deformed and became Bella's appearance in less than two seconds.

She shook left and right in the mirror. The figure in the mirror looked at her like a fool. Bella's heart sank to the bottom of the sea. Even though she was not too familiar with the story of Snow White, she knew the thing in front of her. It's a magic mirror!

   "Interesting, are you Snow White? The trajectory of fate is really wonderful, I didn't expect our encounter this time." The figure in the magic mirror said with the same face as Bella.

   Bella tentatively asked: "I was passing by, I don't think you will inform the queen?"

   "The truth is that I have already notified. Enjoy your last time, beautiful girl." The figure in the magic mirror smiled gloomily.

   Damn it! The girl was in a state of confusion, and there is no doubt that the assassination plan died before it even started.

   Although the fat cook outside the bedroom was still arguing loudly with the two soldiers, her heart sank to the bottom of the sea. She couldn't beat any of the soldiers outside. According to observations, there were at least a hundred such soldiers in the castle. If the assassination is successful, with the right of inheritance, she can order these soldiers, but now?

   Many soldiers didn't even know her existence, and no more than ten could obey orders. What's more, there was a queen, who was a master of black magic. How could she resist?

   Face a hundred soldiers and a black magic master full of anger? This is all looking for death.

   Now running out and then finding a place to hide is too passive. As long as the queen closes the castle gate, she will be dead.

   "Jump out?" He lay down by the window and looked out.

   just kidding! The queen's bedroom is not the highest point of the entire castle, but it is also more than 30 meters above the ground, equivalent to the height of ten stories. If she jumps out now... there is no guarantee that the whole body is!

   Several options are dangerous, but after weighing them, she chose to escape from the queen's bedroom and find a place to hide in the castle.

   Survive first and think of a way slowly.

   But before leaving, I still got a bit of disgust in my heart! She looked at the magic mirror fiercely, and the figure in the mirror jokingly stretched out her hand and pointed out, beckoning you to run quickly.

   The girl is just to vent her anger, she has torn her face anyway, she is afraid of a fart! She raised the dagger in her hand, UU read www.uukanshu.com and cut it down in front of the mirror.

Ok? The moment the dagger approached the mirror, the complexion of the figure in the mirror changed greatly, and Bella felt that the dagger in her hand was blocked by something.

A cloud of milky white mist blocked the dagger, which was very powerful, but Bella unexpectedly discovered the miracle of the dagger in her hand. The moment she touched the mist of the magic mirror, a certain upturned change occurred inside the dagger. The mist was just before the magic mirror. The second is still like a solid stone, but after a second it becomes soft and delicious cream.

   This dagger left by the former king is very strong! Just when this thought came to mind, I saw the fog that hindered her suddenly shrinking inward, and then a large area suddenly vacated in front of her. Bella couldn't manage her strength, so she rushed into the white fog with a cry.

   The figure here just disappeared, and the next moment she stood up in the pool at the other end.

   I was overcast by the ghost of the magic mirror! But then the girl didn't feel like it again, she looked around.

   This is a place that looks big, but is actually very small.

   In the distance, the sea and the sky are the same color, the blue sky and the blue sea are connected, but there is no wave in the sky, and there is no ripple on the water. There is only silence in the whole world.

   The girl walked out of a very shallow water hole. Not far away was a wooden bridge. The bridge was one person wide, and a slightly broken wooden house was built ten meters away.

  The wooden strips of various lengths are tied tightly with thick hemp rope, and some dry weeds are scattered scattered on the outside. The whole wooden house is like it was built by primitive people, with no sense of beauty at all.

   "Hahahaha-this is your lair? The mirror monster!" The girl didn't know if her guess was correct, but she had to show her aura at least.

   The voice inside the wooden house became a bit sharp: "I am the magic mirror! The most noble magic mirror!"

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