
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 195 Breaking the Shackles


The sudden earthquake startled Yanlu and Bai Tianyi who were away.

"what happened?"

Yan Lu looked at Bai Tianyi with confusion on her face and asked.

Before Bai Tianyi could say anything, countless extremely terrifying auras erupted from the ground, causing the two men's expressions to change drastically again!

"The door to the third floor is open. It must be that Lin Yuan has inherited the legacy of the Void Emperor!"

After a long time, Bai Tianyi let out a breath, and it was unclear whether it was jealousy or envy, but his tone seemed a little weird.

"Is it?

So how strong will Lin Yuan become this time?"

When Yan Lu heard this, she didn't think too much and was full of envy.

Bai Tianyi shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "It's not as simple as you think. Although it's worth celebrating that Lin Yuan has inherited the legacy, it also means that those powerful beings on the third level that have been sealed for ten thousand years have revived. If we can't defeat those beings, it will be in vain."


I forgot, but my grandfather seemed to have said that at the beginning."

Yan Lu screamed when she heard that, then couldn't help but stick out her tongue, seeming a little embarrassed.

He immediately thought of Lin Yuan and couldn't help but asked anxiously: "What should Lin Yuan do?

We have to go in and help him."

Bai Tianyi certainly wanted to help Lin Yuan, but the door in front of them was difficult to open even if they tried their best.

Thinking of this, Bai Tianyi sighed and said, "Wait a bit. I believe Lin Yuan can come out safely."

…"It's finally out. I've been waiting for this day for too long."

"Hehe..., hurry up and get out of the ancient tomb. I can't wait any longer."

"Wait a moment."

Just as the spirits were about to leave, one of them looked at Lin Yuan in the pool with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Looking at his attire, he should be a disciple of the Sword Sect."

Hearing this, all the spirits looked towards Lin Yuan, with deep hatred and coldness in their eyes.

"What are you waiting for? Kill him!"

Back then, Emperor Void was able to unify the Southern Region, and the Sword Sect played a great role in this. Several of them were killed by the Sword Sect's ancestors.

At this moment, when these people saw the disciples of the Sword Sect, they suddenly felt some hatred in their hearts.


Those people almost uttered this word with gritted teeth, filled with chilling murderous intent.

Without any hesitation, he rushed forward and slapped Lin Yuan on the top of his head, as if to destroy his foundation and turn him into a waste.

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrifying aura burst out from his body, directly knocking the man away.


The middle stage of the Wheel-turning Realm?"

The spirits were not expecting this sudden change, and their faces suddenly turned gloomy.

"This kid is only in his teens, but he has the strength of a mid-stage Wheel-turning Realm. If we can't kill him today, he will become a disaster in the future."

The spirits looked at each other, and seemed to see the murderous intent in each other's eyes.

Lin Yuan gasped, his face suddenly pale.

The pool water has not yet completely absorbed into his body, but he is on the verge of danger. He can only interrupt his rest to face the crisis.

"We can only make a quick decision."

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan did not hold back, and the Great Wilderness Sword Intent spread out.

"Ten thousand swords fired at once!"

The next moment, countless flying swords condensed behind Lin Yuan, and then with a whoosh, they broke through the air.

The powerful force instantly shook the entire space, causing many spirits to change their expressions and rush to resist.

However, the power of this attack was so strong that some spirits that were only in the early stage of the Wheel-Turning Realm were instantly pierced through the body and turned into energy stones!

"This brat!"

A spirit in the late stage of the Wheel-Turning Realm had a grim expression, then burst out with a powerful aura and punched out.

In an instant, the earth shook, and a strong airflow cut through the space and came towards Lin Yuan's face.

"Green Light Sword, come out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a green light appeared and stood in front of Lin Yuan, blocking the attack.


The next moment, Lin Yuan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and his face became even paler.

Endlessly absorbing the vitality from the pool water consumed too much of his energy and made him look very tired.

"Humph, just blame your bad luck, don't blame me for being cruel."

Seeing Lin Yuan's miserable appearance, the spirit sneered continuously, poured the energy in his body into his left hand, and then punched again.

"Get out of my way!"

Lin Yuan's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He shouted loudly, gripped the hilt of the sword with one hand, and then swung the sword. The violent sword intent was unparalleled in sharpness and slashed fiercely.


The spirit's face changed and he quickly stopped, then gathered all his energy in an attempt to resist the sword.


However, he still underestimated the power of this sword. Almost instantly, the sword energy penetrated his entire body, and then with unwillingness, it turned into a round energy stone.

"Huff, huff~" Lin Yuan was breathing heavily and his face was becoming paler and paler.

At this moment, his mind had reached its limit and he could fall into coma at any time.

"No, even if I die, I must take these guys with me!"

Lin Yuan's heart was roaring and screaming continuously.

He didn't want to fall here, nor did he want the beasts in front of him to leave the ancient tomb and bring disaster to the Southern Region.

"Humph, you are already at the end of your strength, what can you do with the sword?"

The remaining many spirits sneered again.

This time, they no longer acted alone, but chose to attack together, thus quickly killing this person.

"You deserve to be proud of yourself for allowing us to take action together, kid."

Along with this light shout, hundreds of spirits attacked at the same time. The terrifying pressure shook the entire ancient tomb, and all the invisible pressure was pressed towards Lin Yuan.

"Void Rapids Burial!"

At the critical moment of life and death, Lin Yuan seemed to see his past life in his eyes.

A fat boy, an ordinary boy, was supposed to be reincarnated, but was controlled by others and came to this world.

I thought it would be a glorious life, I thought it would be an amazing life, but I didn't expect that I was just a pawn of others.

Perhaps it was some kind of belief, or perhaps it was unwillingness, Lin Yuan shouted desperately.

The next moment, an extremely strange wave gushed out from his body, instantly enveloping all the spirits present.

"You will all be buried with me!"

At this moment, Lin Yuan let go of all his thoughts and didn't care whether he would die or not. He simply drained all the energy in his body.

The vast amount of vital energy turned into chaos, seeming to engulf everything.


Almost in the blink of an eye, dozens of spirits at the forefront were swallowed up by the excess and turned into nothingness before they could even put up any resistance.

The remaining spirits wanted to escape from this chaos, but the excessive amount of it seemed to have a huge suction force, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not break free.

"no no!"

After a moment, accompanied by unwilling roars, all the spirits were swallowed up by the chaos and disappeared.