
Marvel’s Big villain

Jason brought Harley Quinn, Magneto, Darth Vader, Voldemort, Red Tank, Apocalypse, General Zod and other villains to the battlefield, looking at thanos not far away : “Are you really inevitable?!” Follow jason’s journey in becoming the most evilest villain of all time —————————-X—————————— Author here i just want to say that this ff is not written by me but i found it on google and i am just uploading it here so all the credits to the real author

Lord_dio69 · Movies
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35 Chs

Chapter 31: New York’s poison queen dying

The police acted too fast this time!

It's almost time to ask Madam Gao for help.

The rescue helicopter she contacted had just taken off, and the special police had already broken into the door.

Obviously, this is a well-trained special force.

Far from being comparable to the NYPD gang of trash police who only take advantage.

Who am I to offend? How did I recruit the special forces?

Jason appeared from behind the shield and took off his helmet and mask: "Stan, you go to the door and don't let anyone in."

"Okay boss, be more careful yourself."

Stan left quickly and closed the door.

There are only two living people in the huge office at the moment.

Mrs. Gao opened her mouth, her lips trembled, and her face was full of surprise.

"Jas... Jason, so you're an undercover police agent?"

In a panic, she asked a rather stupid question.

Jason couldn't help laughing, and laughed: "Have you ever seen an undercover agent who has been undercover for more than ten years and still has hundreds of lives on his hands?"

Mrs. Gao thought about it for a while, and felt that what she said was reasonable.

If someone like Jason can be a police officer, America will really be doomed.

"What the fu*k is going on here! I thought it was you who revealed the factory address to the police, but I never expected you to act with the police. He just called you boss! Jason, damn, what the fu*k is this? What's the matter! Who are you?"

Mrs. Gao has many question marks, and she is eager to know the answer.

Jason walked forward slowly, took out a pistol and pointed it at her, pretending to be mysterious: "You know, secrets make men more masculine."

Mrs. Gao was very dissatisfied with this answer and stared at him with a serious expression.

After a while, her expression was relieved, she sat up straight and said: "Forget it, since this is your secret, I won't ask. Jason, let's discuss the conditions. Although I don't know why you seem to be with the police. There is a lot of energy."

Jason smiled mysteriously.

"Let me go, I can give you 100 million US dollars. Haven't you been short of money recently? This money is enough for you to enjoy a lifetime in any country, and you don't have to worry about it all day."

Jason glanced at the safe not far away.

Mrs. Gao followed her gaze, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

Hehe, he turned out to be a greedy ghost.

It's good to be greedy for money, but I'm afraid you won't be greedy for anything.

Mrs. Gao walked over and opened the safe, which was neatly piled up with cash.

"There is a total of 1.9 million US dollars here. If you agree to my request, this money will be used as a deposit for you. After you send me away, I will call you the balance."

Jason didn't answer. He walked around the office and asked, "It's less than 2 million. Can you hold so much cash in an office as big as you?"

Mrs. Gao was a little speechless: "Jason, it's the 21st century, and cash is outdated. This cash is only a drop of my wealth. I have hundreds of bearer accounts in Swiss banks, most of which are obsolete. The money is there."

"A bank..." Jason sighed in disappointment as he was completely powerless.

Mrs. Gao didn't understand: "What's the difference between cash and deposits, isn't it all money?"

Jason shook his head and said, "No! The difference is huge."


As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and shot.

The bullet spun at high speed and shot through Madam Gao's head.

The New York 'poison queen' didn't react at all, and she fell to the ground with a surprised expression.

[Ding! Kill Mrs. Gao (plot character), get 500 villain points, current progress: 2915/5000]

Jason stepped forward and converted all the cash in the safe into points.

[Ding! Points recharged successfully, remaining points: 193]

Putting on his helmet and mask again, he left the office.

Stan, who was guarding the door, came up and asked, "Mrs. Gao solved it?"

Jason smiled and nodded.

At this time, the sound of the propeller came from overhead, and the marines finally arrived.

The two ace troops cooperated internally and externally, and the gang members, who were already at a disadvantage, instantly killed and injured most of them.

The gangsters were beaten by the army psychologically, they threw their guns away one by one, and surrendered on the ground with their heads on their backs.

The battle that lasted less than thirty minutes was finally recorded.

Stan handed over the aftermath to his subordinates, and drove Jason back to the apartment by himself in a police car.


The night is already deep.

Franklin was lying on the sofa watching TV.

He pulled his face and kept changing channels, obviously not thinking about it at all.

ding dong ding!


He took out his pistol and asked cautiously.

"it's me."

Hearing Jason's voice, a hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

Opening the door, he saw that Jason's SWAT uniform didn't even show any blood.

Isn't the boss going to exterminate Madam Gao's poison den? Why is there no trace of battle at all?

Franklin poured him a glass of water and asked his doubts.

Jason told him what happened tonight.

"The battle is over in half an hour!"

Franklin was frightened by the combat effectiveness of the DEA SWAT.

His expression became very serious, and he seemed to think again, what should he do if he encountered such a powerful special force in the future.

"By the way, boss, what about Steinfeld?"

Jason pointed to the TV: "The Drug Enforcement Administration has made such a big contribution. All the important media reporters in the city are here. He has to rush back to be interviewed."

Franklin understood and nodded his head

Ding! [The Revenge of the Villain] The task is completed, the reward is 2000 villain points, the current progress: 4915/5000]

Jason was lying on the bed, staring at the 193 points on the light curtain in a daze.

[Firearms Proficiency] Level 7 requires 300 points, and now it's only a little less than half.

Jason was thinking about whether to save the points or use them to buy other skills.

If you are dealing with ordinary humans, level 6 firearms proficiency is enough.

If the enemy has special abilities, even if the firearm proficiency reaches level 10, it will not have much effect.

After all, the lethality of bullets is limited. Even if you practice your marksmanship to turn, you will never be able to match the power of an RPG.

Jason thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to use the points.

As the old saying goes, eggs cannot be put in the same basket.

As a wanted criminal in the United States, Jason is facing danger all the time. The more skills he learns, the more likely he will survive.

He opened the system mall and decided to use the points for [Fighting Mastery], and it was a two-level connection.

[Ding! Spend 50 points, [Fighting Mastery 5] is successfully purchased, remaining points: 143. ]

[Ding! Spend 100 points, [Fighting Mastery 6] is successfully purchased, and the remaining points are 43. ]

In an instant, a lot of memories of fighting skills flooded into my mind.

At the same time, every muscle in the body is repeatedly contracting and expanding.

Jason lay flat on the bed, his body trembling slightly.

This painful and itchy feeling was extremely sour, tormenting him to the death.