
Marvel’s Princess Becomes King

No matter what you do wrong, you will be forgiven, because I am so beautiful! A new world tour of a magic princess. A Marvel world that combines many film and television works and games.

Funa_ · Anime & Comics
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3 drops of blood

  has reached this point, there is no need to be cautious at all.

   It's better to let go than defend a wave.

Bella clenched the dagger tightly. The level of this weapon was higher than she expected. After entering the inner world of the magic mirror, the dagger exuded a burst of chill, which was a bit cold in her body, but the chill dispelled her heart. Fear made her thinking very clear.

   opened the grass curtain in front of the house, she stepped into the wooden house.

   The house is very simple and simple. The length of the wooden boards varies. The light from outside the house shines in from the gaps of large and small. Even if there is no lighting equipment in the house, it does not affect the line of sight.

   A bright silver frame and golden mirror vanity mirror is quietly placed in the center of the wooden house.

The figure in the mirror changed rapidly. There were queens Bella had seen, men and women in weird costumes, and between the light and shadows, she seemed to have seen the figure of a horned demon, but in the end, the figure in the mirror became Bella's. Look like.

   The girl outside the mirror is a bit anxious. Even though her mind can remain calm under the blessing of the dagger, being calm and not worrying are two different things.

   The magic is that the faces of the girls in the mirror are also quite disturbed, and it seems that the two of them are a little bit afraid of fighting wolves.

"Surrender, you have been surrounded by me! In the new era and new situation, we should abandon personal grievances, learn from the experience and lessons of history, go beyond the past, and strive to strengthen equal exchanges and cooperation with all countries in the world, and actively develop under the new situation, Diverse, pragmatic and effective special work!"

   The figure in the magic mirror frowned, she didn't understand what Bella was saying.

"Don't understand? You are not politically conscious enough, and you still need to continue to learn... Simply put, cooperation or confrontation? You choose!" Bella wanted to be steady, she was not prepared to talk to the magic mirror If the other party is willing to accept the head and worship, she thinks she can forgive the other party!

   This is a magic mirror! It is the most important magic item in the Queen's hands.

   If you steal my kingdom, I will steal your magic mirror! Come on, hurt each other!

Seeing the magic mirror did not respond, Bella raised the dagger in her hand and gestured to the air in front of the mirror twice: "It seems that our cooperation foundation is a bit weak, and we need to increase some effective bilateral consensus... I take a step back, Magic Mirror, can you help me get rid of the queen's chase?"

   The queen's figure appeared in the mirror first, but before she could make further demonstrations, she was overwhelmed by other figures, and finally a figure similar to the girl appeared to answer.

   "The magic mirror is a certain reflection of your mind, the opposite of reality, the limit of imagination, and the projection of a form of existence that you don't fully understand on the material world."

   Bella's previous words made the magic mirror bewildered, but now Bella's answer is also bewildered. What is this saying?

   "You mean...you can't help me escape?"

   "That's your business, it has nothing to do with me."

  Bella put the dagger horizontally in front of the mirror, threatening, and her smile gradually changed: "No, I think it has something to do with you, it has a lot to do with it."

  Mirror: "..."

   seems to be weighing, seems to be delaying time, Bella also looks nervously outside the wooden house, for fear that the queen's figure will emerge from the pool in the next second.

   "Help me live together! Otherwise, I will also hold you back! This dagger can hurt you, I know this!"

  The magic mirror is very speechless, she has her own wisdom, and in her core area, she is really worried about the dagger in Bella's hand.

   "Okay, okay, I can't help you directly, you can save yourself, your soul is much stronger than ordinary people, and your blood is also..."

   "Stop talking nonsense! Get to the point!" Bella stared at the exit, even with the blessing of cold thinking, the worry in her heart was about to reach its limit.

   She is now looking forward to a teleportation technique from the magic mirror, just teleport her away.

   "I can teach you a ritual that uses blood as a medium to unlock the source of your own magic."

Hearing that it was not a teleportation, Bella subconsciously retorted: "Not applicable, change another! I tell you, if you can't think of a solution...wait a moment!? What are you talking about? Me? I... ...I can learn magic?!"

   She quickly reacted, her eyes full of hope, staring at the magic mirror.

   Snow White can learn magic? There seems to be no such plot in the original book...

   After repeatedly confirming that the magic mirror did not make herself disappear with a whirr, she decided to turn on her source of magic power. Maybe she could run out with the cooperation of magic?

   "If you lie to me, then we'll be over together." Her tone was threatening.

  The magic mirror nodded noncommitantly, and a half-meter-diameter water mirror floated in front of Bella in the rippling water.

"This is a ritual used by Lavana. It is very simple and suitable for your current situation. Take your three drops of blood, use the light in your father's blood, use the water in your mother's blood, and use the water in your own blood. Quality completes the magic ritual."

   Lavana is the queen, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is now Bella's mortal enemy, and the only cultural person in the castle...

   If anyone has such an extraordinary ceremony in their hands, it can only be her.

   The ritual process is very simple. The difficulty lies in the three words that Bella has never heard of. She chanted them several times before she could master the pronunciation.

  Bella also worried that this was some kind of trick of the magic mirror, but she really didn't have much choice.

   She cut through the palm of her left hand with a dagger very decisively. Seeing that blood was about to gush out from the wound, she said in a deep voice: "Daeg (light)!"

   A magical scene appeared, the wound was suddenly closed for more than half, only a drop of blood dripped into the water mirror in front of me.

   She said again: "Lagu (water), Odel (hereditary quality), my beauty is my amulet, it gives me the magic to overcome everything! Magic!"

   According to the ritual, without waiting for the three drops of blood to be completely fused, she picked up the water mirror like the substance and drank the water with the blood.

   "Tons--Tons--Tons!" The water mirror with a diameter of half a meter is as big as a child's bathtub when carried. It is not heavy, but there is too much water!

   She lifted it up and poured it into her belly. After two seconds, she felt that there was a problem. She drank and looked at the magic mirror with the corner of her eye.

   How much do I have to drink? My little belly can't hold too much water!

   She soon knew that the ceremony had taken effect.

There were changes in the body that turned upside down in an instant. Blood, bone marrow, nerves, and even lymphatics, as long as she could sense things, seemed to converge towards the heart at this instant, a new force. It was born out of it, it was ancient, it was a legend, it was a power that was no longer suitable for appearing in this world, it was the power of magic!

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