
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 194: Tomb Riot

"This is the territory of my Sword Sect. You are acting recklessly here, but are you prepared to die here?"

The Sword Sect's ancestor looked at the Blood Demon's embarrassed figure, and his calm voice contained unimaginable anger.

"Ancestor..." Li Xiaoyao smiled bitterly, his eyes full of self-blame.

"You don't have to do this. The South Territory has been peaceful for too long, and you have been at ease for too long. If you encounter an enemy of equal strength, you will be at a loss."

The old ancestor glanced at Li Xiaoyao calmly, and then thought of the scene in which many Sword Sect disciples had no fear of death before. There was a little more relief in his eyes, and he said: "No matter what, this time my Sword Sect can go through the disaster together, which is not a disgrace to my Sword Sect. You, as the Sword Sect Master, have done a good job for the ancestors of the Sword Sect."

"Thank you, ancestor."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoyao felt a little comforted and his complexion gradually returned to normal.

The Blood Demon looked at the old ancestor with a gloomy face, and he already had some thoughts of retreating in his heart.

He knew that the old man in front of him was much stronger than himself. If he continued like this, he might end up in trouble.

Thinking of this, the Blood Demon laughed strangely and said, "I didn't expect that there is a strong man like you hidden in the Sword Sect. It is beyond my expectation."

The old ancestor did not respond, but just stared at the blood demon coldly.

"Hehe..., I admit defeat this time, but next time, you won't be so lucky."

After saying that, the Blood Demon turned around and was about to leave.

"You're here and you still want to leave?"

A sharp light flashed in the old ancestor's eyes, and then in a flash, he came in front of the blood demon and suddenly stretched out his left hand.

The seemingly ordinary grab put tremendous pressure on the blood demon's mind and body.

He offered almost no resistance, his body seemed unable to move, and he could only watch death approach.


At this moment, a dazzling red light suddenly flashed between the blood demon's eyebrows.

The old ancestor paused for a moment under the red light.

At this moment, the space behind the Blood Demon suddenly fluctuated and then disappeared.

The old ancestor watched all this woodenly, with a hint of surprise and contemplation in his calm eyes.

"Ancestor..." Li Xiaoyao looked in surprise at the place where the Blood Demon disappeared, his face full of confusion.

"Tell the disciples to pack up, and you and I will go to the main hall."

The old ancestor took one look at the devastated Sword Sect Square, turned around and disappeared.

Li Xiaoyao gave some instructions and followed closely into the main hall.

At this moment, the hall seemed a little dim, and the old ancestor was sitting cross-legged on the high platform with a serious expression.

"Ancestor, what happened just now?"

Seeing that the old ancestor remained silent for a long time, Li Xiaoyao couldn't help but ask.

"That should be the life-saving method left for him by the real person behind the scenes."

The ancestor spoke calmly.


Li Xiaoyao was extremely surprised and his heart suddenly became heavy.

He couldn't imagine how powerful the mastermind behind this could be, to allow the Blood Demon to escape unscathed in front of everyone.

…deep in the ancient tomb.

The water in the pool was churning, constantly impacting Lin Yuan's body, and endless energy suddenly poured into his body.

His body also swelled up, getting bigger and bigger, and finally there was a puff, and it returned to its original shape like a deflated balloon.

The next moment, it expanded again, and then returned to normal.

This went on for who knows how long, as the water in the pool became less and less, and Lin Yuan's aura became stronger and stronger.

"The late stage of the Profound Life Realm, perfection, the early, middle and late stages of the Profound Death Realm..." A few days later, as the ancient tomb shook violently, Lin Yuan successfully broke through and entered the Wheel of Life Realm!

"It looks like he has already mastered the trick and is not far from fully comprehending the power of the void."

Emperor Void looked at this scene and smiled with relief.


At this moment, a violent explosion occurred from under the ancient cemetery, and then a strange formation appeared on the ground.

The Void Emperor looked at the ground with a calm expression.

"It seems that after tens of thousands of years, these guys still haven't given up the idea of ​​escaping from here."



Boom! "

One, two, three... violent collisions continued to be heard from underground. The Void Emperor looked at Lin Yuan, and a sense of urgency appeared in his calm heart.

The pool was still half full. If the seal was broken at this moment, all the efforts would be wasted, which he did not want to see.

"Forget it, maybe this is fate."

After a moment's silence, the Void Emperor sighed and made a decision.

His body radiated a dazzling light, which then turned into starlight and quickly merged into the formation on the ground.

The next moment, the entire formation suddenly lit up, as if it was injected with endless energy, and the sound of the collision dissipated.

"Hehehe..., Xukong, do you think we can't get out like this?

You underestimate us!"

Deep underground, on the last level of the ancient tomb, hundreds of spirits gathered there, staring at the faintly visible formation in the sky, their eyes filled with endless enthusiasm and desire.

"Hehe, after tens of thousands of years, we are finally leaving this damn place!"

"This time, I will massacre everyone in the entire Southern Territory!"

"Hmph, I will make the descendants of the Void live a life worse than death!" For a moment, these spirits roared excitedly, and their words were filled with bloodthirstiness and murderous intent!

"Okay, let's work together to break this seal!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and everyone used all their strength to fiercely attack the sealing formation.

The pain of being sealed for ten thousand years had already turned them into wild beasts that only knew how to kill. They charged and roared madly, with only the desire for freedom in their eyes.

In the pool, Lin Yuan frowned. Although he was unable to move now, he understood everything that happened in the outside world, including the fact that the Void used his last bit of strength to strengthen the seal to help him delay time.

"Hurry up.

Hurry up! "

Lin Yuan kept urging himself deep down in his heart, and the speed at which he absorbed the pool water continued to increase.

Unconsciously, Lin Yuan suddenly recalled the scene when he borrowed the power of the void. That powerful force will be unforgettable for him.

Soon, he was addicted to it and forgot everything else.

After an unknown amount of time or year, a strange energy suddenly appeared in Lin Yuan's body. This energy was like a starving beggar, madly devouring and absorbing Lin Yuan's vitality. In almost an instant, all the vitality in his body was absorbed.

The next moment, this energy seemed unsatisfied and attached itself to Lin Yuan's skin through the meridians, madly absorbing the energy in the pool water.

Under this crazy absorption, the pool water was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Suddenly, a violent vibration was heard, and the formation floating on the ground exploded. Countless extremely terrifying auras burst out from the ground, along with countless figures exuding suffocating murderous intent!