
Marvel’s Princess Becomes King

No matter what you do wrong, you will be forgiven, because I am so beautiful! A new world tour of a magic princess. A Marvel world that combines many film and television works and games.

Funa_ · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


"Do you know why I have stayed to serve the evil queen all these years? That's because I believe that one day you will regain your kingdom! That woman convinced people that you are autistic and cannot do without this castle, but We all know that you have the ability to rule this country..." The fat cook didn't wait for Bella to answer, looked around, and took out a brown bag from under the stove.

   The linen was opened layer by layer, and a dagger glowing with cold appeared in front of Bella. The fat cook said: "This is for you by His Majesty the King, please keep it away!"

   Did you give me a dagger to let me assassinate the queen alone? The girl didn't think she had this ability as a person without any training.

   Her original intention has not changed. It is useless if you name a flower, I must run! But the dagger is also a self-defense weapon, you can take it first...

  The leather sheath is inlaid with three gems, and the handle is tightly wound with golden thread. The girl holds the handle and doesn't know how to use cold weapons, but she knows that this dagger feels very comfortable.

   The blade was more than 20 centimeters long, and it was opened on both sides, and the blood trough was glowing with cold light. She swung it twice like cutting vegetables.

"Really good! Not bad!" I don't know how to praise, she can speak the language of this unfamiliar region, but she has a small vocabulary, and she didn't think of any good words when she searched her belly. She admired a few words insincerely, and then she asked herself issue concerned.

   "How big is our country?"

   "I see a snow-capped mountain in the distance. Where is it outside? Is there a name?"

   "If I ask for help, is there anyone in the kingdom who can help me?"

  Unfortunately, from the country's geographic location, to the country's population, and even to the current time and age, the fat cook has always asked three questions about Bella...

   I don't know what year, when and where it is now. The fat cook is more ignorant than Bella like a traverser...

The world does not seem to attach importance to culture, saying that it is a certain degree of praise. According to the fat chef, he has served in the castle for 20 years. From the time of Bella's father, the castle is It seems that there is no such thing as a "book".

   The current background is not the Middle Ages, right?

   Bella is very entangled. Without the exact information, she dare not run around.

   pretends to be a happy face, and takes over the food that the fat cook left for her.

   It's not appropriate to pull his face with kindness.

The Queen doesn't care about her life or death. She is hungry and full every day. There is no nutritional supplement. It's useless to be natural beauty. If it weren't for the fat cook, she would add meals to Bella from time to time. The appearance does not threaten the queen.

   A plate of lentils, a fat fried egg, and a braised wild pigeon.

   In order to maintain her beauty, many foods can only be smelled, and now it's all cheap Bella.

   The fat lady cook saw her eating hungrily, and handed Bella two pieces of rye bread left over from the kitchen.

   "Thank you!" The rye bread was dry and astringent, without gluten, and the taste was almost terrible, but in order to replenish her strength, she was still dipped in the only sauce and swallowed with difficulty.

In the next few days, as long as she has free time, Bella will study the various furnishings in the castle, thinking about the places that can be used by herself. A rope or a torch can make her ponder for a long time. Many things that are common in the castle treat her. They are all new things.

In my spare time, I sneak into the kitchen and listen to the fat cook telling various gossip stories, from the queen's horror and magic to the grievances between soldiers and servants, eating is the main job, waiting for news from books, and secretly observing soldiers' patrols The route is a secondary job.

It's impossible to salt a fish. As a modern person, magic is too far away from her, and it's too unbelievable. It's a blind spot of knowledge. The queen's magic cannot be estimated by the cognition of the previous life, just like It is a sharp sword hanging in her heart, always spurring her to work hard and work harder.

   The work of the fat cook is very heavy, but she still struggled to find the book that Bella needed so much!

   The first impression of the book was very bad. It was in tatters and dregs. The girl was really convinced by the level of civilization in this country.

   There is no printing. The two books are more like two notes, with messy handwriting and dirt all over the pages.

   "Maybe the evil woman has a book there?" Seeing the girl's reluctance in her expression, the fat cook gave her another idea.

   Needless to say, I know it too! The only cultural person in this illiterate castle is probably the queen!

   Bella smiled and thanked the fat cook for her help. After three steps and two steps, she ran back to her bedroom. She didn't want to go to the queen's house to find a book. The risk was too high.

   After more than ten days of hard reading, Bella tried to guess and finally read the two notes.

   This is not to say that the notes are advanced, but because she has limited literacy.

   Without parents at the age of seven, the education level of the predecessor can be imagined.

   Fortunately, she is a little basic, plus she can speak the language here, relying on this level of graduation from the literacy class, she struggled to finish reading two notes.

   One of them is useless, it's all short chores for parents, and the other notebook contains more information.

"The queen comes from the north, where is the country covered in ice and snow? The west is a dark forest full of evil magic? Outside the snow-capped mountains is a wider world of ice?" Bella read this passage several times, she was a little confused . UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It is recorded in the notebook that this continent is an ice world, and it is mentioned that a group of alien humanoids driving a rainbow call this continent "Yorton". The ancient literature believes that these alien humanoids are golden people. And these Yotons on their side are the people of silver.

  Bella knew about the Yordle people, but she had no idea about the Yorton people. The people of gold and silver sounded very high, but in her opinion, there was no meaning at all.

  Bella's country is located in the easternmost part of the mainland, where the temperature is relatively highest and it is also the most suitable for living.

   The northern country of ice and snow can be said to be the queen's natal family. She did not dare to go. The dark forest was not a good place to listen to the name. After repeated weighings, she had to make a difficult decision!

   Instead of going to the wilderness to survive, wandering, and finally being eaten by wild animals, it is better to fight!

   She is not strong enough to kill her as soon as she crosses, but the chance of the other party killing her is as high as 90%. Is there a way to survive without desperate?

   There is no internet in the castle, no novels, but no in the wilderness! Somehow there are servants in the castle, and there are probably only wolves in the wilderness! Even if this is a world covered in ice and snow, as a king, she can live to the end, she just wants to live now.


Bella has been practicing stabs for several days. She has no idea how strong the queen's magic is. According to her brain-explored estimation, she faces the queen directly. If the two sides are separated by five meters, the chance of winning is 50%. Mi, the odds of winning are reduced by 10%. If ten meters away, she can consider designing a handsome death pose for herself.

   The best way is to sneak attack, such as hiding under the bed, hiding in the closet or something, when the queen falls asleep, he can come out by himself.

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