
Marvel’s Big villain

Jason brought Harley Quinn, Magneto, Darth Vader, Voldemort, Red Tank, Apocalypse, General Zod and other villains to the battlefield, looking at thanos not far away : “Are you really inevitable?!” Follow jason’s journey in becoming the most evilest villain of all time —————————-X—————————— Author here i just want to say that this ff is not written by me but i found it on google and i am just uploading it here so all the credits to the real author

Lord_dio69 · Movies
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35 Chs

Chapter 32: During the crackdown period, it is forbidden to go out!

Early in the morning, Jason and Franklin got up early, took milk bacon and fried eggs, and watched the news in front of the TV.

On the screen, the host is splashing with excitement.

"Yesterday, the New York Drug Enforcement Administration dispatched hundreds of special police officers, and the United Marine Corps raided the Haicao factory in the Clinton District, killing 147 people and capturing 259 gang members and drug workers."

"This high grass factory has been entrenched in New York for many years and is the largest source of goods in the underground high grass market in New York. The various types of high grass seized on the spot alone reached 3,728 kilograms, a record high."

"The behind-the-scenes boss of the factory was a Chinese woman named Gao. She tried to escape during a fight with the police and was shot and killed by the Director of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Norman Steinfeld."

"Let's take a look at the report sent by our reporter on the spot..."

The TV screen changed, switching to yesterday's picture of the police and gang exchanging fire.

The video is edited to less than 30 seconds and has a voiceover.

"The DEA's SWAT officers are well-trained, and the cooperation between the various police types is perfect. They step by step and steadily advance into the factory. The gang members are chaotic and disorderly and have not organized effective resistance. They were quickly defeated by the SWAT police and gave up their weapons and surrender."

The screen switched again, and it turned into a reporter's interview with Stanfield. The interview took place in Mrs. Gao's office, and her body was lying not far away.

"This High Grass factory is hidden very deeply. Our Drug Enforcement Administration has been tracking it for three consecutive years to find its location. Fortunately, we successfully destroyed it this time."

"Here I want to say something to the person who is enjoying grass, no matter what the reason is, don't touch this thing, it will not only destroy your body, but also your family."

Facing the camera, Steinfeld said with a serious face and a sense of justice.

"Shit! This asshole is hilarious,isn't he embarrassed to say such a thing, it's really shameless!"

Franklin scoffs at Stan on screen.

The screen cuts back to the studio again.

The host thanked the Drug Enforcement Administration for its actions, and by the way, mocked the incompetent New York Police Department.

"God, the High Grass Factory has been entrenched in New York for so many years, didn't the police department notice it at all?"

"If it doesn't, it means that the people in the police station are a bunch of stupid guys. All of them should take off their police uniforms and resign, and replace them with a group of smart and capable police officers."

"If the police knew about the existence of the High Grass Factory in advance..."

The host first looked solemn, then tactically leaned back.

"Although this idea is a bit scary, I still want to say, does your NYPD have a shady money deal with the High Grass Factory!"


Jason took a deep breath.

This host really dares to say it!


Manhattan, New York.

Fisk also watched the news at home.

When he heard the host questioning the New York Police Department, his face suddenly turned gloomy.

His words were like putting the New York Police Department on fire, and it was the kind of sizzling oil.

If the New York Police Department wants to respond to doubts, it must show real achievements.

The best way is to carry out a campaign to crack down on gangsters in New York and find out all those illegal groups.

Only in this way can they regain the lost face and have the confidence to be tough with the host in the media.

Fisk sighed heavily, thinking that the life of the New York gangsters will be difficult for some time to come.

He took out his cell phone and called Wesley.

"Have you read the news?"

Wesley is a blank fan, and his judgment on the situation is no less than that of fisk.

"Look. Don't worry, I will restrain my subordinates and strictly prohibit them from going out to cause trouble."

Fisk shook his head and said, "This time the storm is much bigger than before. It's not enough to just restrain the subordinates, but also to transport all the goods in the gang."

"Okay. I'll make arrangements right away, and try to get the goods shipped tonight."

Hanging up the phone, Wesley quickly put on his clothes and went out, driving towards the gang stronghold.

Strictly cracking down on this kind of thing will either not come, and it will be as fiery as fire and swift as wind.

Time is running out, you can't miss a moment.

Arriving at the gate of the factory, a truck was about to leave, and Wesley quickly stopped it.

"Mr. Wesley, what's wrong, I have to rush the delivery."

A middle-aged man with a big beard jumped from the passenger seat.

"The plan has changed, and the delivery will be suspended. In addition, notify all the leaders of the gang to go to the conference room for a meeting."

The bearded man stood there blankly, not knowing what was going on.

However, he was also one of the leaders, so he quickly followed Wesley's footsteps and ran to the conference room.

In the conference room, Wesley sat on the chair that Jason used to sit in, and conveyed fisk's orders to the dozen or so leaders with a serious face.

First: New York is about to usher in a large-scale crackdown. From now on, all strongholds will be closed, all gang business will be suspended, and goods from each stronghold will be packaged and sent to warehouses in Baltimore City.

Second: All the gang members go home for the holidays, stock up on more food at home, and try not to go out if you can. Picking quarrels and provoking trouble is strictly prohibited during this period.

Hearing Wesley's order, all the leaders present showed their dissatisfaction.

Just because the police cracked down hard, they all had to stop work. What's the reason?

They are all old men under kingpin, and it is not that they have never experienced the crackdown. They know the little tricks of the police.

Thinking back to when Jason was in power, the harder the crackdown was, the happier their business was.

In Jason's words: During the crackdown period, small gangs huddled at home and dared not go out. This is a good opportunity for us to seize the market, and we must not waste it.

"Mr. Wesley, we're not doing business, what do the brothers under my command eat?" a leader asked.

"The crackdown period is not long, it can be as short as a week, or as long as a month. The dividends in the gang are not less than a penny. Can't you last for a month?"

The leaders present all shook their heads.

In the United States, the culture of consumerism is prevalent.

More than 70% of the residents in the United States have bank deposits of less than 1,000 US dollars, and the savings rate is only 5%, which is surprisingly low.

Some of these leaders in gold and silver have to pay off their Manhattan apartment mortgage, some have to pay off Ferrari's car loan, have a son who wants to go to a top private university, and a family who plan to travel abroad to Europe.

In short, in a word, they have no food when they stop working.

Wesley frowned: "No money! If you don't have money, think of a way yourself!"

As soon as these words came out, those leaders were in a frenzy, and they rushed to complain to Wesley.

Wesley has not been in charge of the gang for a long time, and he has not established prestige among the leaders of this group. Of course, these old fritters will not accept him.

If Jason did this instead, they would never dare to talk back.

The scene got a little out of control, Wesley had to take out kingpin's tiger skin, slapped the table and said angrily, "Dare to disobey kingpin's order?"