
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 196 Metamorphosis


With a loud roar, the tomb door standing in front of Bai Tianyi and Yan Lu collapsed, and then the scene behind the tomb door appeared in front of the two.

"What…what's going on?"

Yan Lu was confused, and then she saw Lin Yuan lying unconscious in the pool.

The two of them quickly came to Lin Yuan and wanted to help him up, but were stopped by Bai Tianyi's shout.


Yan Lu turned and looked at Bai Tianyi, her face full of confusion and puzzlement.

Bai Tianyi did not answer, but frowned and looked at the pool of water, his expression gradually becoming shocked.

"Such...such pure heaven and earth energy!"

Bai Tianyi couldn't help but take a breath and stared at the pool of water, with a hint of heat in his eyes.

"Okay, stop looking."

"Let's think of a way to save Lin Yuan. I think he must have gone through an unimaginably difficult battle."

Yan Lu rolled her eyes at Bai Tianyi and said cautiously.

Bai Tianyi finally came back to his senses, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Even he sometimes had to envy Lin Yuan's good opportunities.




...In another world, in a quiet castle.

Loki closed his eyes, half lying on the throne, resting quietly.

"That brat has completely grown up."

Suddenly, a black mist floated into the castle and turned into a black air mass. Yin Xi's words made Loki open his eyes.


Are you worried?

Loki looked at the black gas, a hint of disgust flashed across his eyes, and then he said with a smile.

"We should move up our plans. We can't let those two brats continue to grow up, otherwise everything will be burned to ashes."

The air mass did not answer Loki's question, but continued to speak sinisterly.

"Burning it?

Who do you think I am?"

Hearing this, Loki's eyes flashed with a bone-chilling cold light and a terrifying aura, causing ripples in the air.

Loki's arrogance made Qi Tuan very unhappy.

For him, all unstable factors should be nipped in the bud as early as possible, so that he can complete his plan 100%.

"You have already failed once, so you should understand that this is your last chance."

A black cloud floated above the castle, and the strange sound was somewhat chilling.

"If you fail again this time, you will be completely wiped out and you won't have any chance anymore."

"Shut up!"

Loki let out a deafening roar, staring at the black gas with red eyes, and terrifying murderous intent burst out from his body.

"I will never make the same mistake again. Whoever dares to stop me will die, including you!"

The black gas ball was not frightened by Loki's murderous words, and continued calmly: "Then what are you waiting for?

We must take action now and kill those two people. We must not let them ruin our good deeds."

Hearing this, Loki calmed down his anger slightly and sat down again, his expression a little gloomy.

"Now is not the time. There are many Samsara Mirror masters in the Southern Region, especially the white-robed old man from the Sword Sect."

"If I want to kill them all, I will need to spend a lot of energy."

The black gas mass was silent for a while after hearing this, and then continued: "Then kill that little brat named Lin Dong first."

Loki looked at the black gas with cold eyes and said mockingly, "You seem to be more anxious than me?"

The black gas mass did not refute, but said indifferently: "The Heavenly Dao has noticed my existence, and it is almost too late."

"That little brat named Lin Dong carries with him the great fortune of the Heavenly Dao. If I can't kill him in the cradle early, I will be worried."

Hearing this, Loki was silent for a moment, and said in a cold voice: "Lin Dong has already joined the top sect, and he has also obtained the inheritance of Fu Zu, so it is even more difficult to kill him."

"Especially since the Heavenly Dao has noticed us, if we are not careful, all our efforts will fail."

"I will not take this risk."

As he spoke, Loki looked towards the blood pool. After thinking for a moment, he seemed to have made a decision and said, "You go to the South Region to make arrangements first. I will follow shortly."


Or should we kill that little devil called Lin Yuan first?"

Loki nodded and said coldly: "Those people in the South Territory are more troublesome, but as long as we are well prepared, I believe we can still deal with it quickly."

"In that case, I'll go get ready first."

The black gas mass had no traces of ink and floated out of the castle in an instant, disappearing from Loki's sight.

Loki looked at the pool of blood with a cold face, and there was a hint of chill in his eyes.

"Lin Yuan, I wanted to spare your life, but unfortunately, you have become a hindrance to me, so you must die!"

…inside the ancient tomb.

Lin Yuan floated in the pool, the energy in his body flowing quietly.

Bai Tianyi and Yan Lu sat by the pool, thinking hard about a good plan.

"I gave him this pill, but why is there no effect after so long?"

Yan Lu frowned and asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Bai Tianyi thought about it for a long time, but still had no answer, so he could only suggest: "How about giving him a few more pills?"

After hearing this, Yan Lu couldn't think of any good solution for a moment, so she had to take out three round red pills again and stuff them into Lin Yuan's mouth.

Before long, a ray of sword energy surged out from Lin Yuan's body, and then rapidly swirled around him.

This wisp of sword energy was very strange. It was pitch black in color and emitted a green glow, which looked very weird.

What surprised the two men the most was that this ray of sword intent was madly devouring the vitality of heaven and earth in the pool, and continuously feeding it back into Lin Yuan's body.

Soon, Lin Yuan's aura rose steadily, and within a short while, he broke through to the late stage of the Wheel-Turning Realm.

"This... this is the power of the void!"

Yan Lu stared at the sword intent, shocked.

As for the power of the void, the entire Southern Region had only heard of it, but had never seen anyone else use it.

When I saw this strange sword intent today, I quickly thought of the legendary power of the void.

"It is said that the power of the void can swallow everything, even this world. Judging from its appearance, it should be."

Bai Tianyi was also a little shocked, but soon calmed down and spoke slowly.

"No wonder this fellow Lin Yuan can absorb the pure energy in this pool of water so recklessly. It turns out that he relies on the power of the void."

"It seems reasonable that he was able to break through to the late stage of the Wheel-turning Realm in such a short time."

Yan Lu sighed, feeling mixed emotions, unable to tell whether she was feeling envy or jealousy.

However, just as the two were distracted, Lin Yuan quietly opened his eyes, and a powerful aura gushed out from his body, sweeping around.

Almost in an instant, the water in the pool dried up, and his aura suddenly rose at this moment, and finally stopped at the early stage of the Samsara Mirror!