
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

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Chapter 188 Destruction

"Not good, retreat quickly!"

Deacon Huang's face changed drastically, he roared, and retreated violently.

The remaining four people also reacted quickly and followed Deacon Huang to retreat out the door.

"It's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out."

Chi Li sneered, flipped his palm, and blood surged up into the sky, forming a wall of blood on all sides, blocking the five people's retreat.

"Get out of the way, let me do it!"

Deacon Huang roared, and the vital energy in his body quickly flowed into his palm and turned over, and then he slapped out with one palm, and the light green vital energy turned into a sharp sword energy, hitting the wall of blood and water, and cutting a huge hole.

But before the five people could be happy, the blood surged again and the troublesome hole disappeared in an instant.

This scene frightened the five people and made their faces even uglier. They all looked at Chi Li at the same time.

"Go together!"

The five of them looked at each other, and then burst out with incomparably powerful aura at the same time.

Under this breath, the hall collapsed with a loud bang and turned into a pile of ruins.

Chi Li's expression remained the same, with disdain flashing across his eyes, and at the same time, an even more terrifying aura burst out from his body!

"The peak of the Wheel-turning Realm!"

The five people's faces changed drastically. They never expected that the other party's strength would be so terrifying.

"Whether it's you or those who are lying in ambush, you will all become nutrients today."

Chi Li sneered, then put his hands together, and blood-red energy continuously flowed out of his body and merged into the blood.

In a few breaths, the blood turned into a sea of ​​blood, spreading in all directions.

Deacon Huang knew that he could not escape death today, so he took out a jade token, crushed it fiercely, and said with a resolute expression: "Deacons, I am afraid we can not escape death today."

"But before you die, you must take the person in front of you with you. Otherwise, all the disciples of my five major sects will be harmed by him."

"Elder Huang is right. For the future of our five major sects, we cannot let him leave here alive!"

The deacon elder of the Wuyin Sect nodded in agreement, with a determined look on his face.

"A mantis trying to stop a chariot is overestimating one's own strength."

Chi Li sneered, and the sea of ​​blood continued to spread in all directions.

Soon, the area within a hundred miles was engulfed by the sea of ​​blood, and the disciples of the five major sects were struggling frantically in the sea of ​​blood.


For a moment, colorful energy flickered in the sea of ​​blood, accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds.

However, the roar did not cause much commotion and soon calmed down.

Dozens of corpses appeared on the sea of ​​blood. Deacon Huang could tell at a glance that they were disciples of the five major sects.


The five deacons were furious and each used their powerful martial arts to attack Chi Li together.

The powerful force caused the space to vibrate, but Chi Li remained calm.

I saw blood rising into the sky and turning into a huge water column, blocking Chi Li's way.

The powerful attacks of the five deacons were all swallowed up by it and eventually turned into nutrients for the sea of ​​blood.

"In the face of absolute strength, all resistance is futile."

Chi Li looked indifferently at the five people who were struggling hard, glanced around, and then formed a seal again.

"It's over, the blood sea is endless!"

In an instant, the sea of ​​blood surged and turned into several water columns, rushing straight into the sky.

Under the erosion of the sea of ​​blood, the sky also turned blood red and blood rained.

Although the five deacons tried their best to break out, as their vital energy was lost, their faces turned pale and they kept gasping for breath.

…Sword Sect.

"Master, something terrible has happened!"

A young disciple rushed into the hall in a panic and knelt on the ground uneasily, completely lacking his previous composure and calmness.

"Why are you panicking? What happened?"

Li Xiaoyao frowned slightly, very dissatisfied with the disciple's misconduct, and could not help but scold him loudly.

The young disciple calmed down a little after hearing Li Xiaoyao's scolding.

Then, he said with a heavy look: "Master, the jade token left by Deacon Huang is broken!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the faces of everyone present changed.

"what happened?

Tell me in detail!"

Li Xiaoyao stood up, his face cold, and said in a deep voice.

The young disciple did not dare to hide it, and told the story of how Deacon Huang had discovered the group's base and then led people from the five major sects to investigate.

"Half an incense stick ago, Deacon Huang's jade token was still fine, but suddenly... it shattered."

The more Li Xiaoyao listened, the uglier his expression became.

He knew that the situation might be worse than he imagined, and the strength of the person behind the scenes might have reached the realm of reincarnation.

"Grand Elder, go contact the people from the four major sects. I want to go there in person."

Without thinking too much, Li Xiaoyao turned into a green light after giving an order and rushed to the scene of the incident at the fastest speed.

There was a hint of worry between Yu Kongzi's brows. He felt that this matter was not as simple as he had imagined, and it might be a conspiracy of the enemy.

"Quickly notify the four major sects and inform them of the specific situation, and invite them to gather at the Sword Sect."


The young disciple hurriedly agreed and then left quickly.

…"It's over…" Chi Li looked at the five deacons who had exhausted their energy with cold eyes.

"This time, the three of them should be able to wake up."

After saying that, Chi Li summoned three blood-red crystals out of thin air and placed them into the sea of ​​blood.

The three crystals simultaneously emitted a blood-red light that reached the sky.

Under the illumination of the blood-red light, the sea of ​​blood was rapidly sucked into the crystal. Deacon Huang and the other five people saw this scene and finally understood why the other party suddenly exposed their whereabouts.

"Destroy those three crystals and never let the other party succeed in their plot!"

After he finished speaking, Deacon Huang drew the sword from his waist, injected his remaining energy into the sword, and then swung it in the air.

A sword light hundreds of feet long flew towards the three crystals.

When Chi Li saw this scene, he did not stop it, but just watched it all quietly.

At this moment, the sword light passed through the three crystals and fell into the sea of ​​blood, causing a wave.


There was a sound of shattering, and a crack appeared on the surface of the three crystals. Then more and more cracks appeared, and finally they exploded.

Three figures slowly emerged from the crystal.

They all had a pair of blood-red wings and exuded an unhindered and powerful aura.

"It's still a step too late!"

Deacon Huang's face was terribly gloomy, and he was filled with regret.

If he had been willing to wait a little longer until the sect's support arrived, perhaps all this tragedy would not have happened.

"Chi Li, where is this place?"

Among the three figures, a sturdy man looked around, frowned slightly, and asked.

"This is a closed area. The reason I resurrected the three of you is to kill one person."

Chi Li came in front of the three people in an instant and said in a calm voice.

"Kill who?"

The man didn't care about the reason, he only cared about who needed to be killed.

"Lin Yuan!"