
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 187 Disaster in the Southern Region

In the dim hall, Chi Li sat upright on a chair with his eyes closed and focused.

"Thump thump..." The sound of footsteps was heard, and Chi Li slowly opened his eyes.

"Master Chili, our whereabouts have been exposed. People from the five major sects are approaching here at a rapid speed."

Qiu Qianmo said this respectfully, the worry on his face becoming more and more intense.

"You did a good job. There is nothing for you to do next. Let's leave here."

Chi Li did not stand up, but just said something lightly and closed his eyes again.

Seeing Chi Li like this, Qiu Qianmo wanted to speak several times, but in the end he couldn't say anything and could only sigh and leave.

Outside the hall, a group of elites from the Blood Soul Hall gathered there. They looked at Qiu Qianmo with confusion in their eyes.

"Palace Master, is it really okay to do this?"

Qiu Qianmo shook his head slightly, looking into the distance, and then said: "No matter what, things are beyond our control, let's retreat first."

"Is that sir really sure he can deal with the five major sects?"

This question expressed what was in everyone's mind. They looked at Qiu Qianmo expectantly, wanting to get the answer from him.

But how could Qiu Qianmo understand the extent of Chi Li's strength and whether he could fight against the strong men from the five major sects.

At this point, he can only choose to believe the other party.

Thinking of this, Qiu Qianmo shook his head and said calmly: "The Lord has his own considerations, there is no need for us to worry too much."

"Now that this place has been exposed, prepare to retreat."


When Qiu Qianmo spoke, no one dared to object. They quickly saluted and then followed Qiu Qianmo to leave secretly.

…On a small hill a hundred miles east of the Blood Soul Palace, hundreds of disciples from the five major sects gathered here.

"Deacon Huang, according to the information, the group is less than a hundred miles ahead."

A disciple stepped forward and said respectfully.

Standing in front of these disciples were five deacons from the five major sects.

Deacon Huang is the Sword Sect's elder deacon. He is also the most powerful of the five deacons, possessing the cultivation level of the middle stage of the Wheel-Turning Realm.

"These people have been hiding for so many days without being discovered, but suddenly their whereabouts are exposed. Could there be a bomb?"

The deacon elder of Biyun Sect frowned slightly and asked in a doubtful voice.

"Do you know where that place is?"

Deacon Huang also frowned, turned his head to look at the disciples behind him and asked.

"It seems to be a branch of the Blood Soul Hall."

"Blood Soul Hall?"

Deacon Huang was slightly stunned. He still had some impression of this force.

These days, they have entered the secular world and have gained a general understanding of some of the more powerful forces in the secular world, including the Blood Soul Palace.

"This Blood Soul Hall seems to be a killer organization, right?"

"In this way, even if we destroy it, it won't cause too much unrest."

Deacon Huang felt a little uneasy when he heard what the other deacons said.

He didn't understand where this uneasiness came from. Could it be that there were also strong people at the level of the Wheel of Time in the Blood Soul Palace?

"No, it shouldn't be possible. A Wheel-Turning Realm expert is already the top expert in the Southern Region. Apart from the five major sects, there is no way such an expert can exist in the secular world."

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Deacon Huang looked into the distance again.

"Have you notified the sect?"

"I've already notified you. It will probably take an hour for you to get here."

"Deacon Huang, should we wait for the people from the sect?"

Upon hearing this question, Deacon Huang also looked embarrassed.

An hour is not long, but it is enough for this group of people to escape.

If that's the case, he can't escape blame.

"Let's surround this group of people first, and then the five of us will go and find out what's going on."

Soon, Deacon Huang made a decision.

"Deacon Huang's suggestion is very good. With the strength of the five of us, we can resist even the late stage of the Wheel of Reincarnation. This can also minimize some casualties."

The deacon elder of Biyun Sect nodded and agreed with Deacon Huang's proposal.

"You are too cautious. It's just a Blood Soul Palace. I can wipe them out by myself."

The elder deacon of the Wuyin Sect had an arrogant look on his face, and a look of disdain.

"It's always a good idea to be cautious. This matter has caused the Sect Master to be so concerned. They are definitely not ordinary people."

Deacon Huang looked solemn, his eyes full of thought.

Until now, he still didn't understand why the other party deliberately exposed his whereabouts and let them know.

"Now is a critical moment. We cannot miss this opportunity. Let's act quickly."

Although the deacon elder of Danzong also felt that this was a bit too cautious, he did not object.

More than a month has passed since he came to the sect, and he really doesn't want to waste any more time.

Everyone nodded and quickly flew towards the Blood Soul Hall branch.

A distance of a hundred miles might take several days for ordinary people, but for them, it is only half an incense stick of time.

"You guys surround this place first. If anything unusual happens, don't worry about anything else and contact the sect."

Deacon Huang gave some instructions and then came out of the hall with the other four deacons.

At this moment, the entire branch seemed particularly deserted, with no one there.

"Have they already run away?"

The deacon elder of the Wuyin Sect was very unhappy and had a gloomy face.

He finally tracked their whereabouts, but they still escaped, which made him very upset.

Deacon Huang frowned, feeling increasingly uneasy.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Without saying much, the five people came to the hall and saw Chi Li sitting on the chair at a glance.

"You guys are here?"

Chi Li glanced at the five people indifferently, then he opened his spiritual sense and discovered other people hiding around, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, yes, there are so many people, it should be enough."

"Who are you?"

Deacon Huang looked at Chi Li's face with a serious expression.

No matter how he investigated, he couldn't see through the opponent's strength, which made him secretly frightened.

You have to know that he is in the middle stage of the Wheel-Turning Realm. It is impossible to hide your strength in front of him unless the other party is a being that surpasses him.

"Could it be that the other party is a strong man in the late stage of the Wheel-turning Realm?"

Thinking of this possibility, Deacon Huang felt a little depressed.

"Humph, you little rat, where are the others? Call them out."

The deacon elder of the Biyun Sect snorted coldly and shouted.

Chi Li looked at him coldly but said nothing, and showed his evil smile again.

"Don't waste time talking to him, let's attack together and kill him."

After saying that, the deacon elder of Biyun Sect appeared first, slapped out with one palm, and the terrifying vitality turned into a strong wind and attacked Chi Li.

Chi Li did not move at all, allowing the strong wind to hit his body, but he was not hurt at all.

"Be careful, this person is very strange."

Deacon Huang had a serious look on his face, and his alertness grew.

"The blood sea is endless!"

Chi Li said calmly, and the blood-red energy turned into blood and flowed in all directions.

Soon, the entire hall was invaded by blood. A terrifying suction force burst out from the blood, and the vitality in the five people's bodies disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!