
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

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Chapter 193 Fierce Battle

In the vast square of the Sword Sect, thousands of Sword Sect disciples were filled with righteous indignation and scolded the Blood Demon.

They didn't care at all that the other party was a strong man of the Samsara Mirror, and kept uttering all kinds of insulting words, making the Blood Demon's face gloomy.


The blood demon roared angrily, and a terrifying pressure spread out.

In an instant, the powerful feeling of oppression caused most of the Sword Sect's disciples to spit blood from their mouths and their faces suddenly turned pale.

Only a few disciples relied on their strong willpower to withstand this overwhelming pressure.

"I'll say it again. Hand over Lin Yuan and I will spare your lives. Otherwise, the Sword Sect will perish!"

The Blood Demon had a cold face and murderous eyes as he swept across the entire square. Anyone who looked at him lowered their heads unconsciously.


At this moment, a voice as calm as water suddenly sounded. Everyone looked and saw Li Xiaoyao leaping into the sky and looking at the Blood Demon at eye level.

"The reason why our Sword Sect was established and has been able to stand for ten thousand years is because of its unity. We will never betray our fellow sect members."

"If you want to fight, then fight. There's no need to say more!"

These words moved all the Sword Sect disciples. They looked fearless and had determination in their eyes, shouting that their Sect Master was mighty.

Seeing that his threat not only failed to scare the people of the Sword Sect, but instead made them united in their hatred of the enemy, the Blood Demon's face became even gloomier, and a strong murderous intent emerged from his body.

"Since you are determined to seek death, don't blame me."

After saying that, the Blood Demon stretched out his left hand, and then clenched it tightly. Dozens of Sword Sect disciples suddenly mutated and exploded to death.

Li Xiaoyao's face suddenly darkened, and without further ado, a long sword appeared out of thin air in his hand, and then he slashed with it.

The terrifying sword light cut through the sky and quickly flew towards the blood demon.

The blood demon sneered with disdain.

I saw the blood-colored energy condensing in his hand, and then turned into a giant blood-colored hand, which tightly grasped the sword light.


Almost instantly, the sword light was torn apart by the bloody hand, turned into starlight, and disappeared.

Then, the bloody hand did not stop, but flipped its palm and rushed straight to Li Xiaoyao's face.

Facing this palm, Li Xiaoyao did not dodge, but raised his sword and inserted it straight into the palm of his hand.

The next moment, red flames appeared on the blade and then spread.

Soon, the entire bloody hand was covered in flames, and eventually turned into nothing under the burning flames.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao's face suddenly changed. He felt the blood vessels in his body expanding and seemed to be about to burst at any time.


The Blood Demon smiled coldly and clenched his right hand.

In his opinion, even if this unexpected attack could not kill Li Xiaoyao, it would at least cause him serious injuries.

But after a moment, Li Xiaoyao's face gradually calmed down, and he no longer looked as painful as before.

This change surprised the Blood Demon a little, and his expression gradually became solemn. He said, "It seems that you have found a way to resist my control over your bloodline."

Li Xiaoyao exhaled and said calmly: "Next, I won't give you another chance."

After saying this, a terrifying and sharp sword energy surged out of Li Xiaoyao's body, and then swept around like a strong wind.

Being at the center of this sword energy, the Blood Demon's expression gradually became serious, and a hint of scarlet flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Purple Sky Sword Technique, one sword to the sky!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, the sword energy spinning in the sky began to spin even faster, like a tornado.

And at the top of this tornado, a huge sword blade is gradually condensing, exuding a terrifying sword intent that makes people chilled.

The Blood Demon looked up at the long sword that was gradually condensing, his eyes full of fear.

He could feel the terrifying power contained in that sword.

"The blood sea is endless!"

At this moment, the Blood Demon no longer held back. The blood-red energy poured out like a flood, enveloping him.

"Humph, I want to see what waves you ants can stir up!"

"The blood demon's hand!"

In the blink of an eye, a huge bloody hand several dozen feet long slowly stretched out from the sea of ​​blood, and then grasped the sword blade, as if to crush it!

"Boom" the two energies that could destroy the world expanded violently. The overflowing energy dispersed the clouds in the entire sky. The entire space seemed to be collapsing and shook violently.

Li Xiaoyao watched all this quietly, his expression extremely calm.

After about a moment, the sword blade took shape, and the rotating sword energy began to flow into the sword blade. The huge force directly bounced the bloody hand away. The terrifying pressure filled the sky like a mountain and could not be dispelled.


With a low groan from Li Xiaoyao, the sword blade fell rapidly with unparalleled power, leaving a deep mark wherever it passed!

"Break it for me!


The blood demon's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the vital energy in his body surged out crazily, then turned into a blood dragon and collided with it.


In an instant, two forces emerged one after another, and a crack was created!

"Whoosh~" A space storm blew up in the crack, sweeping across the entire sky. Li Xiaoyao and the Blood Demon were both caught in it, unable to escape.

Not long after, the earth collapsed, the mountains exploded, and countless huge cracks appeared on the square. Even some disciples of the Sword Sect could not help but tremble because of this destructive force, with horror and fear in their eyes!


. .

Is it a battle between strong people in the realm of reincarnation?

It's definitely not what we imagined!"

"Just the pressure it radiates makes me unable to move. If I put all my strength into it, perhaps the entire Southern Region will be destroyed!" For a moment, the moods of many Sword Sect disciples fluctuated, and some even felt despair.

They couldn't imagine whether they could survive in the face of such a desperate force.

At this moment, a gentle green light shot out from afar and enveloped every disciple.

The next moment, an old man in white appeared in front of everyone. He seemed to have a reassuring power, which gradually stabilized everyone's mood.

"It's the ancestor!

The ancestor is here!"

"We are saved!"

~For a moment, a cheerful voice resounded through the sky, as if with the presence of the old man in white, all problems could be solved.


Yu Kongzi walked to the side of the ancestor with a hint of guilt in his eyes.

"It's okay. This is not something you can get involved in. Just settle the disciples."

The old ancestor smiled lightly, his eyes looked up into the sky, then he waved his sleeves lightly, and a brilliant green light instantly dissolved the destructive fluctuations, revealing the figures of the Blood Demon and Li Xiaoyao.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao's face was slightly pale and he was breathing heavily.

On the other side, the Blood Demon did not suffer any injuries, but there were several sword blades on his robe, which was tattered and looked a little embarrassed.

However, he no longer cared about these things. His eyes were fixed on the old ancestor who suddenly appeared, with an unprecedented solemnity on his face.